hello, im new to the forum and this whole torrent downloading thing. im currently downloading Tenjou Tenge 1-24.. but its extremely slow! 2kb per sec! how come no1 is sharing >_< im downloading it from point-blank (http://www.point-blank.cc:7000...ex.html?search=Tenge).
anyways i have two questions. anyone know where i can get these files from a faster source with more ppl sharing? and if so what information do i need to change to start downloading from that source if possible. im using the normal bit torrent client since im new to this whole thing, seems to be only one announce url w/ cc:6969 *clueless to if that means anything*. only two peers n one is downloading off me!
well that was question1. question 2, am i not suppose to be able to watch any of the clips until its all finished? i have 44.5% finished. i figure the first half is done. but when i try to view it after exiting the program. i cant view it. is it suppose to be like that until i reach 100%? or am i wasting my time completely? >_<
p.s. pleaseeeee nice ppl go share on poink-blank please i want to watch my anime~!!
thanks in advance for any help posted ^_^