My body is ready.
Hajime Saitou's VA died some years ago, so if the new anime project covers any action with Saitou included, I'm not sure what to think of it. He sounded so jolly good in the original show. Also, I quite like the show until the end of mummy greater arc (that is, as long as it followed the manga). What comes after wasn't so significant even in the manga, so in my opinion something like FMA:B is not so essential. Although naturally I'd watch it nonetheless.
If I had to bet Shinta's left hand on something, I'd expect a movie, not a whole new series. But you never know.
I actually don't know how they can add to the series anymore. The series+OAVs pretty much gave a complete conclusion to the story.
I think it is possible that they make a new series and follow the manga completely, including the Tomoe flashback and Enishi arcs. A lot of stuff from there was changed or omitted in the OAVs.
The waiting finally paid off. The prospect of an FMA: Brotherhood-esque remake of Ruroken was something I could only JOKE about.
But now, it's FINALLY here!
Like others have expressed, I wonder who'll fill Saito's role? Here's to hoping they make sensible choices and choose someone like George Nakata.
Wow... I was just rewatching Kenshin the past week too. I can't wait. I hope it's a continuation. I don't like how episode 95 ended. :P
I also hope Hiko Seijurou(sp?) has more of presence than the first time around, preferrably an epic presence.
Surprised they didnt do a spinoff using him after his training killing random badguys before the war or having other Samurai find him to test their skills only to be killed mercilessly. :P
I want to see how badass he was when he was training Kenshin, so that we get a little bit of both.
I really hope its a reboot, or a more complete version of the final arc. This is one of my favorite scenes in the whole series and I've never found a nice wallpaper for it.
Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 04-26-2011 at 06:16 AM. Reason: replaced bmp with faster loading jpeg
News: Rurouni Kenshin BDs to Have English Subtitles in JapanThe official Twitter account of the Rurouni Kenshin anime franchise confirmed on Monday that the upcoming Blu-ray Disc releases of the two original video anime projects and film will have both Japanese and English subtitles.
1st part in theaters in December with director Kazuhiro Furuhashi, Studio DEEN, most of original cast
Sources: ANN & Kenshin TVThe production company Aniplex confirmed on Saturday that the previously announced new Rurouni Kenshin anime series will be a two-part Shin Kyoto-Hen (New Kyoto Arc) original video anime series. The first part will play in Japanese theaters in December.
The new anime series will remake the Kyoto story arc of Nobuhiro Watsuki's original manga and the previous anime adaptation. Director Kazuhiro Furuhashi and Studio DEEN are returning to animate the new series along with musical composer Noriyuki Asakura. Mari Okada (AnoHana, Wandering Son) is writing the scripts this time. Hiromitsu Hagiwara (Saint Beast ~Ikusen no Hiru to Yoru Hen~) is the new character designer, and Hiro Kaburaki (Kimi ni Todoke) will take over as the episode director. The cast will remain the same except for the role of Hajime Saitō, who will be played by Ken Narita.
Mayo Suzukaze as Kenshin Himura
Miki Fujitani as Kaoru Kamiya
Miina Tominaga as Yahiko Myoujin
Yuji Ueda as Sanosuke Sagara
Tomo Sakurai as Misao Makimachi
Yoshito Yasuhara as Aoshi Shinomori
Masanori Ikeda as Makoto Shishio
Ken Narita as Hajime Saitō
The official website for the Rurouni Kenshin anime franchise began streaming the latest promotional video for the first half of the new Rurouni Kenshin: Shin Kyoto-Hen anime project on Monday. The video was actually announced on Sunday, but the site had experienced trouble and had to begin streaming again on Monday. The site also posted selected cuts from the project.
Starting on December 17, the first part will have a week of advance screenings in two Japanese theaters.
The new anime series will remake the Kyoto story arc of Nobuhiro Watsuki's original manga and the previous anime adaptation. In particular, it will depict the battle of Kenshin Himura and Makoto Shishio and will be told from the point of view of the Oniwabanshū ninja Misao Makimachi.
What.In particular, it will depict the battle of Kenshin Himura and Makoto Shishio and will be told from the point of view of the Oniwabanshū ninja Misao Makimachi.
This makes me wary, seeing as how Misao was never present in the infernal arena in either the manga or original TV anime.
Shishio battle was a pretty messy affair already, considering all the characters involved; no need to drag more in.
I'm hoping that just means she will be recounting the events in a story to her (grand)children or something.
"Back in my younger days, I traveled with a man that had an X scar on his face. He fought many great battles. I shall tell of these great battles to you now..."
Then the rest of the series is just "normal".
It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.
When are these fuckers animating the revenge arc? :/
There's a question I've been asking for nigh ten years, now.
If, and that's a big *IF*, this feature draws mass appeal, they'll probably consider animating the Jinchu arc. The train of thought, now, might be that jumping straight into the Jinchu arc would be pointless with so many fans already gone their own ways. So, this Kyoto-arc revamp is a way for them to test the waters and to call back all the fans of yesteryear.
A movie would hardly do it justice though, there's just too much going on for them to be able to present it decently to the public in a 2 or even 3 hour format.
Not to mention that Trust & Betrayal is supposed to take place ( kinda ) in between that same arc.
Oh heavens, no. I would NOT want a Jinchu arc animation if it were limited to a movie. This Kyoto one is acceptable because we already got a pretty faithful TV anime adaptation.
Now, speaking of Trust and Betrayal, I wanna see them adapt it closer to the source material in that Kenshin has a streak of dark humor and burns with passionate rage, while Tomoe lays on the sarcasm where she can.
I couldn't agree with you more, i hate it how they took all the humorous elements off of both the OVAs ( T&B and Death by aids ). It hardly felt like Kenshin anymore.