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Thread: Phase 41 Discussion

  1. #21

    Phase 41 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Millenium-Boyz
    FuCK shit, this episode is A RECAP, i hate it so much, and the best thing of this episode was just the next week episode, i wanna see the part when DOM trooper arrive on the earth, and MWU/NEO got released from AA, and THE DEBUT OF IJ, but its funny seeing IJ and SF orbit the earth holding hand. there s nothing much to discuss in this episode
    Damn U, tho i could wait at least till next week, but no u had to post "SF and IJ holding hands", OMG, now i will download it. DAMN u.

  2. #22

    Phase 41 Discussion

    Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
    Originally posted by: Millenium-Boyz
    FuCK shit, this episode is A RECAP, i hate it so much, and the best thing of this episode was just the next week episode, i wanna see the part when DOM trooper arrive on the earth, and MWU/NEO got released from AA, and THE DEBUT OF IJ, but its funny seeing IJ and SF orbit the earth holding hand. there s nothing much to discuss in this episode
    Damn U, tho i could wait at least till next week, but no u had to post "SF and IJ holding hands", OMG, now i will download it. DAMN u.

    LoL sorry for spoiling dude

  3. #23

    Phase 41 Discussion

    Really for a recap episode, it was passable. The only thing I CAN'T FORGIVE is the timing. 40 and 42 should have aired together rather then with a recap between them.

  4. #24

    Phase 41 Discussion

    Originally posted by: burnout
    btw can anyone make me a sig???
    go to the fanart forum.

    eh...stupid recap episode, can't believe they put one this late in the series
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  5. #25

    Phase 41 Discussion


  6. #26

    Phase 41 Discussion

    What I'm looking forward to is Shinn seeing Freedom.

  7. #27

    Phase 41 Discussion

    screw, RECAP!!! man i don' t know whether its still worthy for dling

  8. #28
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Phase 41 Discussion

    Originally posted by: blightian
    screw, RECAP!!! man i don' t know whether its still worthy for dling
    It still has some new scenes in it.

    If you really are a Gundam fan, you should of course watch all episodes.

  9. #29

    Phase 41 Discussion

    Why god. All I want to see is Shinns face when freedom flys in to stomp on his emo ass.

  10. #30

    Phase 41 Discussion

    SFreedom soars the sky.
    Shinn: But i killed him?
    IJustice enters the battle
    Athrun: No you didn't
    Shinn: Athrun!? I killed you too.
    Stellar: Shinn Why you try to drown Stellar?
    Shinn: Stellar!!!!!!!

  11. #31

    Phase 41 Discussion

    WHAHAHAHA now that would be funny if it happend

    the part that stellar asks shinn would be hilarious

  12. #32
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Phase 41 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Cion
    SFreedom soars the sky.
    Shinn: But i killed him?
    IJustice enters the battle
    Athrun: No you didn't
    Shinn: Athrun!? I killed you too.
    Stellar: Shinn Why you try to drown Stellar?
    Shinn: Stellar!!!!!!!
    Haha.... He'd react exactly how he reacted when Mayu died.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  13. #33

    Phase 41 Discussion

    42 is going to be great.
    That's all I have to say.

    I don't mind recaps, but there were some cool new scenes and nostalgic GS ones.
    So it wasn't bad.

  14. #34

    Phase 41 Discussion

    The recap was good at reminding the viewer that the last battle in Seed was supposed to end all wars, and Kira and Athuran finally found their "goals" or "purpose." But as we all know, that didn't happen in Seed Destiny, as Kira and Athuran fought each other. The recap also reminded the viewer that Athuran was close with crew of the Minerva, and fought along besides them like how Kra fought along side the AA. But hell, this episode can't be compared to the actions of next week's episode!

  15. #35

    Phase 41 Discussion

    Yea, I can't wait to see the DOM trio in action, I wanna see if they will revamp the ol' Jet Stream Attack and do something cooler.

  16. #36

    Phase 41 Discussion

    I agree somewhat on the episode's reviews so far. Personally, I thinkit's the worst recap because it mostly covered Athrun's escape & Kira's new fucking toy...both which we've seen in the last FIVE episodes.

    One thing that struck me about this ep, something really scary.
    The episode 40 parody from Cellphone was right......Fukuda has given main character to Kira, since the Seed Sheep wouldn't accept Shinn...who was wonderingly dialogue-less in 41, for the most part.

    *sigh* Keep this up, GSD, and you're gonna be the letdown of 2005. The countdown to judgement begins....

  17. #37
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Phase 41 Discussion

    Good things about this episode:
    - Seeing Yzak again
    - Seeing Heine again
    - Seeing Shinn slashing down Freedom again
    - Seeing the shuttle from early Seed explode again
    - Seeing Lacus almost get shot again

    Bad things about this episode:
    - Seeing Heine die again
    - Seeing Lacus survive almost getting shot again
    - Seeing Lacus
    - Hearing Kira
    - Seeing Miss Conille again
    - And everything else really

    Why must all fucking recaps include a Lacus song?
    The one thing I hate about this stupid shit is that they use the same old scenes over and over, killing their original coolness. How many times do we need to see Uzumi die? AND YES WE KNOW THAT PATRICK ZALA WAS THE RIGHT WAY FOR YOU TO TAKE YOUR RANDOM SCARRED FUCKTARD!!!!!11111 God. So stupid.

    Fukuda must die, but before doing so these last eps better be better than sex and coconut juice combined (don't ask).

  18. #38

    Phase 41 Discussion

    OMG, I just watched Phase 41, i still dont forgive u @Millenium-Boyz, and The Whole Phase 41 doesnt compare to the preview for Phase 42.

    I cant wait for it.

  19. #39
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Phase 41 Discussion

    Also, why the hell were there a bunch of constipated zakus at the end of the ep?
    I thought to myself "well at least I can enjoy the beautiful ending sequence" and I see a bunch of fucking lame mechs colored by a kid or something.

    Are they advertising a color book or something? Instead of the ending?!?!?!?!!
    When the hell did this show become a fully fledged commercial circus?
    I can't believe this.

    Seed crew: "let's insert another recap episode"
    Some guy with IQ: "but why, people will hate us?"
    Seed crew: "see, we have this new coloring book coming out and we kinda need to advertise for it and..."
    Some guy with IQ: "but that's..."
    Seed crew: "we'll let your kids do a contribution to the advertisement?"
    Some guy with IQ: "sold, let's fuck the audience over"

  20. #40

    Phase 41 Discussion

    @Terra LOL, if they kept adding songs they could have made this the first ever gundam musical.

    Yay my coloring entry (#19) made it in [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] I swear that half of them are color blind

    note, i was just kidding about the entry . . . lol

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