Quote Originally Posted by RedX1z
i don't know why everyone is saying weird things, but here's how it goes, or how i think it goes, if i'm somewhat wrong, forgive me..

heero and relena
duo and hilde
trowa and no one(don't think catherine, because that his sister..or so i hear..)
quatre and no one
wufei and sally?
Ugh, can't stand that everyone has to pair someone up with someone else. In any case, the most efficient pairings I've seen are as follows:

Heero Yuy and Relena Peacecraft
Duo Maxwell and Hilde Schbeiker
Trowa Barton and Midii Une*
Quatre Raberba Winner and Dorothy Catalonia
Wufei Chang and Sally Poe

*Midii Une was only featured in New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Episode Zero. She is a young girl that Trowa saved in his mercenary days, although it is revealed that she was a spy for the Alliance in order to take care of her family. She realizes her feelings for Trowa after he leaves her. She is not related to Lady Une in any way.

Also, it is true that Catherine Bloom and Trowa Barton are brother and sister, since Trowa Barton is revealed to be Catherine's long lost brother, Triton Bloom, in Episode Zero. The only reason I didn't put Catherine Bloom with Trowa is simply because that would be an incest pairing.