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Thread: Naruto 144 Discussion

  1. #21

    Naruto 144 Discussion

    boring episode. nothing special about the stupid brothers. they just keep on delaying the episode. and waste our time. i hope next episode will give us something nice for a change...

  2. #22

    Naruto 144 Discussion

    what does filler mean?

  3. #23
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Naruto 144 Discussion

    what does filler mean?
    Filler is anything in the anime that wasn't in the manga.

    and when the Hokage hugged Iruka..that's FMA material
    Only that scene was actually from a previous, non-filler episode of Naruto.

    its called quoting a post....get used to it.
    As I just proved, you can quote less than the entire post. And its not nessecary to post those same pictures over and over again for the same reason we have a size limit on sigs, so that pages don't take 8 years to load. But more importantly, its nice not to force people to relive that godawful scene over and over again on one page.

  4. #24
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Naruto 144 Discussion

    i think filler means, material that is in the anime, but not in the manga

  5. #25
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Naruto 144 Discussion

    Originally pooped by: HelloVee
    Did you read anything in here?

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  6. #26
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Naruto 144 Discussion


    This fucking sucks, I want to kill the idiot brothers, and Naruto and everybody else. SUCK!!!!!!!!!

  7. #27

    Naruto 144 Discussion

    I hate it how they prolong the fight. god damn we know they're nottin comapre to rasengan. overall good but wiered eps. the 2 brothers are really funny though i got to admit.

  8. #28

    Naruto 144 Discussion

    no they're not. they're overly stupid, and weak characters. they dont even work well with the show since anyone like that wouldn't be able to become a ninja.

  9. #29
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Naruto 144 Discussion

    Does it ever say that they are ninja? (I haven't watched the episode yet...downloading)
    I suppose if they're in a "ninja prison" they either have to be ninja, or just too powerful to put into a regular prison.
    But anyway, I'd find them funny if their very existence didn't piss me off.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  10. #30

    Naruto 144 Discussion's one big homo-erotic episode....


  11. #31
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    Naruto 144 Discussion

    well this was boring, I think I only watched a total of 5 minutes(including the ed) and all I really saw was Shikamaru, and the Rasengan(for the 352w3432th time)

    they should've just showed naruto and jiraiya train, i would've watched that over this crap.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  12. #32

    Naruto 144 Discussion

    This is my theory. As kids they entered the ninja academy and sucked MUCH. They had no reason to kick them out till one day when they ate all the food in the village and therefore had to be to life in jail. and that children is how they got the name Stupid Dumpster Brothers.

  13. #33

    Naruto 144 Discussion

    But seriously?! Why did they had to hold hands?! WHY?!

    I am never ever going to close my eyes nor sleep now.....ever...

    And my sisters are watching Will and Grace!


  14. #34

    Naruto 144 Discussion

    Originally posted by: xanbcoo
    Whass with all the homosexual undertones? Jeez, it's even in the filler...

    @Vokalyzd: Which scene in FMA are you referring to??
    The scene when Al's and Ed's sensei hugs them after kicking ass is just like when the Hokage hugs Iruka..

  15. #35

    Naruto 144 Discussion

    I thought that maybe when the two retards stopped attacking right at the end that Kakashi had shown up on his way outa town and finished this filler for good... I weep a little inside.

  16. #36

    Naruto 144 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Neko Haruko
    This is my theory. As kids they entered the ninja academy and sucked MUCH. They had no reason to kick them out till one day when they ate all the food in the village and therefore had to be to life in jail. and that children is how they got the name Stupid Dumpster Brothers.
    This could have been a valid theory if they hadn't already mentioned that they were sent to jail for killing their comrades in a mission when they became hungry...

    Awesome episode:

    M: "Hahahaha, you are dead... you forgot the most important thing in ninja training, WATCH YOUR BACK!"
    I: "HAHAHAHA, The victory goes to those who can think ahead of the enemy!"
    M: "Damnit... I didn't watch my back, but don't worry I'm uber strong and i'll just disappear"
    I: "Almost had him..."

    That's Shakespear right there

  17. #37

    Naruto 144 Discussion

    yea i was also hoping for kakashi to show up and just kill those 2 fat guys in a second.

    also stupid mizuki and iruka, when mizuki was in the ground he shouldve slashed irukas archillies instead of exposing himself and talking, and then bloody iruka sholdve just killed him when he got behind him instead of tlaking. i mean they shouldnt have a problem with killing like that, they ARE chuunin

  18. #38

    Naruto 144 Discussion

    gay chuunin to be precise..

  19. #39

    Naruto 144 Discussion

    all filler and no good makes me an unhappy man. this filler is PISSIN ME OFF! but that is such a cliche now that no1 cares. hopefully next ep get's better, it sure seemed.

  20. #40

    Naruto 144 Discussion

    I am sure that over in Japan, (Naruto's Main Audiences) it is more widely accepted that when 2 12 year old boys hold hands it is not considered homosexual. In Eastern Cultures, society doesn't automatically assume that there is a gay undertone to it unlike how clearly people in the west perceive.

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