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Thread: Help! (Ninja Gaiden read error)

  1. #1

    Help! (Ninja Gaiden read error)

    I've just downloaded the Ninja Gaiden game for the X-Box!
    But unfortantly... I get this read error thing...
    "The disc is dirty or damaged"

    Does anybody know how I fix this?


  2. #2
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Help! (Ninja Gaiden read error)

    look at the disk, see if it's scratched or has dust on it.

    If it's scratched, you might be SOL. If it's just dusty or dirty, take a cotton cloth and lightly wipe it off (making sure not to scratch it).

    If it's neither, it might be your dvd drive lens is dirty. You can buy a lens cleaning disk at most stores that sell electronics and stuff (radio shack, target, walmart, best buy). Play it and it'll make sure the lens is dust-free.

    However, it's an xbox. It might just be that the drive itself is bad. Older generation xboxes used Thompson drives which quickly became known for poor quality and unreliability. has a howto on adjusting the laser in a thompson drive (assuming you're courageous enough to do it yourself), but it seems like their downloads site is broken atm. Direct URL is here, if the site comes back up. If you've ruled out a bad disk and a dirty lens, that's probably what's going on.

  3. #3

    Help! (Ninja Gaiden read error)

    You ripped the game improperly for it to read on your Xbox my guess
    The Xbox wont read what it recognizes as a burned unofficial disc and give you that message

  4. #4
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Help! (Ninja Gaiden read error)

    Originally posted by: Tousuke
    I've just downloaded the Ninja Gaiden game for the X-Box!
    But unfortantly... I get this read error thing...
    "The disc is dirty or damaged"

    Does anybody know how I fix this?

    Uh, do you have a mod chip or softmod running?

  5. #5

    Help! (Ninja Gaiden read error)


  6. #6
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Help! (Ninja Gaiden read error)

    yup, I totally missed the word "downloaded" :-p.

    Modded xboxes are a much more diverse bunch. Do other games work for you?

  7. #7
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Help! (Ninja Gaiden read error)

    sry, but ninja gaiden has a very complex file system, it will NOT work no matter how you burn it, even inf you optimize the layout it WONT, it does work flawlessly on the hd [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] ( same goes for fight night round 2 )

  8. #8

    Help! (Ninja Gaiden read error)

    i had this problem on my Xbox as well.

    I found that my problem was old game saves.

    Clear all your Ninja Gaiden game saves and try that.

    That fixed my problem.

  9. #9

    Help! (Ninja Gaiden read error)

    I also have a modded XboX and ninja gaiden downloaded works just fine... Jade Empire also gives dirty or damage error and GTA san andreas works good.. but then some other games give the dirty or damaged error... very frustrating! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    pls help me out ^^

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