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Thread: Bleach 42

  1. #41

    Bleach 42

    Originally posted by: Ryllharu
    I'm quite sure we'll know one when we see it.
    Better not be what I think it is:

  2. #42

    Bleach 42

    Taking Note of "Turkish-Shikamaru's" post on page #1, I just HAD TO advance this thread another notch in hopes that this is indeed the one time ANY SERIES pulls rank on the "Narto-sqwad".......
    I would also think it would have a lot to do with the fact that "Bleach" is in one hell of a dynamite finish and the "N-Sqwad" isnt on such a dramatic level right about now.
    Dont get me wrong I am not a Narto-hater by any means but Bleach deserves its due and its only right for Bhudda's sake!

    Oh and hey, in an effort to try and save space, what does anyone use as far as trying to view incomplete files? I cant for the life of me remember what I used to use and so I will give the question a shot here before I add a thread in support. I prob had a juiced up copy of Divx back then or maybe the Zoom player but anyway that doesnt help me now, so what do ya say people, whats a decent player that plays unfinished files?


  3. #43
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Bleach 42

    you have to wait on a certain part of the file in the beginning to be finished (forgot what its called) to open the incomplete file. i use zoom player or VLC.

  4. #44
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Bleach 42

    haha, nice ep.

    that whole naruto bit from before was hilarious... honestly, i haven't really watched naruto since ep 138. i keep d/ling them just in case i get REALLY bored but thankfully, i haven't gotten to that point yet.

    anyways, i had no idea the snake talked either... but that's cool. and it's funny how tatsuki managed to teach orihime enough karate (or was it judo?) for her to unofficially pass as a 1st degree black belt hahahaha [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  5. #45
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    Bleach 42

    Man I can just imagine Zangetsu getting attacked by a monkey with the tenacity of sad.. squish goes the white ape.. Oh well.. Nice episode.. I liked the flash step tag and the replacement technique was kinda cool. I cant wait till she awakens Ichigos bankai sword form.. Bleach just gets better and better. I just hope the Zangetsu, when on its second stage, looks nothing like it does now (so we can see Ichigo use another fighting style or soemthing).. Oh one final thing.. I hate that captain that looks like a damn robot.. creepy ass thing.. reminds me of cyborg.. 009? I think thats the show..

  6. #46
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Bleach 42

    The robot-look alike is the 12th Squad captain Kurotsuchi Mayuri. I think his apperance is quite interesting. Since he has a robotic appearance, maybe his flesh got severely burned or made these "upgrades" to become stronger.

  7. #47
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    Bleach 42

    Yeah, well, he can be as interesting as he desires. It does not make him any less creepy...

  8. #48

    Bleach 42

    Strange how Ishida put on them reaper robes so easily, after being so hell-bent on using that white outfit with the mantle. At least it's understandable that he didn't come up with the idea of changing clothes...

  9. #49
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Didn't Ishida just put the soul reaper clothes over his clothes? Besides, I don't think he would've minded so much about wearing them since he had to minimize drawn attention to him and Inoue.

  10. #50
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Bleach 42

    haha i figured he'd put them on but keep the cape "good thing i brought another extra"

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  11. #51
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Bleach 42

    This is a little late since the 3rd ending was done a while ago, but I just decided to keep a screenshot of all the captains at their "final pose".

    Knowing Ishida, he probably brought a small sewing kit to replace anything else he lost, haha.

  12. #52

    Bleach 42

    i dont know if this is spoiling, cos i cant remember if all the captains names have been said yet. but if it is please remove

  13. #53
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 42

    I actually think Captain 12 looks like a Hollow in a funny hat rather than a robot.

    For the instantly healing issue, so far at least, Ichigo has not once gone on to the next fight without some form of third party aid after all the injuries he recieves. 1. He borrowed Ikakku's salve. 2. Hanataro healed him after he fought Renji. 3. Yoruichi picked him up and let him heal in the hiding place after he fought Kenpachi. 4. He broke his wounds open again and Yoruichi stabbed him, and he healed at her place again.
    Yes, and I'm saying thats just like DBZ also. DBZ either used beans or Dende. Everytime someone got their ass kicked, another of the good guys would show up and engage the bad guy, and while said bad guy is fighting the newcomer, the guy who got his ass beat would either pop a bean or have Dende sneak up an heal him.

    It works pretty much the same in Bleach. Several characters that don't serve any real purpose except keeping the main characters fighting fit.

  14. #54

    Bleach 42

    well i spose it IS neccessary, as its pretty much ichigo vs the rest of soul society, with the other ryoka doing diddly shit. so unless ichigo can beat captains without getting hurt healers are needed

  15. #55
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    Without the need of healers.. it would seem less realistic.. he would be an ultra god moder [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]

  16. #56
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    @basey44: Don't worry about naming the captains. Knowing their names won't hurt anyone....... I hope.

    Anyways, there's always gotta be some sort of healer around. The good guys can't be expected to win all the time without getting a scratch.

  17. #57
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Bleach 42

    I also have been a little perturbed by the instant healing phenomenon. Reminds me alot of DBZ, but Ichigo pulls it off more like Guts from Berserk (which I like) Healing powers have remained very vague so far, hope they'll explain what the hell is going on with them later on (or leave them as a convienent Deus Ex Machina...)

    Oh, and Capt. Kutoscohi (sp?) -the evil mad scientist robotic chameleon one- really interests me. A real bad guy through and through, i love that!

    He's going to trap Ishida and Inoue pretty badly, I can see that coming...

    Oh, and I also laughed out loud at the characterization of Zabimaru, a dumber Naraku with a snake tail...
    But seriously, the two opposing personalities in Zabimaru made me think alot about Zanpaktou's Released Forms, especially with Yorouichi telling Ichigo that there are two different released forms. Makes me wonder if the second half of Ichigo's Zangatsu isn't that Hollowish pale clone of himself... or maybe an actual Hollow? Would explain the random appearances of those Hollow masks saving his life. So do all Zanpaktous have two personalities like Zabimaru?

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  18. #58
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    I hope not..imagine all the bitchintg that tail does for being attached to the bakc end of an ape...I dont believe that the form of Zangetsu's person will change.. that would be really odd and even a bit cheesey.. Ichigo still hasnt gotten to know him too well yet and then he is just gonna move on to another persona? naw..

  19. #59

    Bleach 42

    na... the show is 50 eps... ep 50 will end with Ichigo saying something about releasing his bankai... and that's it... more of a cliffhanger for a series than any Berserk can do!

  20. #60

    Bleach 42

    Originally posted by: Darknodin
    na... the show is 50 eps... ep 50 will end with Ichigo saying something about releasing his bankai... and that's it... more of a cliffhanger for a series than any Berserk can do!

    are you being sarcastic?

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