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Thread: Bleach 43

  1. #21
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Bleach 43

    I think he is allowed to be a captain despite being a sick fuck because Soul Society gives leniency to him because he is the president of the research divison or whatever. His sick experiments are overlooked thanks to his contributions.

    Of course, Soul Society also has fucked up draconian laws that essentially condemned Rukia to death for what amounts to traveling without a passport. And Zaraki Kenpatchi's lust for killing isn't endearing either.

  2. #22

    Bleach 43

    Originally posted by: oyabin
    if someone says something about hitsugaya or anythingm it will be a spoiler.. ^_^
    Oh right. *bps self on head* Can someone send me a PM then? ^^;;

  3. #23
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    Bleach 43

    Originally posted by: Y
    I think he is allowed to be a captain despite being a sick fuck because Soul Society gives leniency to him because he is the president of the research divison or whatever. His sick experiments are overlooked thanks to his contributions.
    or it could just be that his sick experiments are his contributions(basically the results from them) which is why SS lets him do it, and with the exception of him being a crazy fuck he is the second pres of the 'research division"; which i would assume is the reseach of all things, so experiments are probably required, but those experiments are more or less up to the pres.(which unfortunately Mayuri).

    hmmm, i just noticed something. Mayuri said he was the second pres. of the R.D. then who was the first? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    R.I.P Captain America.

  4. #24
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Bleach 43

    knives i wondered about that too, why would he go through the trouble of saying he's the second president unless he wanted to distinguish himself from the first one. The first president was most likely somebody hated in soul society and probably killed already.

    I think Mayuri's allowed to be a captain because of his fighting skills, like Yoruchi said, all captains (besides zaraki) can use bankai, so if mayrui can you bankai he has to be a pretty good fighter, we dont know whether he became president first or captain first (i'm guessing captain first because then it would give him the right to become president)

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  5. #25

    Bleach 43

    ....Why do you act like you do not read the manga chaos? Let the damn anime people discuss things for themselves.

  6. #26

    Bleach 43

    mayuri is so awesome , he's the perfect rolemodel

  7. #27

    Bleach 43

    Originally posted by: Dezalanel
    ....Why do you act like you do not read the manga chaos? Let the damn anime people discuss things for themselves.
    Anime-only watchers need to get exposed to the manga. They missing out. Unless you spoil which is a bad thing. Encouraging is not. Have fun. Please read the manga. Remember kids reading sparks more brain activity than watching.

  8. #28

    Bleach 43

    Originally posted by: Y
    I think he is allowed to be a captain despite being a sick fuck because Soul Society gives leniency to him because he is the president of the research divison or whatever. His sick experiments are overlooked thanks to his contributions.

    Of course, Soul Society also has fucked up draconian laws that essentially condemned Rukia to death for what amounts to traveling without a passport. And Zaraki Kenpatchi's lust for killing isn't endearing either.
    He cares about his comrades. He has a lot of bloodlust, he wants to kill, but, unless they're a challenge, I don't think he's want his squad to die, he's a good captain. With the exception of not having any particular talent with his zanpakutou (aka not knowing it's name, nevermind "releasing" it), he's an awesome captain. Mayuri's just a freaky guy.

  9. #29
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 43

    Anime-only watchers need to get exposed to the manga. They missing out. Unless you spoil which is a bad thing. Encouraging is not. Have fun. Please read the manga. Remember kids reading sparks more brain activity than watching.
    How about go fuck yourself and don't tell me that I can't fully enjoy my cartoon about sword fighting unless I read it's comic book huh?

    I like my pictures of fights to move.

  10. #30
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Bleach 43

    Most of the manga readers have said this (myself included):

    "The anime follows the manga frame for frame."

    It's true. I've NEVER seen an anime adaptation of a manga done as well as Bleach does it. They're are literally scenes that are "shot" in the same perspective that you will swear that the manga was written second using frames from the anime.

    Trust me, anime viewers aren't missing anything. Just a few jokes sketched in on a blank page of the chapter, which don't appear anymore anyway. Half of them were written in to the series.

  11. #31
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Bleach 43

    Originally posted by: Dezalanel
    ....Why do you act like you do not read the manga chaos? Let the damn anime people discuss things for themselves.
    let chaos contribute to the discussion if he wants to. he's not giving anything away w/ his comments. u anime-watchers are really touchy. how can u scream, "spoiler!" when u don't know what's going to happen next anyhow? the only ppl here who could point those out are the manga-readers so stop second-guessing all the posts and just take stuff at face value.

  12. #32

    Bleach 43

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    Anime-only watchers need to get exposed to the manga. They missing out. Unless you spoil which is a bad thing. Encouraging is not. Have fun. Please read the manga. Remember kids reading sparks more brain activity than watching.
    How about go fuck yourself and don't tell me that I can't fully enjoy my cartoon about sword fighting unless I read it's comic book huh?

    I like my pictures of fights to move.
    Dearthender is right why should we read maybe we cant look at white it burns our eyes [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] people dont have to read a manga so they can watch the manga... you only read the manga because your scared of BLOOD

    (that blood bit was a joke stop crying)

  13. #33

    Bleach 43

    Just for your information, I read the manga hence why I post in the manga topics duh.

  14. #34
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Bleach 43

    Originally posted by: Ryllharu
    Most of the manga readers have said this (myself included):

    "The anime follows the manga frame for frame."

    It's true. I've NEVER seen an anime adaptation of a manga done as well as Bleach does it. They're are literally scenes that are "shot" in the same perspective that you will swear that the manga was written second using frames from the anime.

    Trust me, anime viewers aren't missing anything. Just a few jokes sketched in on a blank page of the chapter, which don't appear anymore anyway. Half of them were written in to the series.
    Most of the manga readers who say that are idiots. The jerky, bargain-bin animation coming out of Japanese studios sure as hell isn't a perfect adaptation of the manga.

  15. #35

    Bleach 43

    yeah the manga is still way cooler then the anime will ever be, sure it's following the manga pretty good but the art in the manga is way better and all the left out jokes and things they changed like the grand fisher stuff and just the amount of blood and violence is all toned down the manga is just way better, the anime is good but it'll never compare to the brilliance that is the Bleach manga same goes for most other anime's like naruto, naruto anime sucks donkey balls compared to the manga

  16. #36

    Bleach 43

    k i only want to say this about the manga vs anime subject: FUCK YOU!!! dude why are you all getting so fucked up about??? the difference between those 2?? fuck off i only watch the anime and i don't care WTF you all say i won't read the manga!! NEVER. and for those who do read the manga, do what you like, but plz don't spoil it for me. so plz stfu and let's get back to topic.,

    my little bleach theory of the week.: i think that ishida will use some evul quinchi powers and then Mayuri will say "so my research for quinchi's wasn't completed i will take you and research you in my lab muhahahahahahahahaha. so he takes ichida alive and take's him to his lab.while he is on his way to his lab the 3 day's will be passed and ichigo will save the day agean.

  17. #37

    Bleach 43

    calm down nobody is saying you have to read it and nobody is spoiling anything so the first part of your post was totally unnecesary

  18. #38
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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  19. #39

    Bleach 43

    The leadership in SS is mostly evil tyrants and manipulators or just lunatics whose power has gone in their heads.
    There's a few "nice" captains, but they still play along with the bad guys. sure, hollows are destroyed, only because no one with a bit of sanity could possibly want hell to take over.
    But this Mayuri person..thing is over the top..true 100% evil character. I love it

  20. #40
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Bleach 43

    Originally posted by: Aramis
    The leadership in SS is mostly evil tyrants and manipulators or just lunatics whose power has gone in their heads.
    There's a few "nice" captains, but they still play along with the bad guys.
    Sounds kind of like real life.

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