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Thread: Best SEED Gundam

  1. #41
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Best SEED Gundam

    Originally posted by: fox_t
    i just watched the ending of SEED again today...and Providence was one badass mofo...that thing kicked the crap out of everyone...i think Legend will be ridiculous and will perhaps become my fav suit.
    Legend won't be ridiculous nor as strong as where Providence was. Providence was the "final boss" made to conclude the Seed series and to give Kira a tough fight in the finale, and Legend isn't going to be it in Destiny.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  2. #42

    Best SEED Gundam

    So Destiny does have nuclear fission reactor after all. And it has the ability to instantly recharge itself in the middle of battle to top it off. Just because its nuclear powered doesnt mean it will last indefinitely after seeing what Destiny can do. Depending on its power consumption even normal fission reactors like SF can run out of power even in the hands of the those who use it very conservatively such as with Kira. Indefinite is a relative term. It can mean it can last 5 years or 5 consecutive gundam battles or 5 cosmic eras. Nothing however lasts forever. SF can last in one or two battles and have to recharge if it expends itself. But thats one or two battles it dont have to recharge and that could mean taking out a handful more grunts but that means nothing when it comes to battle of between the heroes of each sides when it truly tests a person to his/her limits.

    SF is not godly. Destiny is. They couldnt give Kira that suit because everyone hates Kira enough b/c of his ultimate coordinator status, his supposed New-type ability, and because ppl have already seen him enough and have a problem with that.

    Lets see what Destiny has. It has palm cannons, rangs, sephiroth/cloud buster sword, a primary nuclear reactor and secondary power plant rechargeable by deuterium (as if one power plant isnt l33t enough), phase-shift, Mirage colloid to be virtually invisible (tactically deadly but power draining), and most of all it moves at speeds that even leaves a trial of debris behind it. Imagine a freakin thrust move from a MS like Destiny. How would you react? Could you? Even if you could dodge, the shock wave from its slice would still leave you paralyzed in awe and confusion. A direct hit would pierce through the hardiest of carapaces. The reason it ran out of power is its l33t "cheats" (okay its not a cheat but it is quite godly; now that's just sinful) like mirage colloid and the ability to run in circles around SF and because it blocked direct hits from Kira's chest cannon along with numerous other occasions with its beam shields, and Shinn was using powering up all of Destiny's abilities all at once. Even Kira couldn't keep up with Destiny in seed mode. This isnt Naruto world where Kira has Sharigan or can detect invisibility with just a hand seal magic. All he sees are beams, rangs, and body parts flying and next thing is Destiny's ship-buster. (Ahem, not alluding to anything, really..)

    What SF has above Freedom is that it has guns mounted on the hips, one on its chest (nothing new, just surprising that a cameo gundam of Aegis reappears in upgraded form), and providance's D.R.A.G.O.O.N. SF is a Dr frankenstein's version of Aegis+Freedom+Providance. Its still slow and still can be overpowered by a faster gundam of the next generation such as Impulse or Destiny. Okay maybe not Impulse but the gundams are rolling out left and right so you don't know which is the next generation and yours may already be outdated when its out even if its specs are most to date. Speed isnt everything; its everything when timing matters. Have you ever drive above 90 mph on a 70mph or 60 mph on a 40 mph road (i never got a speeding ticket b/c even my grandmother tells me im usually driving slow)? Every car around you seem to almost come to a complete stop. (Dont try that at/near your home, kids and adults alike.) Destiny is like that compared to any other mobile suits. In critical battle speed IS everything and power is nothing (unless you're a type of person that have no problem taking out John Doe 1 along with your bud Charlie.) Its quite different if you're trying to bang down a door with your head after having lost your keys while trying to go home from a hard day of work & relieve yourself.

  3. #43

    Best SEED Gundam

    Original Freedom is my favourite Seed gundam

    but my all time favourite is the Full Armor ZZ (Protype) [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    @alukard, sorry but you're wrong on several points:
    1 - Destiny's Mirage Colloid doesn't allowe for invisibility, just the afterimages.
    2 - In both episodes SF in HiMAT mode didn't seem any slower then Destiny when it came down to speed
    3 - Two reactors doesn't mean shit if the Second and most important one draines that fast, I haven't ever seen or heard of Freedom (or any other fission reactor powered gundam) needing to recharge... Destiny has more power, but for a much and much shorter time...

    Yes, destiny has a few special features, like his "shining" type hands, half functioning Mirage Colloid, and bad ass sword (though two beamsabers are tactically better)...

    Fortunatly for Shin it seemes like the Dragoon system can't be used on earth...

  4. #44

    Best SEED Gundam


    Then how do you explain Destiny was able to make a full revolution around Strike Freedom in half a nanosecond and had Kira completely surprised and almost lost Destiny's movement besides the afterimage he sees which is useless if thats all he can see and the last thing he'll see?

    Uh if you got two reserves and you use all your MS abilities all at once an can do shiz to SF of course it means something. SF could easily drain its primary if it has all that L33t stuff (sorry overused but true..ahem). Seeing that both power plants are fission reactors its not hard to figure out which reactor is better. If Gilbert is using an illegally banned technology such as using anything nuclear that was banned from the treaty after the war because of nuclear weapons being a weapon of terrible consequences if it falls into terrorist hands, then i suspect he doesnt care because after all he used it on both Destiny and Legend and feel justified going all out against Logos.

    As for number 3. Nuclear reactor is a nuclear reactor. Fission reactor is a fission reactor. You dont reverse engineer and down-grade your shit; afterall, Zaft has all that technology, world connection, and money and cant even compete with some girl in pink and her ghetto weapon lab thats in a 1 km diameter asteroid and funded by salvaged Freedom & Justice parts???? What the heck?

    Newer is always better. SF doesnt need to recharge because Kira uses it efficiently. If he has Destiny's speed and Mirage colliode and its high output for the hyper-driven beams and speed then YES Freedom WILL drain itself that fast if not faster. What is this about? Hybrid nuclear reactor? It says Hyper Capacitator meaning that it can go overdrive and uses more nuclear fission material to boost it to extreme limits. It even has a secondary battery thats rechargeable by Deutorion and as a back up and Shinn couldnt do shit to Kira in a fair battle. There's no such shit as hybrid fission reactor. I might not know much about my science seeing as how im an adult and you're may still be in school (that i dont know) and have that book in front of you and still cant even remember your stuff and rely on an old person who dropped out of high school then let me give you a briefing.

    Nuclear fission power is powered by enriched fission material usually highly enriched plutonium or uranium. These materials are lowered into small pockets and driven by collision of uncharged high velocity free roaming neutrons released by some kind of catalyst such as heat or shooting neutron from magnetic shielded guns. (aside: Nuclear fusion is currently impossible i think due to limited understanding of how to sustain such a reaction without using alot of heat and gaining little in return for the effort.) However this is quite dangerous once a chain reaction starts (see Hiroshima and Nagasaki) so Cadmium rod (a highly reactive metal), graphite rods or whatever is lowered into the small pockets sustained in lead tubes is used to slow down reactions. Heat from the reactions is used to drive water turbines or such energy harvesting mechanism (and left overs are stored in batteries such as one on Destiny to use as reserves) to produce electricity. Its the same reactions that powered your cars. You fill it up with gas instead and backup batteries start the ignition which creates a small spark that combines gases, oxygen, and you're in good business as long as it keep it well lubed and fueled. Batteries are recharged on the go as you are running on gas and such (for hydrogen powered cars its the friction from braking.) The difference is that nuclear lasts a very very very very long time compared to gas powered. Every mechanical part needs some kind of battery as back up. If none of that makes sense then open your science books. It help to read every now and then.

    The hybrid part of Destiny is that its powered by Deuterium. I dont know what that shizniz is all about but i assume it means its way better than SF's reactor for sure because as i already explained they're both nuclear reactors but Destiny's also has a backup 2nd power plant and is rechargeable by that beam that comes from Minerva on the go in seconds flat. Also Destiny AND Impulse are faster than Freedom and Strike Freedom (Freedom with spare Providence parts including trophy of Raww's bloody mask in the near the cig tray compartment.) When Kira was running from Impulse he was completely out-maneuvered and almost couldnt even keep up with a slow ship like Archangel and Freedom was equipped with Himat! He might even need to recharge his nuclear powered plant soon (even with its nuclear fission power plant.) However when Shinn was running from Kira, Kira barely blinked and the declawed rooster ran like a frightened and obedient chicken (ray's hand puppet) and was already half a mile away in a nanosecond. How do you explain that???

  5. #45

    Best SEED Gundam

    Originally posted by: alukard

    Then how do you explain Destiny was able to make a full revolution around Strike Freedom in half a nanosecond and had Kira completely surprised and almost lost Destiny's movement besides the afterimage he sees which is useless if thats all he can see and the last thing he'll see?

    Uh if you got two reserves and you use all your MS abilities all at once an can do shiz to SF of course it means something. SF could easily drain its primary if it has all that L33t stuff (sorry overused but true..ahem). Seeing that both power plants are fission reactors its not hard to figure out which reactor is better. If Gilbert is using an illegally banned technology such as using anything nuclear that was banned from the treaty after the war because of nuclear weapons being a weapon of terrible consequences if it falls into terrorist hands, then i suspect he doesnt care because after all he used it on both Destiny and Legend and feel justified going all out against Logos.

    As for number 3. Nuclear reactor is a nuclear reactor. Fission reactor is a fission reactor. You dont reverse engineer and down-grade your shit; afterall, Zaft has all that technology, world connection, and money and cant even compete with some girl in pink and her ghetto weapon lab thats in a 1 km diameter asteroid and funded by salvaged Freedom & Justice parts???? What the heck?

    Newer is always better. SF doesnt need to recharge because Kira uses it efficiently. If he has Destiny's speed and Mirage colliode and its high output for the hyper-driven beams and speed then YES Freedom WILL drain itself that fast if not faster. What is this about? Hybrid nuclear reactor? It says Hyper Capacitator meaning that it can go overdrive and uses more nuclear fission material to boost it to extreme limits. It even has a secondary battery thats rechargeable by Deutorion and as a back up and Shinn couldnt do shit to Kira in a fair battle. There's no such shit as hybrid fission reactor. I might not know much about my science seeing as how im an adult and you're may still be in school (that i dont know) and have that book in front of you and still cant even remember your stuff and rely on an old person who dropped out of high school then let me give you a briefing.

    Nuclear fission power is powered by enriched fission material usually highly enriched plutonium or uranium. These materials are lowered into small pockets and driven by collision of uncharged high velocity free roaming neutrons released by some kind of catalyst such as heat or shooting neutron from magnetic shielded guns. (aside: Nuclear fusion is currently impossible i think due to limited understanding of how to sustain such a reaction without using alot of heat and gaining little in return for the effort.) However this is quite dangerous once a chain reaction starts (see Hiroshima and Nagasaki) so Cadmium rod (a highly reactive metal), graphite rods or whatever is lowered into the small pockets sustained in lead tubes is used to slow down reactions. Heat from the reactions is used to drive water turbines or such energy harvesting mechanism (and left overs are stored in batteries such as one on Destiny to use as reserves) to produce electricity. Its the same reactions that powered your cars. You fill it up with gas instead and backup batteries start the ignition which creates a small spark that combines gases, oxygen, and you're in good business as long as it keep it well lubed and fueled. Batteries are recharged on the go as you are running on gas and such (for hydrogen powered cars its the friction from braking.) The difference is that nuclear lasts a very very very very long time compared to gas powered. Every mechanical part needs some kind of battery as back up. If none of that makes sense then open your science books. It help to read every now and then.

    The hybrid part of Destiny is that its powered by Deuterium. I dont know what that shizniz is all about but i assume it means its way better than SF's reactor for sure because as i already explained they're both nuclear reactors but Destiny's also has a backup 2nd power plant and is rechargeable by that beam that comes from Minerva on the go in seconds flat. Also Destiny AND Impulse are faster than Freedom and Strike Freedom (Freedom with spare Providence parts including trophy of Raww's bloody mask in the near the cig tray compartment.) When Kira was running from Impulse he was completely out-maneuvered and almost couldnt even keep up with a slow ship like Archangel and Freedom was equipped with Himat! He might even need to recharge his nuclear powered plant soon (even with its nuclear fission power plant.) However when Shinn was running from Kira, Kira barely blinked and the declawed rooster ran like a frightened and obedient chicken (ray's hand puppet) and was already half a mile away in a nanosecond. How do you explain that???

    since you are using wikipedia as your point of reference u probably missed this part...contained in your link.

    While Destiny and Strike Freedom seemed fairly evenly matched, Shinn was eventually ordered to retreat due to having lost several weapons and his hyper capacitor running low on energy. Whether this is a sign of the hyper-deuterion reactor being inferior to standard fission reactors or simply of Destiny having unusually high power consumption requirements is not yet known.

    now back on topic...

    hot damn...that's nice...

  6. #46

    Best SEED Gundam

    What 'seemed' to be a fair match is due to what is obviously a better pilot wooping azz. Shinn was owned completely and used up everything he got.
    Look at episode 42 and there's no need for anything to 'seem' fairly matched. Destiny completely out-maneuvered Freedom at one point after Kira blasted the shiz out of Shinn and he used the butterfly wings and ran in a blink of an eye such as fast as he turned around behind Kira and he left Kira completely amazed at Destiny's speed as Shinn went to get some patches and bandage his berserked, diesel gushing, methamphetamine enhanced MS.

    Below is what was really said by Wikipedia regarding battle between Kira and Shinn
    Destiny and Strike Freedom faced off against each other anti-ship sword vs double beam sabers. Destiny blocked a shot from Strike Freedom's docked double beam rifles with the beam shield. Destiny then fired its plasma cannon. Strike Freedom also fired its chest cannon and the two beams hit and cancelled each other out. Shinn returned with the Arondight anti-ship sword and tried to slice Strike Freedom, but the latter grabbed the anti-ship sword with its hands and fired the railguns which knocked Destiny back. Having lost the anti-ship sword, Destiny used its beam rifle to continue the fight. Both Destiny and Strike Freedom had several fly-by beam rifle shots, but neither could get a crippling shot. In the battle, Destiny seemed to be faster than Strike Freedom, but having fought against Akatsuki first and then Strike Freedom, Shinn used Destiny's beam wings to boost speed many times, and thus put a strain on Destiny's available power stored in its Hyper Capacitor. Rey then messaged Shinn and ordered him to retreat back to the Minerva to resupply and recharge. After a quick resupply, both Shinn and Rey launched from Minerva to face Strike Freedom again.


    The above proved Shinn is an anti-ship ..ahem.

  7. #47

    Best SEED Gundam

    and then in episode 43 ur uber l33t fast gundam got its arm sliced off in like half a nanosecond by a even faster gundam.

  8. #48

    Best SEED Gundam

    Where can i see the epi 43 raw? Can't wait to see Destiny getting owned. I pointed that Destiny is fast but that doesnt mean Kira cant stop it with its rangs. If its 2 vs 1 then its sad that Shinn couldnt own Kira.

  9. #49

    Best SEED Gundam

    justice owns destiny 1v1... not kira. so therefore kira did not stop destiny. oh yeah u can get the ep here:

  10. #50

    Best SEED Gundam

    You're missing my point, i'm not saying SF is the better gundam, Destiny is the stonger/better one, but the difference isn't that great, and Destiny does have it drawbacks...

    edit: and btw, that scene you're talking bout when Destiny is flying half circles around SF and SF is turning around and backing away every time, SF isn't in HiMAT mode... Which could probably explain part of the big difference in speed seen in that episode.

    and how I explain all that? That Gundam Seed Destiny is a bit inconsequent...

  11. #51

    Best SEED Gundam

    It really would've been interesting if Freedom still had somewhat of a restriction on power...

    ... then again, a fission reactor is enough to power probably a whole state for several decades...

    OT though, I still like Duel. :3 They should make a remake of that one. And Savior was pretty cool too.

  12. #52

    Best SEED Gundam

    saviour wsa pretty cool. but athurn has his new ride! who needs saviour whenu got justice!

  13. #53

    Best SEED Gundam

    Originally posted by: drunkenmaster
    saviour wsa pretty cool. but athurn has his new ride! who needs saviour whenu got justice!
    because even if you have justice there are still people that need to be rescued, hence you need a savior [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Seed: i personally like Duel a fair bit, but only after it got it's upgrade
    furthermore i liked Strike because of it's versatility
    Seed Destiny: Impulse, same reason as Strike but i didn't dig the colour change (although it looked cool with the blaster pack on, but i'm not sure it was coloured differently then with it's Force silhouette)
    Destiny, same as Strike but now it's all in 1 package, no need to switch silhouette/packs anymore
    and last but not least, (Infinite) Justice, i was just in awe when i saw it's appearance in the phase 43 raw
    to me it looked wonderful, can't wait to see it in all it's glory in tight close combat (since that is Athrun's style)

    on a side note, i really liked Mwu's Moebius Zero and Neo's Exas as well, just to show that with a capable pilot even a fighter is able to take down mobile suits, which are considered superior without a doubt

    P.S. if you take the very first line seriously and flame me for it, i cannot help but think you a fool
    on the other hand, in life, it has some truth into it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
    Love is fiction, misery is my only friend

  14. #54

    Best SEED Gundam

    Note: I don't think Shinn returned to the Minerva because his power was running low, but because he had lost half his equipment and needed replacements to fight effectivly. Luckily for Freedom all it's weapons are inbuilt so you can't expend them without running out of power.

    Since we havn't acctually SEEN what's so great about this Hyper-Duterion Reactor and Hyper-Capsitor, we can't say that Freedom's is better OR worse.

    By the by, I tihnk Freedom is the better suit, its design seems more intelligent/eligant as opposed to Desinty that looks like they got random parts form random gundams and threw them together. What's so special about his wings again?

  15. #55

    Best SEED Gundam

    destny has special wings because he flies on the wings of light system. if you look closely, you can tell the pink/prurplish halo on this wings and the thrust looks like 2 angel wings. supposively, these wings allow him to fly faster.

  16. #56

    Best SEED Gundam

    Originally posted by: Kovash
    Note: I don't think Shinn returned to the Minerva because his power was running low, but because he had lost half his equipment and needed replacements to fight effectivly. Luckily for Freedom all it's weapons are inbuilt so you can't expend them without running out of power.
    actually when he gets called back you see him looking at his power level meter thingy and you can see it is about halfway depleted (it's in the white instead of all the way up to the green when fully powered)
    Love is fiction, misery is my only friend

  17. #57

    Best SEED Gundam

    All nuclear reactors are equal. And you cant drain them.

    The advantage to having a second power source is not lenght, its output. For example, reactor A can only output X power (IE, Freedom). However, Destiny has reactor A (for powering mundane systems and weapons) in addition to battery B. Therefore, Destiny's output at any point can be X + Y, which is greater than X.

    Nuclear Reactors can not be depleted on demand: Its a reaction, and the reaction only goes as fast as it goes. Output is static, and what matters is how much of that output you are using and how much is going to waste. However, Freedom, Justice, and Legend can never exceed X amount of power.

    Destiny, however, can. I'm guessing for its wings. And without those nifty wings, I bet Destiny is as slow as any other booster (non flight) capable Mobile Suit.

    In closing: its not possible to 'drain' a nuclear reactor, they dont work like that. You can, however, drain a battery.

  18. #58

    Best SEED Gundam

    Originally posted by: Motteh
    actually when he gets called back you see him looking at his power level meter thingy and you can see it is about halfway depleted (it's in the white instead of all the way up to the green when fully powered)
    Yes, but that was never a problem in Impulse because of the Duterion system it had. If power was his problem, he could have just recharged (either internally, or through the duterion beam, we are as of yet to find out) and Impulse could just have more equipment flown out to it using the Splendor system. Destiny on the otherhand needs to fly back to the Minerva to restock - hence, maintainence is why he flies back, not power.

    This is further shown because when he looks at his power indicator, he says "What? But I can still...!" then Rey cuts him off and orders him to return. So yeah, I don't think Power was ever going to be a problem, short of spending half a second recharging the capsitor.

  19. #59

    Best SEED Gundam

    The original freedom is my fav because of it's cool looking wings... I also liked wing zero custom back then so...
    The reason why I like the old freedom better simply because SF's wings dont look as cool and the gold parts kinda look weird :/

  20. #60

    Best SEED Gundam

    My fav Gundam?... Although Saviour does look so cool, I also like Forbidden, it's just because I liked the role of it in the battlefield you know, hehe. Yes, I'll go with Providence, its just it matches up really its pilot. Its strong, powerful, dark, really merciless, and undoubtly wicked!

    Other faves, Destiny, Akatsuki and White Blaze Panthom. (Rey sytle!.)

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