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Thread: Naruto 146 discussion

  1. #41

    Naruto 146 discussion

    i think what Mikuki has is the tester version of the cursed seal. they said the items used in the stuff he drank very similar to stuff he was making back when he left the village years ago. seem like oro used him to help advance his skill at cursed seal. after all practice makes perfect ;-) and a second thought Mikuki not so bad ass i woudl waste a good curse seal on him lol. maybe oro gave him the tester to Mikuki would gain power and seek him out for more, also seem this one seems weaker and likely not to kill him out right.

    the formlua Mikuki drank might wear off after some time, idk for sure teh change might be a perment change.
    i think oro might be trying to find a way to give water down seal version to all his followers so to make them more equal footing wither ninja from villages.

    it took 4 sounds ninjas to take out 2 leaf village ninjas and it left them wiped for a while.
    oro troops while strong never seem equal to ninja from other vilalges so far besides kimiaro (the bone blood line limit guy) and kubuto his right hand man. so far the they only good ninjas he had before sasuke.

  2. #42
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Naruto 146 discussion

    BUT Still WTF was Orochimaru chillin in a Tree watchin Mizuki.
    Maybe Mizuki's mission was something that Orochimaru was interested in already.

    Or perhaps, the same thing he was doing hanging around the hidden Mist village when Kimimaru's clan was slaughtered...being in the right place at the right time to snatch up a new lackey.

    His snake eyes probably have a magic power that tells him when a potential douche bag is gonna be hanging out alone in the woods and feeling bad.

  3. #43

    Naruto 146 discussion

    I still think it's a recipe seal ;P

    Come on, you have to notice what happened to the "tatoo" in his arm after he did a few hand seals.

  4. #44

    Naruto 146 discussion

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    Or perhaps, the same thing he was doing hanging around the hidden Mist village when Kimimaru's clan was slaughtered...being in the right place at the right time to snatch up a new lackey.

    His snake eyes probably have a magic power that tells him when a potential douche bag is gonna be hanging out alone in the woods and feeling bad.
    Ha ha True... I think The whole Kimmaru thing is a tad more belivable tho ... I mean since there was a huge fight happening right near where Kimmaru bumped into Oro at...and you know Oro is always scoutin fer new bodies to possess... and Kimmaru isn't a wuss...(unlike Mizuki).. there are actually reasons for Oro to be there and I dont have to Stretch my imagination To grab at threads in a shakey plot to see them

    so Maby Oro is just good at bein in the right place at the right time... But When Mizuki is in the woods Oro is all like.. "you showed me something interesting there when you suffocated a helpless guy... you seem like a powerless wuss.. here have a.... recipie tatoo"

    I mean even with Sauske.... Oro first beat the Crud out of him and tried to kill him THEN after confirming that he was worth some effort gave him something.

    Also how did Mikuki Train in the prison cell so well? I mean He mighta gotten strong but.. how did he learn to .. move around so good in the dark and stuff.. I mean sure it was dark in prision...but... He wouldn't be abe to move too much in his 10' X 10' cell. Also The Random Puppet Technique in the ep before this one was wussie too...

    I really dont think it would be that hard to make a good filler episode.. I mean even that Tea country Arc wouldn't have been total poop.... All they had to so was NOT give retard from the Mist a Light saber, or make it so that The examiner Changed the answer from the first time he gave the chunnin Exam...

    The problem is That fillers TRY to tell important aspects fo the story too often.. they try to Add to the already well balanced and well throught out wtory from the author of the manga.....

    Personally I think the best filler episodes are the ones that are funny or training.. or Quite honestly Random battles wouldn't be bad either.. but trying to manipulate the background of a storyline... and making it kinda.. bad is kinda dookie

  5. #45
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Naruto 146 discussion

    I mean even with Sauske.... Oro first beat the Crud out of him and tried to kill him THEN after confirming that he was worth some effort gave him something.
    There's a huge difference between the quality Oro would want in someone who was actually going to be his BODY, and someone who is going to be one of his pawns.

    I'm sure Mizuki qualified for "crappy indirect servent I'm not even gonna take back to my village".

  6. #46
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Naruto 146 discussion

    The amount of people who are spelling Mizuki as "Mikuki" in this thread is quite amusing.

  7. #47

    Naruto 146 discussion

    You know 'Eye of the Tiger' would suit Mizuki perfectly as his theme tune

  8. #48
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Naruto 146 discussion

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    The amount of people who are spelling Mizuki as "Mikuki" in this thread is quite amusing.
    None of them beat "Mitzki" though. XD

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  9. #49
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    Naruto 146 discussion

    disliked this ep. it felt like a filler within a that even possible
    mizuki on steroids isn't interesting, not in the least.

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  10. #50

    Naruto 146 discussion

    You know, I actually like the dialogue between Oro and Mizuki in the forest, it doesn't really make any sense why oro would be there watching the mission, but for whatever the reason he was there he at least had a good reason to take interest in Mizuki, a man willing to kill his own teammate in a peaceful land like Konaha fits the profile for an Oro henchman. That said, the whole proto-cursed seal thing is just dumb, mainly because of the fact that Anko already had the cursed seal long ago but really just because it's just a cheap excuse to tie in Oro and his "power".
    You know this story arc could have been good, it's not a horrible idea, it's just poorly executed. I think I'm mainly just supremely pissed that they write in the Shikamaru trio and the best they can have them do is hold the retard bros steady. These bastards may be as strong as Tsunade but if the super-genius Shikmaru's best plan is to hold a couple of guys who can be outsmarted by a roll of rice in place for awhile, that's just pathetic.

  11. #51
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Naruto 146 discussion

    That said, the whole proto-cursed seal thing is just dumb, mainly because of the fact that Anko already had the cursed seal long ago
    I suppose thats a good point...

    Though, who knows how long Mizuki had that seal, remember, that mission took place before Iruka was even a chuunin, so its probably awhile ago.

    But then, I supposed Anko got her seal before Oro even left the village.

  12. #52
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Naruto 146 discussion

    Originally posted by: xanbcoo
    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    The amount of people who are spelling Mizuki as "Mikuki" in this thread is quite amusing.
    None of them beat "Mitzki" though. XD
    lol, I got images of Mizuki in a russian hat (the black one that they always use) with text next to him saying "I am comrade Mitzki, would you like some vodka?"

  13. #53

    Naruto 146 discussion

    Originally posted by: Darkcarnage
    i think what Mikuki has is the tester version of the cursed seal. they said the items used in the stuff he drank very similar to stuff he was making back when he left the village years ago. seem like oro used him to help advance his skill at cursed seal. after all practice makes perfect ;-) and a second thought Mikuki not so bad ass i woudl waste a good curse seal on him lol. maybe oro gave him the tester to Mikuki would gain power and seek him out for more, also seem this one seems weaker and likely not to kill him out right.
    If he was using him as his tester, then explain to me why he gave the badass curse seal to kimimaro, someone a BILLION times stronger then Mizuki, about ten years before he even met mizuki.....

    What he gave Mizuki was a filler seal made specifically for making an old weak character seem strong again.

  14. #54
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Naruto 146 discussion

    Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
    Originally posted by: Darkcarnage
    i think what Mikuki has is the tester version of the cursed seal. they said the items used in the stuff he drank very similar to stuff he was making back when he left the village years ago. seem like oro used him to help advance his skill at cursed seal. after all practice makes perfect ;-) and a second thought Mikuki not so bad ass i woudl waste a good curse seal on him lol. maybe oro gave him the tester to Mikuki would gain power and seek him out for more, also seem this one seems weaker and likely not to kill him out right.
    If he was using him as his tester, then explain to me why he gave the badass curse seal to kimimaro, someone a BILLION times stronger then Mizuki, about ten years before he even met mizuki.....

    What he gave Mizuki was a filler seal made specifically for making an old weak character seem strong again.

    Who knows the origin of filler crap. I don't even think that the animators have a clue where their going with this.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  15. #55
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Naruto 146 discussion

    If he was using him as his tester, then explain to me why he gave the badass curse seal to kimimaro, someone a BILLION times stronger then Mizuki, about ten years before he even met mizuki.....
    They never showed Kimimaru having a seal when he was young, for all we know, he got it just before the series started. Especially since he was fully grown when he took command of the Sound 5, which probably happened right after he got his second stage seal.

  16. #56

    Naruto 146 discussion

    Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu

    What he gave Mizuki was a filler seal made specifically for making an old weak character seem strong again.
    I laughed alot when I saw that... Yeah I had been calling it the "kool-aid Recipie Seal" But yeah I think "Filler Seal" is alot better.

    It Gives Mizuki the power to be used in Filler Episodes

  17. #57

    Naruto 146 discussion

    Hope naruto will use the red chakra against mizuki

  18. #58
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Naruto 146 discussion

    Not unless everyone else gets beat. As the series seems to greatly control the number of people who know he can "go fox demon".

  19. #59

    Naruto 146 discussion

    Actually, it's not illogical to assume that Orochimaru has a bunch of different curse seals with variable levels. I mean didn't he mention in the anime that Sasuke has the "Heaven" Seal while Kimimaro has the "Earth" seal? He said that those two were the strongest seals. I think that this shows that there is more than one curse seal, and that there are weaker seals. Orochimaru could have simply given Mizuki a weaker version, one that probably has a higher survival rate but less power. Furthermore, it doesn't matter if the ninja is weak as long as he can finish the mission. I mean, Orochimaru has hired weaklings before as pawns. Anybody remember the guy with the holes in his hands? He was a pretty shitty ninja but Orochimaru managed to put him to good use.

  20. #60

    Naruto 146 discussion

    i think we find out what oro up to soon enough. i wonder why he wanted the seal scroll for. we know ti got alot of nin-jutus that are forbiden insde of it but what in the scroll way back made them worry there was a1 in a 1,000 chance naruto seal would of broken ? (might have the odds wrong sue me)

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