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Thread: Am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious that...

  1. #41

    Am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious that...

    Originally posted by: twh
    No! Wait! I got it!

    Fukuda, in all his possible baldness, was insanely jealous of Heine's hair which earns him the love of women and the respect/jealousy of men! It's the perfect crime, and it's up to Kira Holmes and Dr. Athrun to solve the murder mystery!
    yo man, you need dr.phil instead, the hell u talkin about...maybe ur joks

  2. #42

    Am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious that...

    Don't get me wrong, I like Hiene, it's just that it's hard to appriciate him as a character since he was not much more than a plot device. Though I'll thank the heavens Fukada let him say something important to Athrun before he died.

  3. #43
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious that...

    Okay here's another question. If Heine lived, how would you use him if you were the manuscript writer?
    It's easy to say "Heine should have lived". But why? He needs a purpose. Here's something that I thought out which I would have liked very much:

    Instead of getting the Gouf Ignited, Heine has his orange Slash Zaku Phantom up until the battle with Gaia in phase 23. Instead of dying, he'd get his legs sliced off or something. Heine, while a cool and collected guy, obviously seems to have quite a bit of pride in his battling (as can be seen by his yelling in the same phase). After losing against Gaia, Heine would receive the Gouf Ignited. This would not only give Heine a reason to stay in the show (vendetta VS Gaia), but it would also allow him to get the obligatory suit switch/upgrade which all major chars receive. Then he'd participate in battles normally and in phase 32 he'd be the direct cause of Stellar's death instead of Kira (or whoever you want to blame it on). This would also create tension between Shinn & Heine, allowing Heine a purpose for existing in the show even after the death of Stellar.


  4. #44
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious that...

    Sounds very interesting indeed.

  5. #45

    Am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious that...

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Okay here's another question. If Heine lived, how would you use him if you were the manuscript writer?
    It's easy to say "Heine should have lived". But why? He needs a purpose. Here's something that I thought out which I would have liked very much:

    Instead of getting the Gouf Ignited, Heine has his orange Slash Zaku Phantom up until the battle with Gaia in phase 23. Instead of dying, he'd get his legs sliced off or something. Heine, while a cool and collected guy, obviously seems to have quite a bit of pride in his battling (as can be seen by his yelling in the same phase). After losing against Gaia, Heine would receive the Gouf Ignited. This would not only give Heine a reason to stay in the show (vendetta VS Gaia), but it would also allow him to get the obligatory suit switch/upgrade which all major chars receive. Then he'd participate in battles normally and in phase 32 he'd be the direct cause of Stellar's death instead of Kira (or whoever you want to blame it on). This would also create tension between Shinn & Heine, allowing Heine a purpose for existing in the show even after the death of Stellar.

    The problem with Heine killing Stellar would be that I wonder how it would have affected the whole Kira v Shinn stuff later. Granted Shinn seemed angry with Kira before for interferring in fights, but I don't think Shinn would have worked so hard to figure out a way to defeat Kira if he didn't have Stellar's death as a motivation. Another problem would arise from the period of the show when Stellar was captured. If Heine wants revenge I would imagine he would be trying to kill Stellar while she was on Minerva for chopping off his legs, which might interrupt Shinn spending all his free time with her.

  6. #46
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious that...

    They could just rewrite the whole script.

  7. #47

    Am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious that...

    Originally posted by: PSJ
    They could just rewrite the whole script.
    or they just kill fukuda... you do that and change the script as well as the director. kill two birds with one stone

  8. #48

    Am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious that...

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Okay here's another question. If Heine lived, how would you use him if you were the manuscript writer?
    It's easy to say "Heine should have lived". But why? He needs a purpose. Here's something that I thought out which I would have liked very much:

    Instead of getting the Gouf Ignited, Heine has his orange Slash Zaku Phantom up until the battle with Gaia in phase 23. Instead of dying, he'd get his legs sliced off or something. Heine, while a cool and collected guy, obviously seems to have quite a bit of pride in his battling (as can be seen by his yelling in the same phase). After losing against Gaia, Heine would receive the Gouf Ignited. This would not only give Heine a reason to stay in the show (vendetta VS Gaia), but it would also allow him to get the obligatory suit switch/upgrade which all major chars receive. Then he'd participate in battles normally and in phase 32 he'd be the direct cause of Stellar's death instead of Kira (or whoever you want to blame it on). This would also create tension between Shinn & Heine, allowing Heine a purpose for existing in the show even after the death of Stellar.

    If Heine survived, I would probably use him as a grounding voice against Kira and the Clyne Faction. The reason I say this is because Heine seems to be a cross between Kira and Lacus for ZAFT - he is a great pilot (damn lethal plot divices) and a sound reasoning voice.

    I mean, Lacus main tactic for getting people to see things her way is to ask them if they have considered why they fight, and while thye are confused she spouts some political mumbo jumbo that affirms her position. But Heine was giving that same message for Athrun. Though Fukada acctually ended up using heines words to support Kira in terms of Athrun's mental state, if he survived, I would have used him agasint Kira.

    That sounds disjointed, somehow, and I don't know how to express it any better so... yeah...

  9. #49

    Am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious that...

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Okay here's another question. If Heine lived, how would you use him if you were the manuscript writer?
    It's easy to say "Heine should have lived". But why? He needs a purpose. Here's something that I thought out which I would have liked very much:

    Instead of getting the Gouf Ignited, Heine has his orange Slash Zaku Phantom up until the battle with Gaia in phase 23. Instead of dying, he'd get his legs sliced off or something. Heine, while a cool and collected guy, obviously seems to have quite a bit of pride in his battling (as can be seen by his yelling in the same phase). After losing against Gaia, Heine would receive the Gouf Ignited. This would not only give Heine a reason to stay in the show (vendetta VS Gaia), but it would also allow him to get the obligatory suit switch/upgrade which all major chars receive. Then he'd participate in battles normally and in phase 32 he'd be the direct cause of Stellar's death instead of Kira (or whoever you want to blame it on). This would also create tension between Shinn & Heine, allowing Heine a purpose for existing in the show even after the death of Stellar.

    i think that maybe you should write that Heine fanfic you talked about awhile back and use this as inspiration [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
    but yes i do agree that the idea is interesting, even though i'm not too big a fan of Heine
    *ducks and covers for the inevitable rain of fire*
    Love is fiction, misery is my only friend

  10. #50

    Am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious that...

    Okay, I'm new but once I read this topic I said to myself, "I gotta register here."

    So anyways...

    To be honest, Heine is surprisingly the character I like the best in this entire Gundam SEED Destiny series. So okay, he's been on 4 episodes, heck, less than 4 if you count how long they show him on the screen, probably even less that three episodes. So why all the fuss on my part? It's simple, of all the Gundam characters I've seen on Destiny, his seemed like someone who could have made a difference on a higher level, other than the other characters who have SEED and power mobile suits. He's in FAITH after all, and he's not even using a Gundam.

    What also makes me like Heine so much is that he's probably the most "believably" controlled character out there. He speaks his own thoughts with no hesitation, no doubt ever coming in his voice. He, in a sense at that time, had become the one who everyone could lean on for a minute to vent. He practically volunteered to help Athrun with his problems with his own thoughts to ease his mind. If you hadn't noticed, but when Heine was active, the show had become a bit lighter and the character had actually seemed more happier... even Rey, Dullindal's #1 fangir- I mean, the silent one. Heine had done something that no other character had done, he had full control of his life (not physical life, his life in general, as the bitc- I mean Stellar took his physical life away). And the reason was because he went with the flow of where his life went, instead of going against it.

    Now some of you are saying "What about Kira? What about Lacus? Aren't then controlled?"

    Empasis on "believably".

    Lacus's sudden seriousness and control suddenly came out of nowhere in SEED. She was quite the ditz when I first saw her, then suddenly, she's a politcal machine who has the powers to manufacture powerful Gundams. In one moment, she was adored by millions, now she's being worshipped by cult followers. I don't understand how Fukuda could possibly get away with that sudden change.

    As for Kira, it's too stupid to even explain. He was a whining moron who wanted freedom. He got "Freedom" in another way and suddenly, he's buddah incarnated, with all this sudden wiseman talk. Both Lacus and this... this boy's controlled lifestyle is so manufactured and unrefined that I could NEVER possibly take them seriously. They speak as if they know everything, which makes me dislike them.

    As for Heine, he obviously doesn't know everything, but he doesn't have to. His thoughts are his own and he doesn't preach anything other than the true fact.

    "We are soldiers."

    Although the sentence has a negative effect in this series, the fact that Heine believes it and that Athrun, who re-enlisted, should realize it, makes me like Heine more. His cool looks are equal to his cool personality, and looks good doing it.

    So why kill Heine?

    Simple, when you Kill Heine, you kill the light side of the story. Heine's death triggered the darker half of the series as it is now.

    ....Not bad for a guy who did it all in 4 episodes or less.

    Hell, if he had a central role in another series related to SEED, that is one series worth watching.

    My first post to all of you. Ja na. *bows*

  11. #51
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious that...

    Welcome to the forums, Takeda Natsuke.

    Well everything you say is 120% true. The Kira & Lacus bits are basically what makes me hate them as well. They are just annoying.
    And, ehh... well put, really. Stick around.

  12. #52
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious that...

    Originally posted by: Miro69
    Originally posted by: PSJ
    They could just rewrite the whole script.
    or they just kill fukuda... you do that and change the script as well as the director. kill two birds with one stone
    Yuo just need to knock some sense into him, he managed to write SEED which is very good. If he could write something of that caliber Destiny would be way better.

  13. #53

    Am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious that...

    Personally I think Heine was in GSD, what Samuel L Jackson was in Star Wars. A cameo by a guy that either wanted to be in the story or was asked to be in the story just for heck of it. He had no real character, they never developed him, nor do I believe did they ever intend to. His attraction? The fact that he was a blank slate with poofy hair an a nice voice. He could be whatever the viewers imagined him to be because he was so "mysterious" and thus embodied endless possibilities. If you put swirly glasses over his face, give him Steve Urkle's voice from Family Matters and made his hair look like a troll doll he'd lose most of his appeal (which is mostly based on physical trait with nothing really to back it up in my mind). Personally his posing for the little time he did have made me kinda yak... but that's just me. If anyone goes back, they can see Heine's gundam in action before he's killed in like eps 1-8 or something. They show this little orange gouf blowing stuff up.
    He was the guy that Fuka didn't have to "screw up" which made him that much more popular.

    Edit: As for a what Terra has suggested. It sounds aweseome!!! @.@ Send me a copy of the fanfic if you ever decide to write it. My personal ideas as to what Heine would have been if he had not died... The 'Rey' to Athrun's 'Shinn'.

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