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Thread: King of Fighters

  1. #61

    Good news for KOF fans.

    Originally posted by: nests
    Finally the frist episode!!! here it is the real thing. One major complain though it is way too short. other that it was alright.

    Link 1
    Link 2
    Warning is a small raw
    yeah you're right but first eps was pretty good, had actions already

  2. #62
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Good news for KOF fans.

    Iori rocks! However how come the episode ends at 9 minutes? Is this another teaser?
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  3. #63

    Good news for KOF fans.

    i dont know but it was good

  4. #64

    Good news for KOF fans.

    Shinsen released the first episode...

    No torrent

  5. #65
    Genin Shinda's Avatar
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    Good news for KOF fans.

    downloaded the subbed. this was good, don't know the game but the serie looks promising.
    guess that the shortness was because it is a sort of a prologue
    Erotic is using a feather. Kinky is using the whole chicken.

  6. #66

    Good news for KOF fans.

    Signature by Lucifus

  7. #67
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    Good news for KOF fans.

    So.... how do you make it so the subtitles work with the episode?

    Apparently the people at SyoChan are too fucking stupid for including the text inside the actual episode as EVERYBODY ELSE does...

    Edit: GRRRRR.... the only video player I have which shows the subtitles is freakin' winamp, the core refuses to play this, and the other programs won't show the subtitles. To boot, the grapics are glitchy when I use this shit with winamp. Fucking codecs, this pisses me off.

    Edit2: God bless you DivX player. Anyway: Original voice actors, retarded storyline, great action. It's pretty much what I thought it would be. Very short though. I really like the theme song (played in the trailer and in the ending). I neeeed that MP3.

  8. #68

    Good news for KOF fans.

    Here is the torrent for Shinsen's version
    Click here

    Signature by Lucifus

  9. #69

    Good news for KOF fans.

    hell yea the first episode kicked ass!! sorta short though... i can't wait to rock, i'm hella good with him in the kof games. btw, does an episode come out every week?

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  10. #70

    Good news for KOF fans.

    No we have to wait a month for the next one
    Oh yeah by th way Rock has never been in a KOF game just the Maximum Impact series

    Signature by Lucifus

  11. #71

    Good news for KOF fans.

    yea i know i messed up, wat i meant was that i can kick ass with him in capcom vs snk 2(favorite game) and maximum impact

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  12. #72

    Good news for KOF fans.

    I'm just hopping for another Kyo vs Iori fight, I've been wanting to see one animated since KOF 97. Also, does the maximum impact series pick's up were KOF 2003 left?
    I've never played maximum impact.
    Maybe thats why I didn't recognize that alba and soiree guy...

  13. #73
    ANBU Captain aznimperialx's Avatar
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    up your mutha's ass

    Good news for KOF fans.

    Kyo was always the best character but he's a loser, still in high school [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  14. #74

    Good news for KOF fans.

    Originally posted by: aznimperialx
    Kyo was always the best character but he's a loser, still in high school [img][/img]
    Well on KOF97 he was 20 years old and in his last year of High school... so by now he must me what 26.
    26 on KOF 2003, like I said before I haven't played the Maximum Impact games so I dont know how much time has pased from 2003 to Maximum Impact.

    However, remember after the KOF 98, Kyo was kidnapped by NEST and cloned. So after that, I would be like F&CK high school I want to kill the mothers that kidnapped and cloned me not one, two, but 3 of times to conquer the world.

    Back to the topic
    I loved how Athena and May were like leave Iori alone he can die by himself, and Soiree was No, if I don't save him alba is gonna be disapointed at me. It was a good laugh.

  15. #75

    Good news for KOF fans.

    Originally posted by: DeathScytheHCv2
    I'm just hopping for another Kyo vs Iori fight, I've been wanting to see one animated since KOF 97. Also, does the maximum impact series pick's up were KOF 2003 left?
    I've never played maximum impact.
    Maybe thats why I didn't recognize that alba and soiree guy...
    No this anime seems to be in a time between KOF XI and Maximum Inpact 2

    Signature by Lucifus

  16. #76
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    Good news for KOF fans.

    Iori was smarter, he dropped out of high school and formed a band instead [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    Also about Rock, don't forget that he was in Garou: Mark of the Wolves too (much better game than Maximum Impact)

  17. #77
    ANBU Captain aznimperialx's Avatar
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    up your mutha's ass

    Good news for KOF fans.

    i expected Iori to be more cooler looking and i hate the deep voice [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img]

  18. #78
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Good news for KOF fans.

    Short, but really good. Nice to see some of the characters. I just hope that the other episodes won't be 10 minutes long.

  19. #79

    Good news for KOF fans.

    Originally posted by: aznimperialx
    i expected Iori to be more cooler looking and i hate the deep voice [img][/img]
    Actually they used the same voiced actors as the games

    Signature by Lucifus

  20. #80
    ANBU Captain aznimperialx's Avatar
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    up your mutha's ass

    Good news for KOF fans.

    oh well i never noticed it ,but i still don't like

    And 10mins an esp and 1month wait is a pain

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