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Thread: Kira Hater haven

  1. #21

    Kira Hater haven

    I hate to say this cause I have no ill feeling toward Kira or Shinn, but if anyone is to blame for Stellar taking out a whole city it should be Neo. He is the one who put her in there, of course he was ordered to but he broke his promise. You could even go further and blame what Stellar did on Shinn, had he never brought her back she would have never destroyed the city. However, I agree with PSJ that if it wasn't Stellar behind the Destroy, it would have been someone else. The reason why Stellar went beserk again was because Neo put it in her head that "bad people are trying to kill us" or something like that. So, since Freedom was attacking her, Freedom became IT (a game of IT with him being the bad guy in her eyes). I understand some people's deep hated root for Kira (although I do not feel it myself), and I respect the opinions and statements of those who believe Kira is to blame. Yet, I have stated the reasoning why I believe that train of thought is inaccurate, in my opinion.

  2. #22

    Kira Hater haven

    thats why if kira kill her earlier it woulda been sumboy else BUT they wouldnt have been scared by kira nearly as much and cried and went crazy. they would be like wtf and stuff but not like hmm im gonna randomly shoot buildings and stuff like stellar did. plus she is a better piolt than sum random dude that woulda went inside. u must admit, stellar did maximum damage and overkilled cuz of her fears. any other piolt might be bad, but u must admit not AS bad. stellar has a unique fear to kira which no one else does. she is like a child, easily manipulated by neo. as i said before kira 1 shoulda finisher her off earlier and killed piolts so they wouldnt keep comming back with the same piolt over and over (aka kira chopped all 3 druggues like 5 times and they kept comming back until shin took care of them. every time they came back, they took lives. they eventually died ANYWAY so if the gundams were desroyed earlier then atleast some if nto alota lives woulda been saved.

  3. #23

    Kira Hater haven

    wow psj seem to be defending Kira..heh...drunkmaster hate....its like the stuff he saying is like 30 percent true...

    so yea..i hate Kira because he is not perfect enuff...that stupid Kira aint goody two shoe enuff...he gotta be more Good...i hate Kira because he didn't kill Shinn in the first place, instead of slicing impluse's arms and legs...when its oviously impluse can replace those parts easily. i hate kira because he is too good, strong, skilled and rigged..., i like underdog's GS and GSD we only c like the favored and the more talented win..i want to c a weak person(underdog)...rise above..and win...

  4. #24

    Kira Hater haven

    Originally posted by: naruto-kira
    wow psj seem to be defending Kira..heh...drunkmaster hate....its like the stuff he saying is like 30 percent true...

    so yea..i hate Kira because he is not perfect enuff...that stupid Kira aint goody two shoe enuff...he gotta be more Good...i hate Kira because he didn't kill Shinn in the first place instead of sliceing impluse arms and legs...when its oviously impluse and replace those parts easily. i hate kira because he is too good, strong, skilled and rigged..., i like underdog's those GS and GSD we only c like the favored or the more talented win..i want to c a weak person(underdog)...rise above..
    very true i wanna see sum random dude start owning ppl like cagali or sumthing. i just dont like it somtimes when kira just slices off sum arms and leaves. they they come back kill more ppl. kira slices off legs and leaves, they come back again kill more. what the hell. atleast destroy the gundams and the crazy ass piolts. u know the enemy will send crap back. u might as well get rid of the crap like gundams and piolts that are much better than random ppl.
    now back to make sure my points arent really EXAGGERATED:
    1. athurn spared kira- in gundam seed athurn had kira in the grip and he coudla shot. they told him to shoot. instead, athrun stalled it out and let kira go. i just cant stand that he should be dead...
    2. athurn saved kira. when athurn was in justice he was watchign kira get his ass handed. he was on a mission to kill him, yet he came in and helped him fight.
    3. kira hasnt used much skill- look at above posts, anyone could do those things.
    4. kira perpetuates comflict to a high scale=see above

  5. #25
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Kira Hater haven

    I am not defending Kira. I'm done doing that, have been for a while now. I am simply pointing out faults in an obviously flawed theory or opinion. Anyone with their head on straight can see that it isn't accurate.

  6. #26

    Kira Hater haven

    very true i wanna see sum random dude start owning ppl like cagali or sumthing. i just dont like it somtimes when kira just slices off sum arms and leaves. they they come back kill more ppl. kira slices off legs and leaves, they come back again kill more. what the hell. atleast destroy the gundams and the crazy ass piolts. u know the enemy will send crap back. u might as well get rid of the crap like gundams and piolts that are much better than random ppl.
    now back to make sure my points arent really EXAGGERATED:
    1. athurn spared kira- in gundam seed athurn had kira in the grip and he coudla shot. they told him to shoot. instead, athrun stalled it out and let kira go. i just cant stand that he should be dead...
    2. athurn saved kira. when athurn was in justice he was watchign kira get his ass handed. he was on a mission to kill him, yet he came in and helped him fight.
    3. kira hasnt used much skill- look at above posts, anyone could do those things.
    4. kira perpetuates comflict to a high scale=see above
    he gets too damn lucky and it gets lame.hes lost his real character substance and plays gundam seed life like other chars. i know its what the creators made, but they made a char that is indestructable so u never have a sense that he would die or he lucks out in the gayiest ways.
    (put this just to show u)

  7. #27
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Kira Hater haven

    Again look at the damn circumstances for those things. They mean nothing if you don't include the circumstances. Oh and point 3 is plain out wrong, you should know that it is wrong. Even Shinn and Rey said that Kira is a skilled pilot and has mastered Freedom to it's fullest.

    4 however i agree with to a certain extent. You think Kira should kill the pilots and then you complain that they come back and kill more. I don't understand that reasoning.

  8. #28

    Kira Hater haven

    mastering freedom=locking on to 50 dudes by pressing a button ok next. when he slices off arms aka lets say he sliced off gundam a's arm. next episode gundam a will come back with new arms kill sum random ppl, then get his arms sliced again. 2 epiosde later, gundam a is back only to kill more. gundam a is a decent piolt(aka stellar) EVEN if they made a new gundam(kira destroy old one so no more) the new piolt will be a random person, not nearly as good. and as for circurmstances, whats why he fucking lucks out so fucking much. its like everything is set up PERFECT for him thats the WHOLE REASON WHY I HATE HIM. the fact that a war with small casualties in incraments will perpetuate for a long time cuz there will be enuff ppl to replace them over and over and over. a war with decent casualties will notify both sides of the losses and make them feel bad. . if i was zaft, id be like. ok kira wont kill my dudes. so as long as i send out a bunch of zakus kill 100 of orbs grunts i will have gotta a good deal. i still have all my piolts and i wont lose any ppl. woohoo.

  9. #29

    Kira Hater haven

    This is the last Ill say, cuz i think the true spirit of the thread is being lost to all the defending of kira, but athrun has saved kira the exaggeration was the 40 times part, besides it isn't like Kira didn't help athrun out as well.

    Anyway my hate(although i think hate is to strong a word for it but whatever) for Kira is more directed at all of GSD. In SEED when he got freedom they had the 3 druggies to keep things balanced and then providence at end. To me GSD feels like a long list of the more powerful side winning battles over weaker opponents. I know that Minerva has gone against the there 3 druggies but the 3 they faught were not as well equipped as the ones from SEED, Gaia couldn't go out into the water, gaia couldn't make terribly good use of its transformation mode in space, and Minerva had 3 good pilots, and then 4 when Athrun joined them to defend themself whereas AA was much more out manned in SEED for most fo the series. This series lacks a real underdog, especially now with the 4 new top suits(not gonna count Cagalli into this group). Cagalli has the opportunity to shine against a powerful opponent but i don't think anyone should fool themself into believing she will defeat Shinn.(reading this again I sound like I hate GSD but I actually don't i guess that is just an aspect of the show that annoys me and makes me annoyed with the ace pilots)

  10. #30

    Kira Hater haven

    my last rant and then i will rest(unless sum person starts acting up again this is a hate thread not a defense thread. i too agree with all this defending the thread lost purpose but w/e) world war 2. an atomic bomb killed hundreds of thousands at once and the war was ended(althought it was terrible and cruel [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]) if those same ppl were kill in batches of 20 over the course of a year, would the war have ended? no period. that is what kira is doing. ppl die at a slower rate because of him. and its long and drawn out with the ppl he choppped arms off comming back again and again. to win a battle, you need to kill the roots. its like a weed. chop of the top each time it will come back. pull out the roots and finish it off(aka killing the enemy) force them to back out surrender. the fact that the enemy knows they wont lose as many men is just making it worse. its like what the chairman said: war is driven by production and money greedy ppl. as long as there are piolts, they will buy more suits. life obviously means more than money. but the fact that kira kills the suits but not the consumers causes more demand and ups the supply. every time a side fights kira the battle report is like. enemy casualties 80. our casualties ummm 0? wow that guy is such an idiot.
    Originally posted by: Freki
    Haha there are people on the kira hating, shin hating, kira loving, and shinn loving sides that will not listen to your reason because your reason for loving/hating someone could be that persons reason for feeling the complete opposite. Everyone will find different aspects of these characters that they will like or hate and you cannot make them feel differently about that, well in most cases you can't. Just accept that people are gonna feel how they do about the characters and just state your own opinion without worrying about trying to convert people to your opinion with reason. )
    ty so much! i wasnt trying to convert anyone. after my first rant i said finally i got that out of my system. if i wanted to convert i woulda expressed my kira hate without permission. instead i wated for a place where i could hate him all i want. apparently that wasnt true. i never said hey everyone convert or ur fucking retarded u wrong bastard. i didnt call anyone stupid or anything.... my reasoning is deep and maybe deeper than what the gundam seed ppl ment for it to be, but its not wrong. if ur gonna answer it answer my rants with a explanation ppl. dont say look at the circumstances ur stupid and uhh kira is sweet. especially its when the circumstances and crap that make it so rigged and retarded.

  11. #31

    Kira Hater haven

    Originally posted by: drunkenmaster
    how are those made up.... everything in there happened... as for made up reasons: i bet he hates chicken what a loser. i also bet he watches stupid tv shows and likes to eat coco puffs and pretends to be the president of hishouse when he showers...(those are made up)
    Post something when u arent drunk, leave the beers b4 going in front of a pc.

    EDIT: Well i do agree Kira should kill the druggies b4 they kill more ppl, that part of him i dont like much. After all they go back to headquaerters and get a new mobile suit to destroy more enemies, tho they r from the military AND NO CIVILIANS like the ones STELLAR KILLED because SHINN RELEASED her and ended up leveling a city and killing INNOCENT CIVILIANS.

  12. #32

    Kira Hater haven

    yes i thought of the most random things i could think of and posted it. then i said they were made up.... to show the difference between made up shit and stuff that happened. nice job answering usmthign way back there that was old and nothing up front lmao. if u didnt sense sarcasm in there then i dunno what to do. use sum common sense when answering stuff plz. atleast Psj answers shit and we discuss it. u on the otherhand dont know when a person is just kidding. also the fact that u only commented on that ruins ur argument of post sumthing when i am not drunk. u woulda quoted everything. instead u quoted one, pointing out my crazy post. however, u fail to acknowledge the otherones, just conceding to the non drunkness. infact ill say i was just screwing around when i posted that. funny how no one else commented on that cept for u. dust off ur brain use sum common sense.

    edit yes so thats why in my post i said its a combination of shin, stellar, and kira's fault. if there were a stellar haters id comment on her weirdness also. that doesnt change the fact kiras weird too. sumone else weird doesnt equal another person NOT weird. note that we all know shin is screwed up and somtimes doesnt think.

  13. #33

    Kira Hater haven

    Sorry, i didnt read the other posts, should had. But i really think there arent Stellar haters, she was like a 5-year-old girl, there is no way i can hate her.

  14. #34

    Kira Hater haven

    np. sigh its just so many ppl are blinded by what kira is doing and not thinking about it. yah stellar isnt much to blame. its kira and shin that are screwing up everything and rey of course that damn weseal (with chariman being really gay also).

  15. #35
    ANBU Captain aznimperialx's Avatar
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    Kira Hater haven

    Originally posted by: drunkenmaster
    very true i wanna see sum random dude start owning ppl like cagali or sumthing. i just dont like it somtimes when kira just slices off sum arms and leaves. they they come back kill more ppl. kira slices off legs and leaves, they come back again kill more. what the hell. atleast destroy the gundams and the crazy ass piolts. u know the enemy will send crap back. u might as well get rid of the crap like gundams and piolts that are much better than random ppl.
    now back to make sure my points arent really EXAGGERATED:
    1. athurn spared kira- in gundam seed athurn had kira in the grip and he coudla shot. they told him to shoot. instead, athrun stalled it out and let kira go. i just cant stand that he should be dead...
    2. athurn saved kira. when athurn was in justice he was watchign kira get his ass handed. he was on a mission to kill him, yet he came in and helped him fight.
    3. kira hasnt used much skill- look at above posts, anyone could do those things.
    4. kira perpetuates comflict to a high scale=see above
    he gets too damn lucky and it gets lame.hes lost his real character substance and plays gundam seed life like other chars. i know its what the creators made, but they made a char that is indestructable so u never have a sense that he would die or he lucks out in the gayiest ways.
    (put this just to show u)

    WTF u got it all wrong

    1. How would u feel if u had to shoot ur young childhood bestfriend that u just encountered again? I think u would stall 2
    2. His mission was to find the freedom and athurn was alreadly gonna decieve Zaft.
    3.He dun need to use skills. Hez the ult. coordnator
    4. I blame the director 4 that

  16. #36

    Kira Hater haven

    thats exactly why its rigged. everythign it set up for him perfectly also by blaming the director, you prove my point that kira is messed up. the director created him, and if u blame the directors, ur not happy with them. why are u not happy to blame them? because U see the flaw in kira(which they created). i cant really hate a non exisant character. but i can hate in the sense that he himself is too rigged (even tho it was the directors that made him too rigged) also he doesnt need to use skills? what the hell.... if hes the ult coordinator we should SEE the skills. its like a kid is really good at basket ball and he does nothing. and hes like i dont need to do jack im the best ball player. i would be thinking how about we see sum of that action. when athrun isnt killing kira, it shows it humane behavior. i dont like kira not because ATHURN DIDNT KILL HIM. its the fact that he shoulda died. note that its the CIRCUMSTANCES that make me hate him. ur arugment only supports what i am saying.
    now on to the line by line
    1. how would i feel if it was my friend? ok first off ill say i wont kill him, that makes me a good person. the fact that he got his ass handed by me makes him retarded
    2. his mission was to destroy freedom, and he decived them by accident. he wanted to kill kira at first becase he was decided to either to help him or not when he was looking over. then he jumped in the way. kira should have died. once again he rigged and lucked out. athurn saved him.
    3.ok he doesnt need to use skills. i guess he has none (note im just gong to "concede to what u are saying". he uses 0 skills. thats why freedom is so stupid. u use no skills and u kill 50 mobile suits. i dont hate feedom, but based on what u said of no using skills, that makes freedom a noob gundam(i like it personally) i guess when kira tries to use his skill like in strike he gets owned. but when hes in his freedom he doesnt need to use skills cuz hes rigged like that.(note kira has skills obviously but this is based on what he is saying)
    4. u blame the directors for kiras flaw, there fore u concede in the flaw. therefore kira has a flaw and thats why i have a reason to hate him. based on ur logic everything that ppl hate should be blamed on the directors. i guess that kills the purpose of shin haters haven, and the basis of discussion. we are discussing the character, not the friggin directors.

  17. #37

    Kira Hater haven

    Maybe i was wrong on that IQ diffrence.

    First of all could someone explain to me why the post above mine is in this thread, what does it have to do with Kira hate? And to answer that post, hating and liking is what everything is about. If you just sits in front of the screen like a stonecold killer and doesn't react a bit on anything it will become kinda boring.

    What the hell does 2 guys arguing and fighting have to do with Kira hate and what is the last dialog supposed to be?


    The point PSJ is that you can post random thoughts and get the topic rolling. Its called freedom of speech. Your IQ is something that is measured individually. Even if you hang around people that are of a certain group you will more likely then not try to find your own individuality and separate yourself the more that there are people with like minds. Its the second time you used that and your posts didnt make anymore sense the first time and we heard you the first time so if you'll be so kind and let it go. I consider it just spamming & unnecessary misconduct of rule # 2. Im sure after 5000+ posts you should do by now.

    And i dont have to be a Kira hater to be in this thread. Not everyone thinks alike. There are fanboys and there are people in general that like all the characters and show as a whole. Some of the rules are below.


    1. No spamming: That includes multi posting. There must be one other person's post before yours. In other words, use the edit button and don't post consecutively.

    2. No excessive or unprovoked flaming: You don't have to be robots when posting. Throw in a little bit of personality or emotion if you have to. But be careful about going overboard. But do not bait someone. For example: "I'd say this, but person A might be a baby about it." Dont do this.


    These threads have clearly failed and serve no purpose whatsoever, except for being the fuel for random idiocy. Closed.

    GotWoot Moderator

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