I really need help finding Naruto eps 136-141, since they were removed from the gotwoot tracker I haven't been able to find them anywhere else. Hyuga posted a link to baka updates in my other thread and I thank you for that but i've already tried that, the point blank tracker doesn't work and the ones pointing to gotwoot obviously doesn't work either. I guess I could download the DB eps but I really don't want to as I like AonE much more. Thanks in advance..
On another note i'd also like to thank the mod for being somewhat understanding in my other post, i'm just a little frustrated since these eps indeed ARE hard to find now.
Stop posting in the wrong forum. Also, you can always use IRC to download the missing eps.
GotWoot Moderator
Edit: Sorry, guess I didn't look closely enough and completely missed this forum so I assumed the Naruto one was the right one to post in, won't happen again. Anyway, I did check the gotwoot irc channel but I didn't really see any bots to download from, !list was a bannable offense so I couldn't try that and everybody was just idling or refused to answer.
Well, at least you bothered to read the topic. Okay, the #gotwoot IRC channel on irc.gotwoot.net is just a channel to chat and idle. The channel you want to be in is at #animeone @ irc.rizon.net. To use any of the triggers you need to have a registered and identified nick. Try the bots there.
GotWoot Moderator