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Thread: Phase 40 discussion

  1. #81

    Phase 40 discussion

    Lets just hope this will be the LAST recap, then that'll mean 10+ episodes of uninterrupted GSEED goodness.

    Strike Rogue doesn't have phase shift armor? Thats news to me.

  2. #82

    Phase 40 discussion

    Yeah... that scene with Uzumi & Cagalli was very emotional. And I like Akasuki. Quite pretty. It would be funny if one of the poorer mechanics on AA was caught trying to steal the gold plating off of it. XD

    I don't think it's a recap episode. Since it's named "Requiem", maybe Cagalli dies in it or something? Or SOMEONE dies. I just had the feeling that they didn't show many screencaps because something important is going to happen.

  3. #83

    Phase 40 discussion

    it might just be one of those recap episodes with some flash backs and still manages to move the plot foward

  4. #84

    Phase 40 discussion

    I REALLY hope it's not another recap. There's only so many eps left, and I want more action!

    This ep was decent though. It was nice to see the troups rallying once they knew Cagalli was back. Yuna was ridiculous as a war leader, so incompetent it wasn't even funny any more. Cagalli's new suit certainly is... shiney... But I liked the scene where she got it too, and she really isn't that bad as a pilot. I guess she IS Kira's sister, after all. That being said, she doesn't have a chance against Shinn. Either Kira saves her, as some have speculated, or Shinn finally has his crisis of conscience and spares her for his own reasons. Still, it was nice how Cagalli saw him, recognized that he was the most dangerous enemy out there, and then without hesitating goes strait for him

    Oh, and nice dis by Tallia. I guess Dulandil can't always count on his charm after all. I'm fairly sure she'll turn on him before the end. And I'm still not sure what the end will be. Djibril will likely escape to the moon, and ZAFT will chase him into space, but what will ORB and the AA do? They don't really want to protect Djibril, and after he's out of ORB ZAFt will likely leave, so what then?

  5. #85

    Phase 40 discussion

    Originally posted by: Everon
    Strike Rogue doesn't have phase shift armor? Thats news to me.
    Yes Strike Rogue has Phase Shift. That is because it was built primarily out of spar parts intended to replace damaged parts on Strike.

    Originally posted by: Mae
    They don't really want to protect Djibril, and after he's out of ORB ZAFt will likely leave, so what then?
    I doubt it. Dullindal seemed to be honostly angry at Yuna's insulting his intelligence by flat out lieing that Djbril wasn't there. Also, EVERY Gov't type person that has talked about Orb in SEED or GSD has mentioned Orb as a "difficult" nation. They have the military strength to cause problems and they won't join sides so they are always a Wild Card. Dullindal has an excuse to attack Orb now, I doubt he will willingly stop until it's government is destroyed so that he can take control and make it so it can no longer be a problem.

  6. #86
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Phase 40 discussion

    Dullinandal will keep going until ORB is gone. You can't possibly believe Dullinandal is a guy that says "oh well now that Djibril left we can stop the attack". He will say something like "They are lying, destroy ORB completly. I'm not satisfied until this island is reduced to rubble."

    Afterall Dullinandal isn't the goodguy in all this, even Gladys got her doubts about Dullinandal at this point. I'm still waiting for the plot twist that will make Dullinandal a real badguy, i thinik Destiny plan got something to do with this.

  7. #87
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Phase 40 discussion

    The song that played during the war as well as the ending were great, I need them now. I didn't even notice 41 was going to be a recap, that's just pointless.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  8. #88
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Phase 40 discussion

    Originally posted by: KapsLocked
    I don't think it's a recap episode. Since it's named "Requiem", maybe Cagalli dies in it or something? Or SOMEONE dies. I just had the feeling that they didn't show many screencaps because something important is going to happen.
    The next episode is called Refrain. Hiro wrote wrong.
    Probably because Djibril mentioned his new Requiem plan earlier in the episode.

  9. #89

    Phase 40 discussion

    Yeah... that would suck if it was just a recap ep. Didn't they do the same thing towards the end of GS?

  10. #90
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Phase 40 discussion

    No they didn't, absolutely not. The end of GS were pure orgasm until the very last second of the last episode.

  11. #91
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Phase 40 discussion

    Nope, the last GS recap was episode 26. That was the third one, the other two being episodes 14 & 15.
    Pretty funny places to put recaps at, but I prefer that over throwing them out towards the end when the show is as most intense.

    Really, the amount of recaps is just silly. Counting Edited, this will be the fourth one for Destiny.
    If they so desperately cannot reach 50 episodes without resorting to this, they should just settle for 45 episodes to begin with.

  12. #92

    Phase 40 discussion

    I guess that it's only supporting the theory that GS[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] is just a cash cow for Bandai to make more money off of new model kits. :\

  13. #93
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Phase 40 discussion

    I just saw this episode, and it's one of the best recently. Cagali was back to her best, and her comeback nearly had me in tears, especially when she urged the ORB forces to lend her their strength. I hope she doesn't die, and some how manage to stay alive against Shin's Destiny Gundam.

    Edit: I just saw Cellphone's ep 40 parody, and it's friggin hillarious.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  14. #94
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Phase 40 discussion

    another GREAT ep in the series, cagallir regained my respect defintily, but she wont stand a chance against shinn, also the armor, it SEEMS she has to turn it on the reflect, cause right before impact, she went all ssj stance, and the armor began to shine, so im geussing it isnt ALWAYS on, im also geussing that erica just kept upgrading it over the years

    but anyway awesome episode! ( i need that insert song btw, TERRA FIND IT!!!!)

  15. #95

    Phase 40 discussion

    I just rewatched the preview to Phase 41, and i think it will not be a recap because the scene where AA is being attacked doesnt exist in GSD (check the the MS attacking [ginn i think] AA and the ocean), not yet. AA was directly attacked only in Phase 34. But in Phase 34 AA was mostly on land, but when it finally got to the ocean there were no MS that i could see plus the ocean wasnt the same. so, that scene shown in the preview is from Phase 41 (no recap) or from GS, but i doubt it.

    EDIT: @Enderz, meybe u didnt notice butits been a long time since Rey started "hypnotizing" Shinn. Dullindal's brainwash is working perfectly.

  16. #96

    Phase 40 discussion

    The thing that i liked about this episode was shinns nightmare and how rey is hypnotizing shinn

    BTW: the akutski gundam is the best lookin gundam in my oppinion

  17. #97
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Phase 40 discussion

    I don't think the next episode is a recap either. I believe the confusion came from the mix up of the words "refrain" and "requiem". The "requim" of the next episode refers to the thing that Dijibril was referring to, and not the "refrain" which the narrator spoke of.

    Edit: Oops. I went back and confirmed the katakana in the preview, and it does say "re fu re in" which means Refrain. But I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that the next episode will not be a flashback episode.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  18. #98
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Phase 40 discussion

    The MS in that picture is most probably a Windam or an ORB ms. Looks most like a Windam tho.

  19. #99

    Phase 40 discussion

    SEED-Fansubs Phase 40 is out.

    SEED-Fansubs' WebPage

  20. #100

    Phase 40 discussion

    I believe 41 will be a recap, and I believe that one of the many reasons that it might be here now is for the late development of Kira and Athuran, since it focuses on them. We might see some change in their personalities when we see them battle in SF and IJ next time. For those of you who have been compalining of no character development for these two, you might just see it in the upcoming episodes

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