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Thread: Phase 42 discussion

  1. #61

    Phase 42 discussion

    my gues is that Destiny uses a form of nuklear Fusion which uses Deuterion which gives a Higher energie output than the nuklear engine of Freedom Justise Providense Strike Freedom Infinite Justise and Legend which use conventional Nucklear engines which use the exact oposite of fusing atoms
    so if Shin needs more power his engine needs to fuse more Deuterion and he needs a refil

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    And now all you Kira fanboys can be happy again as he once again showed that he cannot lose, is invincible, one-dimensional and overall boring to watch.
    But I guess that doesn't matter when you are a silent guy with big guns on his gundam eh boys?
    indeed it doesn't

  2. #62
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Phase 42 discussion

    Originally posted by: NeoBear
    and man i hate pink haired bitch she shows up says some bullshit and people are like "yes wut was i thinking!!!" shes boring as all hell to watch and listen too, its like watching freedome fight with words

    she should die slowly and they should make a music video out of it
    That was so beautiful.

  3. #63

    Phase 42 discussion

    what lovley chaos.....can't wait for the next episode....

  4. #64

    Phase 42 discussion

    OMFG GOd in Grey hell !!! Shin, Talia, Rey , jona and JIbril have the MILF factor, i just finished watching it and it was a really cool episode indeed, it made me orgasm. but i have one question,
    1. the bit when they show you 3 gundams, it was I justice, S freedom, and unknown, what is the unknown gundam?

  5. #65

    Phase 42 discussion

    It should be Gaia,and i think Mu has regained hie memory,judging by that sentence she told Murrue,Mu and Athrun fans rejoice,they are back on form!
    Addicted to Gunpla right now...

  6. #66

    Phase 42 discussion

    I was highly dissappointed in Cagalli in this episode. She only lasted because of that reflective armor. She didn't even make an attempt to go seed on Shinn though she had the motivation and time to do so. I was thinking "Hey. Cagalli's got a new gundam. Maybe she will at lest be able to do some damage to Shinn." but no. I am left dissappointed by her yet again in this series. Also, every time Lacus starts to rant on people always find themselves resolved for some strange reason. Athrun has been mentally confused for the entire series and along comes Lacus and suddenly he is resolved. That is gay to me.

    Now Kira has definitly gotten better yet again. Shinn's skills have gotten great but Kira is always 2 steps ahead of him. If Kira could use those dragoons then Shinn would be screwed right now. I miss the days when Kira had the strike and used every part of the gundam (Like the fists and feet.).

    The next episode looks promising. Can't wait.

  7. #67

    Phase 42 discussion

    Originally posted by: FelixZeroAlastor
    I was highly dissappointed in Cagalli in this episode. She only lasted because of that reflective armor. She didn't even make an attempt to go seed on Shinn though she had the motivation and time to do so. I was thinking "Hey. Cagalli's got a new gundam. Maybe she will at lest be able to do some damage to Shinn." but no. I am left dissappointed by her yet again in this series. Also, every time Lacus starts to rant on people always find themselves resolved for some strange reason. Athrun has been mentally confused for the entire series and along comes Lacus and suddenly he is resolved. That is gay to me.

    Now Kira has definitly gotten better yet again. Shinn's skills have gotten great but Kira is always 2 steps ahead of him. If Kira could use those dragoons then Shinn would be screwed right now. I miss the days when Kira had the strike and used every part of the gundam (Like the fists and feet.).

    The next episode looks promising. Can't wait.

    Do not start another GAY DEBATE,Felix.
    And Lacus has some charisma that Kira and Athrun and all her supporters feel,and Cagalli is a Natural how can u compare her to Shinn?Kira will always own Shinn becoz his skills are better and his MS is nuclear,Shinn's stupid hybrid nuclear-deutrion Destiny can run out of power
    Addicted to Gunpla right now...

  8. #68

    Phase 42 discussion

    It will be interesting to see how well Athrun fights in IJ... IJ is an awesome unit, and Athrun as we all know, is a pretty kick ass pilot on his own. However he is injured and can barely walk without assistance, so that will hinder his performance. My guess is that he's probably going to do good, just because it is Gundam Seed and they have to make IJ look good to milk more money out of the fans and merchandise.

  9. #69

    Phase 42 discussion

    Originally posted by: Chris_Xion
    Originally posted by: FelixZeroAlastor
    I was highly dissappointed in Cagalli in this episode. She only lasted because of that reflective armor. She didn't even make an attempt to go seed on Shinn though she had the motivation and time to do so. I was thinking "Hey. Cagalli's got a new gundam. Maybe she will at lest be able to do some damage to Shinn." but no. I am left dissappointed by her yet again in this series. Also, every time Lacus starts to rant on people always find themselves resolved for some strange reason. Athrun has been mentally confused for the entire series and along comes Lacus and suddenly he is resolved. That is gay to me.

    Now Kira has definitly gotten better yet again. Shinn's skills have gotten great but Kira is always 2 steps ahead of him. If Kira could use those dragoons then Shinn would be screwed right now. I miss the days when Kira had the strike and used every part of the gundam (Like the fists and feet.).

    The next episode looks promising. Can't wait.

    Do not start another GAY DEBATE,Felix.
    And Lacus has some charisma that Kira and Athrun and all her supporters feel,and Cagalli is a Natural how can u compare her to Shinn?Kira will always own Shinn becoz his skills are better and his MS is nuclear,Shinn's stupid hybrid nuclear-deutrion Destiny can run out of power
    GAY DEBATE? the man's got some valid points. it's one thing if it doesn't coincide with your opinions but to attack it because you feel against it is another.

  10. #70

    Phase 42 discussion

    Originally posted by: Mut@chi
    Kira vs Shinn is pretty much on the same level of Itachi vs Jiraiya. We'll never know who is the better one (except Itachi is the best).
    Dude, how can you say Itachi is the best. Itachi himself said he couldn't handle Jiraya. When Itachi is with his sword swinging boy (forget his name and too lazy to look it up), Itachi says that they are not enough to handle Jiraya.

    so it would be Kira=Jiraya and Itachi=Shinn

    Also, I believe SF might still be able to use his dragoons on Earth. I just think he did not see a need to use them as of now, but when battle both Gundams I think the dragoons might come out...just some food for thought

  11. #71

    Phase 42 discussion

    I'm juz worried thats all,if it isnt another debate,then fine,my apologies for any offense,Felix
    Addicted to Gunpla right now...

  12. #72

    Phase 42 discussion

    The DOM Troopers seemed like they were having a lot of fun...

  13. #73

    Phase 42 discussion

    Wow, this episode kicked ass. Now I'm reminded why I love Gundam.

  14. #74

    Phase 42 discussion

    Terra I'm surprised your bitching and moaning still. They are actually keeping mwu as Neo still. He still hasn't fully regained his memories but now not being with the ship he is slowly regaining them. Just as Stellar showed was possible. Curium I don't know what more besides him saying he is mwu you need.. Appearance, voice, genetics, phrases, knowledge, what more do you need to not say coincidence? If he said he was Mwu then you could pass it off as coincidence saying he is saying that just to sleep with the captain. You're a pain in the ass. lol. As for predictable. I was expecting Cagalli possibly to go SEED but having her not makes sense since she didn't know that Destiny is Shinn and she wasn't upset enough to really go SEED. Maybe she will again.

    To settle the questions the flashback showed the three gundams. If you noticed their V fins and chests from left to right. Gaia, S. Freedom, I. Justice. I'm curious if anyone else also noticed Dearka got a new suit from the ending. He now pilots a black Zaku Blaze Phantom.. Not bad eh? You can be happy about that Terra.

    I wish I could explain about the Destiny power situation but that would probably lead to spoilers. It is definately a hybrid system system thou. Where it has a much higher capacity than a battery operated unit.

    The Dom Trooper "Jet Stream Attack" kicks ass. They are way more mobile than they look and the image posted in the Trooper thread does them no justice. Just like the Simmons drawing doesn't do the UC ones justice. Freedom has been pwning. And once the AA left to join the fight its easy to believe they'd of let the Eternal know of their situation and Cagalli launching. From there you know that Kira will want to help. Being a newtype did he know Cagalli was in danger. Who knows.

  15. #75
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Phase 42 discussion

    Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
    Terra I'm surprised your bitching and moaning still.
    I'm surprised you don't know how to shut up still.

    But seriously, you seem to misunderstand why I "bitch and moan". I'm not questioning Neo being Mwu, I just don't want this to end as "Mwu is mysteriously alive and brainwashed". I want to see HOW he was picked up. By WHO and WHY. Is that so strange to you?

    And yes I noticed Dearka's new mobile suit.

  16. #76

    Phase 42 discussion

    Thanks for the info,Guardian,i was going to say that after watching phase 42 8 times now,i finally noticed that new suit Dearka got is a Gunner Zaku Phantom,but are those twin packs behind it Blaze missile packs?ZAFT is gonna be puking,

    Current MS count:
    ORB/Clyne Faction/Three Ships Alliance:S.Freedom,IJustice,Gaia,Akatsuki,Strike(R ouge)(5)
    Unsure of:Skygrasper(If Neo/Mu's ride gets the upgrades,G-Flight treatment or something new?),Yzak's custom Gouf,Dearka's Blaze/Gunner ZAKU Phantom(not sure)

    As you can see,the good guys have the upper hands now,even eith the DOMs but they're getting better if those 3 "unsure of" units join them.ZAFT is going down!
    Addicted to Gunpla right now...

  17. #77

    Phase 42 discussion

    Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
    Appearance, voice, genetics, phrases, knowledge, what more do you need to not say coincidence?
    Neo saying something Mwu said does not make him Mwu, there are ways to explain him using the same line that are no more farfetched then saying he survived in space without a helmet or a MS. A clone with partial memories from Mwu, or some stupid newtype mental connection between Neo and Mwu(hopefully before he died but i wouldn't past the writers to make it an ongoing link), could have resulted in the exact situation that the show is in now, short of something saying it is Mwu you can't really jump to that conclusion. No matter what the explanation is gonna be retarded, Mwu can survive in space or the clone is extremely Mwu like.

  18. #78

    Phase 42 discussion

    This is just another of those tug-of-war episodes, wherein the right side gets the pull this time, but later on loses to the left side. Perhaps Shinn would totally lose it, his dignity that is. I suppose Cagari wasn't as confident as I thought she was, as she rush through the enemy lines. Justice. I'll be expecting good things from Asuran, he better catch up to Shinn.

  19. #79

    Phase 42 discussion

    Originally posted by: Freki
    Kira v Shinn had some cool stuff happening but ending it on account of Shinn running out of power was lame, especially with how fast it happened, I mean Freedom lasted how many years without ever running out of power but Shinn drains his batteries in an afternoon of fighting.
    Shinn only ran out of power because of the point blank Rail Gun hits. Physical weapons can't damage PS suits, but it can drain their power. Rail Guns are EXTREMELY powerful, so naturally it would take a lot more power to protect against them.

    Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
    Curium I don't know what more besides him saying he is mwu you need.. Appearance, voice, genetics, phrases, knowledge, what more do you need to not say coincidence? If he said he was Mwu then you could pass it off as coincidence saying he is saying that just to sleep with the captain.
    I can tell you EXACTLY what I need to see for me to be convinced. The ENTIRE scene where he is recovered after Strike's explosion.

    You're a pain in the ass. lol.
    I never said I wasn't.

  20. #80

    Phase 42 discussion

    Well from the look on Ramius's face we just may end up with that. The evidence keeps stacking up but its almost certain now it is Mwu. But atleast we're accepting things things that are possibilities. Wait till we see the army of Kira clones that they have fighting for them piloting some new type of MS on EA. I mean if they are gonna clone anybody. Thats who they would clone.

    Freki my mind is alil tired what are some ways that he could make exact same phrases that Mwu would of made. Or knowing security codes for a ship he never has been on. The helmet was edited out of the movie so he may of had his helmet. And even if he didn't have a helmet he is capable of being in space for a few seconds before going unconcious. Then there are a few minutes which he has in which someone could revive him. Its not as farfetched as it sounds. And thats if he hadnt had a helmet. I can concede there is still a small percent chance that it is a clone if they really did improve the cloning technology.

    lol Terra prolly won't ever happen. I just figured you had gotten the point out why wasting ur time repeating something that we know you won't accept till hardcore stuff is out. And my comment about you bitching and moaning was about the predictability of the show. I'd love to see a posting in the spoiler thread on what you predict will happen.

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