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Thread: The Naruto Anime...

  1. #1

    The Naruto Anime...

    I've just finished watching episode 146 and it sure seems like the anime is going down the drain. They made us wait a week of no Naruto and they give us this crap and a possible worse episode special thing next week!

  2. #2
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    The Naruto Anime...

    well they gotta have fillers to allow the manga time to progress before the anime catches up to it. i agree that they're lame but kishimoto doesn't have anything to do with the fillers so we gotta deal with it. just find some other anime to pass the time.

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  3. #3

    The Naruto Anime...

    Exactly! Liike I'm watching The law of Ueki, Bleach, Onmyou taisenki, Detective conan, and pani poni. ^^

  4. #4

    The Naruto Anime...

    They should've made you wait a couple of months, instead of this filler shit.

  5. #5

    The Naruto Anime...

    Just don't watch till the filler is done. I have high hopes for the manga storyline.

  6. #6

    The Naruto Anime...

    kishimoto doesnt make the filler episodes?! then does like some group at studio pierrot just make up this stuff, get some artist to draw it, and just havre kishimoto approve?

  7. #7

    The Naruto Anime...

    Originally posted by: Naruto_Fan
    kishimoto doesnt make the filler episodes?! then does like some group at studio pierrot just make up this stuff, get some artist to draw it, and just havre kishimoto approve?

    No kishimoto doesn't write the fillers. People at the studio write it and make it so it doesn't interfere with the storyline. As far as I know, Kishimoto has no involvment in the anime.

  8. #8

    The Naruto Anime...

    I agree with Kai that they should've just stopped for a few months. Even if Kishimoto doesn't have any involvement with the fillers I'm pretty sure its gonna affect his reputation somehow.

  9. #9

    The Naruto Anime...

    You know why Naruto suck??? now???i'll tell you the reason...ever since USA liscensed all about making money now...Kish is looking forward to selling Naruto products in USA to make money, try to get it as popular as pokemon, sell the card game...$$$$$$$...which freaking suck because Naruto is gonna turn into a anime for little kids!!!!!!darn it !!!!! like Pokemon. The American Naruto is going to suck, they going to cut out all blood scenes and the cussing... Those scenes were my favorite. Thats the reason why the Naruto storyline is so laggy, and I hate the guts out of American Dubber...they sound sarcastic, fake, and everyword sounds like comedy...!!wtf...i hate it!!!whyt this got to happen!!!!

  10. #10

    The Naruto Anime...

    Originally posted by: naruto-kira
    You know why Naruto suck??? now???i'll tell you the reason...ever since USA liscensed all about making money now...Kish is looking forward to selling Naruto products in USA to make money, try to get it as popular as pokemon, sell the card game...$$$$$$$...which freaking suck because Naruto is gonna turn into a anime for little kids!!!!!!darn it !!!!! like Pokemon. The American Naruto is going to suck, they going to cut out all blood scenes and the cussing... Those scenes were my favorite. Thats the reason why the Naruto storyline is so laggy, and I hate the guts out of American Dubber...they sound sarcastic, fake, and everyword sounds like comedy...!!wtf...i hate it!!!whyt this got to happen!!!!
    Really? I thought Naruto won't come out on Cartoon Network until September. Do you know what you're talking about or just making this up?

  11. #11
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    The Naruto Anime...

    Originally posted by: naruto-kira
    You know why Naruto suck??? now???i'll tell you the reason...ever since USA liscensed all about making money now...Kish is looking forward to selling Naruto products in USA to make money, try to get it as popular as pokemon, sell the card game...$$$$$$$...which freaking suck because Naruto is gonna turn into a anime for little kids!!!!!!darn it !!!!! like Pokemon. The American Naruto is going to suck, they going to cut out all blood scenes and the cussing... Those scenes were my favorite. Thats the reason why the Naruto storyline is so laggy, and I hate the guts out of American Dubber...they sound sarcastic, fake, and everyword sounds like comedy...!!wtf...i hate it!!!whyt this got to happen!!!!
    Because you're an idiot.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  12. #12
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    The Naruto Anime...

    Just read the manga.

  13. #13
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    The Naruto Anime...

    Originally posted by: mage
    Just read the manga.

    I agree. Resently, the anime doesn't do the manga justice.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  14. #14

    The Naruto Anime...

    i do read the manga as well but i tend to like the anime more because well it's animated with colors, music, sound effects, etc..

    what sucks even more is that 146 didn't have a preview for the "special"...::sigh:: they did that with 145 also~ this is so annoying. i hope the "special" finishes the whole baka brothers stuff and i hope they start showing the kakashi gaiden next..

  15. #15
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    The Naruto Anime...

    Go to the Naruto part of the forum and read Terra's post "Good days for the Shino fans!" It has the list of future episodes

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  16. #16
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    The Naruto Anime...

    Originally posted by: naruto-kira
    You know why Naruto suck??? now???i'll tell you the reason...ever since USA liscensed all about making money now...Kish is looking forward to selling Naruto products in USA to make money, try to get it as popular as pokemon, sell the card game...$$$$$$$...which freaking suck because Naruto is gonna turn into a anime for little kids!!!!!!darn it !!!!! like Pokemon. The American Naruto is going to suck, they going to cut out all blood scenes and the cussing... Those scenes were my favorite. Thats the reason why the Naruto storyline is so laggy, and I hate the guts out of American Dubber...they sound sarcastic, fake, and everyword sounds like comedy...!!wtf...i hate it!!!whyt this got to happen!!!!
    Everytime you open your mouth God smites something dead... My dog dropped dead suddenly last shut the fuck up before you kill someone else's pet!

  17. #17
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    The Naruto Anime...

    Originally posted by: naruto-kira
    You know why Naruto suck??? now???i'll tell you the reason...ever since USA liscensed all about making money now...Kish is looking forward to selling Naruto products in USA to make money, try to get it as popular as pokemon, sell the card game...$$$$$$$...which freaking suck because Naruto is gonna turn into a anime for little kids!!!!!!darn it !!!!! like Pokemon. The American Naruto is going to suck, they going to cut out all blood scenes and the cussing... Those scenes were my favorite. Thats the reason why the Naruto storyline is so laggy, and I hate the guts out of American Dubber...they sound sarcastic, fake, and everyword sounds like comedy...!!wtf...i hate it!!!whyt this got to happen!!!!
    You act like Naruto wasn't for kids in the first place. How old are you? From reading your posts, you couldn't be older than 16 at the most.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  18. #18

    The Naruto Anime...

    Nah the reason why Naruto has slowed down a bit is the unfortunate events as of lately..ever since like the sasuke naruto fight in that valley ..its been more about demon power and cursed seals..its gettin away from what we all loved which was taijutsu and minor ninjutsu..its like TO many super powers...even the one naruto one is a bit much...

    LOL its funny to see how much a anime can change..but i still enjoy the anime and i still like watching matter what minus the fillers.

  19. #19

    The Naruto Anime...

    Naruto is still my favourite anime but the fillers are boring (my opinion)

  20. #20
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    The Naruto Anime...

    Originally posted by: sangai
    Nah the reason why Naruto has slowed down a bit is the unfortunate events as of lately..ever since like the sasuke naruto fight in that valley ..its been more about demon power and cursed seals..its gettin away from what we all loved which was taijutsu and minor ninjutsu..its like TO many super powers...even the one naruto one is a bit much...

    LOL its funny to see how much a anime can change..but i still enjoy the anime and i still like watching matter what minus the fillers.
    thats true they're getting to much into these special power things, its more like harry potter now where everybody's spewing ninjutsu out of their ass or in naruto's case just a rasnegan. they should have some mroe taijutsu battles (not all taijutsu but at least dont just make it "ahaha rasnegan!" over..." then again for the last few fillers thats all naruto's done, say "dattebayo" and then go "RASENGAN!"

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

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