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Thread: Best SEED Gundam

  1. #21
    Missing Nin
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    Best SEED Gundam

    I must admit I really do like Strike Freedom basically because they took Freedom which is already a amazing looking suit and found ways to improve upon that suit.

    Infinite Justice is still to early to really tell I was not a huge fan of justice or any of the suits with the GIANT backpacks they just look silly.

    Overall though I like the Goufs the best they arn't gundams but they seem to be the most orignal of the suits being used in GSD as most every other model is just a complete rehash with differn't weapons stuck on them.

    I must also admit I like Gaia and Abyss quite a bit as for transforming gundams they have 2 good modes unlike say Chaos which looks absolutely terrible in its alternate and regular modes due to the giant drums glued to the back of it.

    Personally as for Aegis the concept was good the mobile armor mode looked like poo.

    Of the orignal 5 I have to say they all had some nice unique atributes and Yes Terra I think Yzak's Dual was very well done expecially with the reasonable upgrade of the assault shroud.

    I also must say I liked Strike MUCH better then destiny considering the color change for each silloute was simply a blantant attempt to sell more models. On the plus side this was fixed with Destiny.

    As for both Providence and Legend I absolutely HATE these models the backpacks with dragoons along with the round turtle shell on the back just look appauling to me atleast. I'm a much bigger fan of how Strike freedom can store its Dragoon units without affecting the mechs operation.

  2. #22
    ANBU Captain aznimperialx's Avatar
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    Best SEED Gundam

    Hell. Freedom, Strike Freedom. Yea, they are all the same. But like I said. Freedom has been my favorite MS so give it a dragoon system and some awesome golden parts to look the god part and you have a slightly upgraded version of my favorite MS. So yeah. SF rocks.

    i bet u like it because it has alot of fire power and what u mean slightly. It Changed so much! They just stuck other powerful stuff into the freedom to make it truely godly which is stupid

  3. #23
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Best SEED Gundam

    Originally posted by: aznimperialx
    Hell. Freedom, Strike Freedom. Yea, they are all the same. But like I said. Freedom has been my favorite MS so give it a dragoon system and some awesome golden parts to look the god part and you have a slightly upgraded version of my favorite MS. So yeah. SF rocks.

    i bet u like it because it has alot of fire power and what u mean slightly. It Changed so much! They just stuck other powerful stuff into the freedom to make it truely godly which is stupid
    Hey buddy. I'm not defending God Freedom here so you know. When I mean slightly, I mean appereance. I'm not talking about weapons. They just changed the wing span, added some gold touches, and the rest you don't really notice until he actually fights. Okay, the chest cannon you can notice but thats about it. Though I can't say I don't like his arsenal of various weapons. Don't treat me like some noob who doesn't take in cosideration Freedoms Godly power.

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
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  4. #24

    Best SEED Gundam

    Mine favorite is Forbidden and The ASTRAY from the series especily the blue one even if SF is so nice

  5. #25
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Best SEED Gundam

    Another nice one is Dreadnought Gundam. The design is pretty cool and its not that well known

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  6. #26

    Best SEED Gundam

    Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
    This is for all those gundam fanboys because i want to hear your reasoning to why you like <u>THAT</u> gundam. My favs right now are Destiny, because I have never seen a moble suit drain a NUCULAR REACTOR(OMFG), and Strike Freedom because of that awsome debut fight.
    destiny does not have a nuclear reacter, it's special battery
    my favourite c.e. gundam is blitz, cuz it's black(my favourite colour) and original design compare to the others in the series

    Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
    Another nice one is Dreadnought Gundam. The design is pretty cool and its not that well known
    dreadnought is from MSV, it's the prototype for freedom, justice and's pretty nice i must say...but dreadnought H looks better than final form

  7. #27

    Best SEED Gundam

    Astray Red Frame - The Gerbera Straight rocks!
    Gold Frame Amatu Mina Custom - Astray+Blitz=Drooling

  8. #28
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Best SEED Gundam

    GS - Aile Strike Gundam
    GSD - Sword Impulse Gundam
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  9. #29

    Best SEED Gundam

    Actually Desinty does have a nuclear reactor...

    well according to wikipedia...which may not always be right...but heck where else can u get information on imaginery technology

    The hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor is a hybrid system created by ZAFT which combines a nuclear fission reactor with a deuterion beam system. The mechanics of this system are unknown, but hyper-deuterion reactors are more powerful and efficient than conventional fission reactors, but require a hyper capacitor battery and recharging, which effectively makes it having a shorter operation time. The hyper-deuterion reactor is currently used by the ZGMF-X42S Destiny and ZGMF-X666S Legend The "G.U.N.D.A.M" acronym for mobile suits with a hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor is Gunnery United Nuclear-Deuterion Advanced Maneuver.

    SEED: Providence

    Destiny: Destiny and SF

  10. #30
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    Best SEED Gundam

    i've always like impulse and destiny...most probably because i like shinn... ^_^V

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  11. #31

    Best SEED Gundam

    SEED: Blitz
    GSD: Sword Impulse

  12. #32
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Best SEED Gundam

    To whoever said Justice's flightpack was silly, that flightpack is awesome. Without it Justice would be garbage.

  13. #33

    Best SEED Gundam

    i forgot to say why...

    Destiny because of all the new Mobile suits clearly it has the least amount of firepower...yet it`s so destructive...i think it`s the ship-sword...Shinn is a ship-sword whore...

    SF because it`s just badass...

    Providence because before Freedom finished off providence it was toying with anyone near it on the battlefiled...while destroying METEOR it was tearing Dearka's suit also scrapped Mwu's suit...and almost laid waste to freedom...except for the whole beam saber through the chest incident...but still it`s badass nonetheless.

  14. #34

    Best SEED Gundam

    Originally posted by: fox_t
    i forgot to say why...

    Destiny because of all the new Mobile suits clearly it has the least amount of firepower...yet it`s so destructive...i think it`s the ship-sword...Shinn is a ship-sword whore...

    SF because it`s just badass...

    Providence because before Freedom finished off providence it was toying with anyone near it on the battlefiled...while destroying METEOR it was tearing Dearka's suit also scrapped Mwu's suit...and almost laid waste to freedom...except for the whole beam saber through the chest incident...but still it`s badass nonetheless.
    Well Destiny Gundam is hardly sword-whore.
    Sword Impulse is all-swords [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] And it can even combine both.

  15. #35

    Best SEED Gundam

    Originally posted by: Marcis
    Originally posted by: fox_t
    i forgot to say why...

    Destiny because of all the new Mobile suits clearly it has the least amount of firepower...yet it`s so destructive...i think it`s the ship-sword...Shinn is a ship-sword whore...

    SF because it`s just badass...

    Providence because before Freedom finished off providence it was toying with anyone near it on the battlefiled...while destroying METEOR it was tearing Dearka's suit also scrapped Mwu's suit...and almost laid waste to freedom...except for the whole beam saber through the chest incident...but still it`s badass nonetheless.
    Well Destiny Gundam is hardly sword-whore.
    Sword Impulse is all-swords [img][/img] And it can even combine both.

    true...but i still stand by my original statement...that Shinn is a ship-sword whore...

  16. #36
    ANBU Captain aznimperialx's Avatar
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    Best SEED Gundam

    How is Shin a anti ship Whore?

  17. #37

    Best SEED Gundam

    Originally posted by: fox_t
    Actually Desinty does have a nuclear reactor...

    well according to wikipedia...which may not always be right...but heck where else can u get information on imaginery technology

    The hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor is a hybrid system created by ZAFT which combines a nuclear fission reactor with a deuterion beam system. The mechanics of this system are unknown, but hyper-deuterion reactors are more powerful and efficient than conventional fission reactors, but require a hyper capacitor battery and recharging, which effectively makes it having a shorter operation time. The hyper-deuterion reactor is currently used by the ZGMF-X42S Destiny and ZGMF-X666S Legend The "G.U.N.D.A.M" acronym for mobile suits with a hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor is Gunnery United Nuclear-Deuterion Advanced Maneuver.

    SEED: Providence

    Destiny: Destiny and SF
    it was off the model instruction booklet of can go check

  18. #38

    Best SEED Gundam

    Originally posted by: aznimperialx
    How is Shin a anti ship Whore?
    shin's giant sword is an anti ship sword. and we all know he loves that sword. that is one of the reasons why he can slice through destroys in like 2 seconds and shields do nothing to stop it. both kira's shield and athrun's sheild were mangaled in one hit by the sword.

  19. #39

    Best SEED Gundam

    Originally posted by: fox_t
    Actually Desinty does have a nuclear reactor...

    well according to wikipedia...which may not always be right...but heck where else can u get information on imaginery technology

    The hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor is a hybrid system created by ZAFT which combines a nuclear fission reactor with a deuterion beam system. The mechanics of this system are unknown, but hyper-deuterion reactors are more powerful and efficient than conventional fission reactors, but require a hyper capacitor battery and recharging, which effectively makes it having a shorter operation time. The hyper-deuterion reactor is currently used by the ZGMF-X42S Destiny and ZGMF-X666S Legend The "G.U.N.D.A.M" acronym for mobile suits with a hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor is Gunnery United Nuclear-Deuterion Advanced Maneuver.

    Theory: From that decription, I get the impression that it has nuclear reactor like Freedom/Justice/Providence except it doesn't power the suit directly, but rather has this 'hyper-capacity' battery thing that it's plugged into. So it sounds like the suit drains the power in the battery (shutting off all the extra features, like phase-shift and the like) and the reactor recharges it whlie the suit remains slightly vulnerable. Sorta like how the Impulse could recharge using the duterion beam from the minerva, but Destiny cuts out the middle man (minerva).

    Edit: A possible explaination for this round-about system is that Dillundal is still technically abiding by the ban on neuclear (powered) weapons, where the Clyne faction is not, which is a reason to go after them, maybe?

    Edit2: And for an on topic point - My favourite is Impulse, the entire Impulse package, that is, not a single shilloette.

  20. #40

    Best SEED Gundam

    @aznimperialx don't worry i'm not bashing's just clear that he loves the ship-sword like campers love the awp.

    @RTX-008L thx for verifying the info

    @Kovash i guess that would be one reason he could use but I thought that treaty was no longer in effect.

    back to the topic...

    i just watched the ending of SEED again today...and Providence was one badass mofo...that thing kicked the crap out of everyone...i think Legend will be ridiculous and will perhaps become my fav suit.

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