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Thread: Naruto 146 discussion

  1. #1

    Naruto 146 discussion

    Subded version:

    Overall it was very BORING episode 95% of talking with no info. But 5% were pretty good. BTW no episode 147 next week and juding from RAW they will be Naruto special some kinda.

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  2. #2
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Naruto 146 discussion

    That ep was far from boring, I hope the person running through the trees was Neji and the gang but sadly I see it being Kiba's team since Karanai was also beat by those guys. Mizuki using that variation of the curse seal looked pimp.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  3. #3
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Naruto 146 discussion

    Yeah, you know, I gotta say, in spite of myself, this episode actually has me interested in whats going to happen next.

    I found it odd that Tsunade wasn't particularly worries about what was going on until she found out Raijin and Fuujin were with Mizuki. I wonder if she figured out what his potion does and is worried he'll give it to them.

  4. #4
    Fails at reputation woofcat's Avatar
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    Naruto 146 discussion

    Having watched this i am dissapointed. I know its filler but i always want to see the story line progress.

  5. #5

    Naruto 146 discussion

    You know. This is the first time i am willingly not downloading a naruto episode.

  6. #6

    Naruto 146 discussion

    i utterly hate the fillers.

  7. #7

    Naruto 146 discussion

    Sasuke getting branded by Oro's seal was interesting cuz Sasuke's the most qualified.
    The 4 bodyguards of Oro were branded as well but their main purpose was to lure Sasuke.
    Kimimaro was also bred for the purpose of Oro.

    But this Mizuki is like a flunky man. And who wants to see some lackey getting the cursed seal just for the purpose of getting a cursed seal?

    My nose is upturned for now. Hopefully we'll see something different though, and not just some random mutant with extra strength like that Arashi fellow from the last arc.

  8. #8

    Naruto 146 discussion

    And so we must continue to endure this torture...

    Still, I thought 146 was much better than the last 2 episodes. Mizuki gaining Orochimaru's power is somewhat intriging. I also wonder what he's going to do with his giant shuriken now that he has it back....

    I'm guessing the person running through the forest was Tsunade. It's pretty easy to see she's going to come and save Ino-Shik-Chou's asses from the retard bros. Guess we'll really find out if they have sannin strength when they go up against a real sannin.

    Also, is the next episode a 147-148 special?

  9. #9

    Naruto 146 discussion

    lol, i'd gladly wait an extra week for the special, i just hope they (dattebayo) dont put another gayass "niggersfromspace" shit out again

  10. #10

    Naruto 146 discussion

    Yeah this is my first tiome posting on here But .......... is it just me or is even the dialogue bad on this episode?.... Also Why was Orochimaru Hangin out .. in the tree....Watching Mizuki.

    I mean This entire arc has made no sense, The Cursed seals were one thing But The "Snake bite Arm Tatoo That told Mizuki how to make the speicial Super power Red Drink"......That is "Orochimaru's Power"... that is just dumb. Its overly complex and makes NO sense. The Cursed Seals Have the power in them and they cost the user their life if used too much...... If Orochimaru has this Happy Supper Kool-aid, WTF use the Cursed seals at all...... Why dosent he give everyone a glass of juice instead... or Spike the punch with it at parties. Also Mizuki Suffocates one Guy and Orochimaru wants to give him the super juice?.... Everyone else
    Orochimaru has in his squad seems to have a purpose behind them...some..sorta use....... (Sauske has his Bloodline limit...etc etc...).... Mizuki is just lame...... NOw for the stupid brothers.......I wont even comment

    It Just seems to me That The Writers tried to make something original but instead mae a story line that makes no sense......yet at the same time is recycled garbage....(super juice = lame Cursed Seal)

    Here is a spoiler for everyone...... This is what is gonna happen in the NEXT episode.......
    Mizuki is Gonna Fight Naruto and Iruka......Mizukis woman will be in that fight too.....
    After loosing the fight Mizuki is going to experience some horrid side effects from the Prototype Super Juice and he is gonna Be incapicated (not dead tho.. becuase they will need to being this torrid POS storyline back some day .. when they need more filler) ....or Tsunade is gonna Have an ANTI super Drink made up.... and that is gonna beat him

    then I would assume sauske would end up in a hospital somehow... but he is gone now (anyone else think he looks like some long forgotten member of the band "KISS" when he transforms with his cursed seal?)

    OH well at least its over soon and they will get to the next arc......... I would love for it to catch up to the manga a bit... it would be great to see Sakura do something in a fight besides Being a speedbump for a charging bad guy (a la standing infront of sauske to block a charging garaa........ who would have killed her if she did not luckly tirgger some sorta psychotic brainspazzam in him)... did anyone notice that In the "tea country" arc Sakura picked up the MAST of the ship they were in and Smacked a few bad guys with it?

    THERE IS one AWSOME thing about THIS episode tho.. I watched the RAW version and the pampers comerical at the begining of it almost had me in tears I was laughing so hard... I dunnno why Tho But that little FREAKY elephant Cradcks me up

  11. #11
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Naruto 146 discussion

    Well as far as fillers go this was the best one in the arc so far. Not like that's saying much but...

    There were some nice camera angles and stuff that I enjoyed, which looked kinda professional. However, that didn't save the fact that the storyline is horribly predictable & worthlessly executed. And of course, no matter how "good" a filler is, there will always be Naruto there to fuck it up. God, he is so damn annoying. Has there been any ep the last 4 months where he doesn't mention that he must find fucking Sasuke?

  12. #12

    Naruto 146 discussion

    same as terra.

    and also why doesn't oro make a whole fucking army . i mean like if it can make a noob like mizuki strong why dont he just make 1000 people go berserk. he could easilly crush konoha that way.

  13. #13

    Naruto 146 discussion

    This episode was horrible. When did they learn to fly above the trees for that long of a distance/time anyway? God please make this end soon...

  14. #14

    Naruto 146 discussion

    I haven't watched this ep yet, but lately I've been only downloading to see how much it will suck. Kind of interesting.

  15. #15

    Naruto 146 discussion

    I think we just need some Kakashi action up in here ^^

  16. #16

    Naruto 146 discussion

    Don't think the episode sucks as much... I was thinking that maybe the potion will give him temporary powers or something...
    At least there will be some action again (hopefully) and there's always the hope for some of the good old tactics, but I can just be silly and nostalgic about that...

    All in all, I don't think the episode sucked all that much... but that's just my personal opinion.. for all that it's worth... they sure got me curious as to what's going to happen next week...

  17. #17

    Naruto 146 discussion

    I thought the same Thing turkish-shikamaru did after I made my post I mean Why wouldn't Orochimaru just make abunch of scrubs chug the power juice and take over that way.........

  18. #18
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    Naruto 146 discussion

    THis is all i have to say

  19. #19
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Naruto 146 discussion

    Originally posted by: UberSuperHACKER
    I thought the same Thing turkish-shikamaru did after I made my post I mean Why wouldn't Orochimaru just make abunch of scrubs chug the power juice and take over that way.........
    Because that would be to smart. All the characters in Naruto have to be morons. They all have to do things the long and stupid way and not the quick way(At least in the fillers).

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  20. #20
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Naruto 146 discussion

    Someone should further edit that Mizuki image and make him have mentos instead, and then write "the freshmaker" above. YEAH!

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