Well, along with that oversized beam cannon... The recoil on the damn thing was peeling the shielding off Wing Zero Custom(above and beyond re-entry and the fire from the ground)... but eh.. that was probably in there somewhere..
Well, along with that oversized beam cannon... The recoil on the damn thing was peeling the shielding off Wing Zero Custom(above and beyond re-entry and the fire from the ground)... but eh.. that was probably in there somewhere..
if anything was damaged on re-entry, it was only the wings, the wings functioned as a shield just like the heat plating on the shuttle
its just that the buster was probably emitting way too much power ( like if something is really hot, it will burn you even if you arent even close to it ), thats probably what destroyed wing 0, cause he fired it lie 5 times or something ( cant remember ) and the first and the last shots were prolonged
Acctually it only fired 2 maybe 3 times.Originally posted by: darkshadow
if anything was damaged on re-entry, it was only the wings, the wings functioned as a shield just like the heat plating on the shuttle
its just that the buster was probably emitting way too much power ( like if something is really hot, it will burn you even if you arent even close to it ), thats probably what destroyed wing 0, cause he fired it lie 5 times or something ( cant remember ) and the first and the last shots were prolonged
Still it was quite obvious that the gun was to strong for the suit to use.
haha imagine the ending of GW if the gun was always that strong, Heero passes through atmosphere, fires on chunk of Libra, and then Zero explodes killing him...actually Heero has survived explosions and insanely high drops before, maybe they woulda had him fall to earth and make a crater like Wile E. Coyote as Libra explodes.
Fuck, Trowa (or should I say Triton Bloom?) is so cool.
Thanks again. Any chance of doing Duo's next?
Edit: By the way, Middie Une? Is that Lady Une as a kid or what?
Edit2: No wait nevermind, I forgot that Lady Une is older than Trowa.
With Middie Une, at the end of the book there is some notes about the creating of it. One says that Middie's relationship with Lady Une will forever remain a mystery. I will scan that stuff after I've finished all the stories.Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Thanks again. Any chance of doing Duo's next?
Edit: By the way, Middie Une? Is that Lady Une as a kid or what?
Edit2: No wait nevermind, I forgot that Lady Une is older than Trowa.
As for Duo next, sure thing.
EDIT: There is one line in the summary of Duo's story that I think works better after seeing his part in the beginning of Operation Meteor. Thus I'm overruling the request to post that next and THEN Duo's story within 24 hours.
Making a crater? He would just start rolling as he hit the side of a mountain and get away with a broken leg which he puts in place right afterwards, no big deal. Even if he broke his neck he would just put it in place.Originally posted by: Freki
haha imagine the ending of GW if the gun was always that strong, Heero passes through atmosphere, fires on chunk of Libra, and then Zero explodes killing him...actually Heero has survived explosions and insanely high drops before, maybe they woulda had him fall to earth and make a crater like Wile E. Coyote as Libra explodes.
Hey man dont discredit his mad tumbling skills [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]..
I think i also saw feathers when Strike Freedom did it's Evangelion-like posture...Originally posted by: Freki
You know I could excuse the feather looking wings on Zero Custom if they didn't have them flapping through space and losing feathers as it did, for me it was this point when suit went from cool to goofy looking. The was my biggest complaint with Zero Custom, although having a gun the is to powerful for your suit is a pretty serious design flaw, although I suppose some of that is due to atmosphere and fighting Wu Fei but still.Originally posted by: Illrenmazou
Everything is horrible in Wing until they released an OVA/Movie. The mech design in E.W. rules! But honestly, who would put angelic wings on war machine?!
Name ep and time i seriously doubt they put feathers in SEED.
Originally posted by: Jurojin
Fave suits would have to be in this order:
6. Nataku
Actually #6 is Altron then, after upgrade for space combat in a middle of GW series.
Distinctive feature: Nataku has beam javelin, Altron has beam trident aside from having backpack-mounted dual beam gun and other color scheme.
I will have to rewatch GSD then, please spare me this torture [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]Originally posted by: PSJ
Name ep and time i seriously doubt they put feathers in SEED.
Some of last 10 i think...
BTW - i am the only one who saw Evangelion-ripoff in SEED and Destiny openings with Freedom's EVA-like pose with Kira and Lacus in foreground?
That pose has been used since SEED. Strike Freedom first appeared in ep 39 was it? And hasn't appeared since so you'd have to watch one episode.
Wrong.Originally posted by: Marcis
Originally posted by: Jurojin
Fave suits would have to be in this order:
6. Nataku
Actually #6 is Altron then, after upgrade for space combat in a middle of GW series.
Distinctive feature: Nataku has beam javelin, Altron has beam trident aside from having backpack-mounted dual beam gun and other color scheme.
It's the same suit, Altron is just an upgraded Shenlong - and therefore is still called Nataku by Wufei.
Wufei called all his Gundams Nataku. However the particular version that Jurojin was refering too is specifically called Gundam Nataku. Even the model kit for it says Gundam Nataku on the box. The first 2 from the series were specifically called Shenlong and Altron on their model kits.Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Wrong.Originally posted by: Marcis
Originally posted by: Jurojin
Fave suits would have to be in this order:
6. Nataku
Actually #6 is Altron then, after upgrade for space combat in a middle of GW series.
Distinctive feature: Nataku has beam javelin, Altron has beam trident aside from having backpack-mounted dual beam gun and other color scheme.
It's the same suit, Altron is just an upgraded Shenlong - and therefore is still called Nataku by Wufei.
I'm glad someone thought to share the mangas with everyone here.
It actually gives the characters depth and shows insight into their characteristics. I can't for the life of me figure out why none of the manga stuff was included in the series... Would have made for a hell of a lot more interesting development
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
I am aware that this is a double post, but I felt this needed to be seperate.
EDIT: well it was a double post when I started this message, guess it isn't after all.
Duo's will be up within 24 hours.
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So that's where they got the Endless Waltz stuff I guess.
Man, people, imagine if the first episode of the show was the anime equal of the Meteor chapter that Curium posted. Then episode 2 would be the anime's episode 1. And then somewhere at occasional spots in series, they could have included character dedicated episodes with the boys' pasts. To top if off, make Relena less annoying. If all of that was done - Wing would be great!
I wonder where it went wrong, really. The pasts are well done, and so is Meteor when put in this light.
Wasted potential always makes me sad...
Ah well, thanks again for the efforts Curium.