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Thread: What do U think of the quality of naruto lately

  1. #1

    What do U think of the quality of naruto lately

    Do not get me wrong here I love naruto always have loved it but lately I just don't get that feeling anymore.
    I mean every thursday when I got home from work I used to look forward to seeing a brand new episode of naruto, but lately I sometimes don't even download the epsiode thursday, but friday, or even saturday or sunday. Do you know what I mean it is just not as good as it was before. Am I the only one who feeels that or are there more people who feel like that.

  2. #2

    What do U think of the quality of naruto lately

    it's probably just because of the long wait to just see the next episode...

  3. #3
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    What do U think of the quality of naruto lately

    The effects of the fillers......... Look forward to better things in the near future.
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  4. #4

    What do U think of the quality of naruto lately

    Nah, face the truth, you just don't love naruto the way you used to.

  5. #5
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    What do U think of the quality of naruto lately

    Originally posted by: jing
    Nah, face the truth, you just don't love naruto the way you used to.
    This is actually completely true for me. Last summer, when I started watching Naruto, I had only recently discovered anime. At that time, I thought Naruto was incredibly awesome and I watched many episodes in a row, and wasted quite a bit of bandwidth downloading it all. Now that I've seen quite a few other anime series, many of which are much more intelligent and thought-provoking than Naruto, I've come to regard Naruto as an entertaining, but not an exceptional anime. I still download it every week, but I'm not waiting on the edge of my seat anymore.

  6. #6
    Genin Maverick-DBZ-'s Avatar
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    What do U think of the quality of naruto lately

    Originally posted by: jing
    Nah, face the truth, you just don't love naruto the way you used to.
    I agree with your comment.

    The fillers have really gotten to me and have screwed up the anime really bad. It's been 8 or 9 weeks (Iost count) of bad episode after bad episode. I really hope naruto gets back on track as I'm really disliking it right now.

    Bleach is turning out to be a great anime though so at least I get a good anime fix every week. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  7. #7
    Fails at reputation woofcat's Avatar
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    What do U think of the quality of naruto lately

    I have also started watching Bleach and reading the manga . The Shit Naruto just dosn't make me happy. I have now rewatched Kenshin 3 times. to make up for the lost awesomeness.

  8. #8
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    What do U think of the quality of naruto lately

    Originally posted by: KitKat
    Originally posted by: jing
    Nah, face the truth, you just don't love naruto the way you used to.
    This is actually completely true for me. Last summer, when I started watching Naruto, I had only recently discovered anime. At that time, I thought Naruto was incredibly awesome and I watched many episodes in a row, and wasted quite a bit of bandwidth downloading it all. Now that I've seen quite a few other anime series, many of which are much more intelligent and thought-provoking than Naruto, I've come to regard Naruto as an entertaining, but not an exceptional anime. I still download it every week, but I'm not waiting on the edge of my seat anymore.
    Ditto. Not to mention that, as so many people, have said, Naruto is losing it's "ninja" quality. That is, the show doesn't have the same feel that you are watching a show about ninjas using tactings and intelligence to fight as it did earlier on. This is why a lot of people got into it - at least, that's what I've heard.
    I think I started "loosing interest" around the middle of the Sasuke-chase arc. That's when things started too closely resembling the DBZ-power-struggle type fights.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  9. #9

    What do U think of the quality of naruto lately

    I have high hopes for the next arc. The manga is looking pretty good right now. It will probably rekindle my love for Naruto.

  10. #10

    What do U think of the quality of naruto lately

    Originally posted by: Jaredster
    I have high hopes for the next arc. The manga is looking pretty good right now. It will probably rekindle my love for Naruto.
    Yeah that is the only thing keeping me going in Naruto as of late. The manga and how things are right now in the current storyline. The anime even with its fillers have had dull moments lately and it has been boring. Bleach has almost caught up with like 190 chapters already and so far no signs of letting up. To tell you the truth about a month after it was officially announced that Naruto was licensed was when I started to get bored with Naruto.

  11. #11
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    What do U think of the quality of naruto lately

    Nah, face the truth, you just don't love naruto the way you used to.
    No, I say its the fillers too. Naruto was rocking my face off as recently as Naruto vs. Sasuke, and that was just one episode before these fillers started.

    And you know what really gets me, I think we all are elitist because we know its fillers. I have a couple of friends I show Naruto to, and they don't know whats filler and whats not, and they like the current episodes just fine.

    I wonder if its just us being predisposed to hating filler episodes.

    I mean, sure, the stupid brothers suck, just a couple strong fatasses...

    But really, is that somehow any worse than Choiji's character? I'm not really sure it is.

    Something to think about.

  12. #12

    What do U think of the quality of naruto lately

    I'm practically trained to recognise fillers now. This kinda started when I was into One Piece and I found the Apis arc so fucking boring. I'm randomly browsing Arlong Park, and what do I find? It's filler.

    When the Idate arc started, I was thinking "this is just shit". After a little bit of searching, indeed, I found out it is filler. Same goes for the Sasame arc, but I realised it faster because I'd previously read that the Country of Field filler had started, but I was only in the Sasuke chase arc when I read that.

    So no, it's only filler I hate really.

  13. #13
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    What do U think of the quality of naruto lately

    Same goes for me. Naruto was the first fansub I watched. I discovered fansubbing anime because of Naruto. Before, Naruto was an addiction. I couldn't go by a week without downloading the weekly manga and anime, filler or no filler. But now I haven't watched any of the new fillers eps., the movie, and I've gone 2 weeks without reading the manga. Heck. I don't even feel like downloading the manga now. Yep. The feelings gone. Before I regarded Naruto as the best damn anime there is but since i've been seeing different fansubs and scanlations I just lost interest in it. Besides, I have a new addiction. One Piece. And its not leaving me anytime soon. I watched the damn 5 movies already, all the OVA's, and impatiently waiting for a fansub of the 6th. The show is just to kick ass. And this time I'm aware of different anime shows. Not the clueless one anime fansub like I was when I watched Naruto.

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  14. #14
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    What do U think of the quality of naruto lately

    Originally posted by: KitKat
    Originally posted by: jing
    Nah, face the truth, you just don't love naruto the way you used to.
    This is actually completely true for me. Last summer, when I started watching Naruto, I had only recently discovered anime. At that time, I thought Naruto was incredibly awesome and I watched many episodes in a row, and wasted quite a bit of bandwidth downloading it all. Now that I've seen quite a few other anime series, many of which are much more intelligent and thought-provoking than Naruto, I've come to regard Naruto as an entertaining, but not an exceptional anime. I still download it every week, but I'm not waiting on the edge of my seat anymore.
    Well spoken, I pretty much feel the same. I think I enjoy the constant slander of the forms more than the actual show (I love you guys, even the assholes like Mut). But the show itself...well in the begining it seems thought provoking and well thought out...but now its rapidly turning more and more into another Superpower kids show with more suspense than the 12 episodes in a row of Dragonball grunting. Naruto has lost its glimmer, but its still pretty good...minus the bullshit we have to watch now.

    I'm glad you have found some others to enjoy. Cause Naruto is hardly one of the "classics" and probably will never be one of the greats...especially if they keep writing shit like this.

  15. #15

    What do U think of the quality of naruto lately

    it's kind of how I felt about an old fav cartoon of mine, Gargoyles when it first aired weekday afternoons.
    THe seasons were consistently awesome! Until the original storywriters abruptly finished their time and the remaining seasons were picked up by a less compelling animation team who called it the "Goliath Chronicles." Oh well, never the same again.
    There's probably no chance anyone knows what I'm talkin' about though. damn

  16. #16
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    What do U think of the quality of naruto lately

    Serialized anime always hits this trap because Japanese studios do it year round. You just can't do a chapter per episode, the timeframes don't fit, so eventually they have to write anime-only arcs, and inevitably the people doing the anime adaptation of a serialized manga can't write original material to save their fucking lives.

    So, yeah, eventually they all turn to shit for a bit.

  17. #17
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    What do U think of the quality of naruto lately

    Personally, I think the series has become even more fantastic.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  18. #18
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    What do U think of the quality of naruto lately

    Originally posted by: Mut@chi
    Personally, I think the series has become even more fantastic.

    I wish Naruto was permanently cancelled.
    So which is it, you said both.

  19. #19

    What do U think of the quality of naruto lately

    if u mean from the fillers, i think the fillers could've been done a lot better. i guess i think this way because i've been anticipating the anime to go back to the manga's plot for a while now...

  20. #20
    Missing Nin
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    What do U think of the quality of naruto lately

    ive started rewatching old eps over again just to get that weekly naruto feeling i used to have so long ago.

    i remember how excited i was to get home from school and download the latest naruto ep every week. but now i dont even bump it to the top of my download list when its released.

    they need to postpone naruto until theyre willing to get back to the manga story arc. these filler arcs are killing the show. that, or employ someone who can actually write anime well. god knows they must have enough money off this anime by now to do so

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