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Thread: Relationship Thread

  1. #1

    Relationship Thread

    Well i think the long awaited kiss between Kira and Lacus was supposed to be in this episode because of the perfect atmosphere, situation and moment. Like cmon, after going all the way to space when the girl is going to get blown up by zaku's and goufs, you should at least get a nice kiss as a 'thank you'. Kira also had the perfect moment to kiss her. When they were glazing at each other after his little speech "Looking at you makes me so happy" was a perfect time to kiss each other or something, but noooooooooooo, kira had to ruin it by asking "where is it". Ahhh welll.... maybe we have to wait till the final battle or something just like GS.

    Thats my rant for today, I only focused on kira x Lacus, but this thread is for others such as shinn, athrun, rey, etc etc...
    (dunno if there was a thread like this, but i did a thorough search and didnt find anything under 'relationship, athrun, kira, lacus etc etc....)

    as stated by Terracosmo:

    First person who starts writing down fictional relationships based on absolutely nothing will get kicked and severely mutilated. For example "rofllolololo Yzak x Dearka cuz they are best friends and GOD FORBID SPEND TIME TOGETHER A LOT" and "lolorlfoflasokfokffasok Auel & Stellar because they are both fucked up lmao".

  2. #2
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Relationship Thread

    First person who starts writing down fictional relationships based on absolutely nothing will get kicked and severely mutilated. For example "rofllolololo Yzak x Dearka cuz they are best friends and GOD FORBID SPEND TIME TOGETHER A LOT" and "lolorlfoflasokfokffasok Auel & Stellar because they are both fucked up lmao".

    Anyway, as for the relationships which are actually IN the show...

    Shinn x Stellar = I don't see this as a relationship because Stellar is ehh... dead. And also she was probably too stupid (in lack of better words) to comprehend what love is.

    Shinn x Lunamaria = Relationship thrown into the show just recently but perhaps had latent feelings behind it. I personally see it as a way for the both of them to find temporary emotional comfort.

    Athrun x Cagalli = For fucks sakes Athrun you gave her a ring and she almost got married to Yuna and you almost died and despite all that you have the luck to meet her again so START TALKING YOU DUMBASS

    Kira x Lacus = Kira sucks and can't even kiss his damn girl despite the fact that she almost died (what intense said basically)

    Dearka x Milly = I'm glad it ended, they didn't match at all. Milly is a stupid bitch and Dearka is way too cool for her.

    I can't think of any more right now.

  3. #3

    Relationship Thread

    by far, the cutest couple = lacus x kira

    luna should KEEL shinn. NOT like him WTF?! although i like shinn, i say he should go hit it with the captain and OWN dullindal. YA

  4. #4
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Relationship Thread

    Why should Luna "keel" Shinn? You are just jealous because he gets to remove her skirt!

  5. #5

    Relationship Thread

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    First person who starts writing down fictional relationships based on absolutely nothing will get kicked and severely mutilated. For example "rofllolololo Yzak x Dearka cuz they are best friends and GOD FORBID SPEND TIME TOGETHER A LOT" and "lolorlfoflasokfokffasok Auel & Stellar because they are both fucked up lmao".

    Anyway, as for the relationships which are actually IN the show...

    Shinn x Stellar = I don't see this as a relationship because Stellar is ehh... dead. And also she was probably too stupid (in lack of better words) to comprehend what love is.

    Shinn x Lunamaria = Relationship thrown into the show just recently but perhaps had latent feelings behind it. I personally see it as a way for the both of them to find temporary emotional comfort.

    Athrun x Cagalli = For fucks sakes Athrun you gave her a ring and she almost got married to Yuna and you almost died and despite all that you have the luck to meet her again so START TALKING YOU DUMBASS

    Kira x Lacus = Kira sucks and can't even kiss his damn girl despite the fact that she almost died (what intense said basically)

    Dearka x Milly = I'm glad it ended, they didn't match at all. Milly is a stupid bitch and Dearka is way too cool for her.

    I can't think of any more right now.
    aahhhh thank you... i frgt to put rules like those.... i might as well copy and paste your words into the first post to prevent dumbass posts like those to happen.

  6. #6
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Relationship Thread

    i think he ment kill [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  7. #7

    Relationship Thread

    o boy. luna firstr of all isnt that fine in terms of looks. her bangin body should be gotten by athrun a long time ago when she was ASKing for it.

    ok, serious relationship wise, i dont see how shinn can just forget stella and then go with luna, who just had his sister "KEELED" by shinn.

  8. #8

    Relationship Thread

    dude, you're just jealous coz dearka liked milly and not yzak

    lacusxkira- typical perfect couple..good role model. they promote abstinence
    lacusxathrun- didn't last long, it was awkward in the first place. so glad its over
    athrunxcagalli- i like it, nothing spontaneous, rather it was build up over time
    kiraxfllay- twisted love..yeah least they got passion
    murruexmwu- good and mature love baby..
    millyxdearka- it would have been nice if the guy who gets the hard-to-get girl to get a happy ending. it pains me to see milly in GSD eds on her own. damn. should have put me in there.
    yzakxthatMSVchick- probably some random chick yzak picked up to get back on dearka for hitting on milly.

  9. #9
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    Relationship Thread

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Why should Luna "keel" Shinn? You are just jealous because he gets to remove her skirt!

    well , i would like to see shinn and luna together ^.^V

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  10. #10
    Chuunin Barumonk's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: john_doe_107
    yzakxthatMSVchick- probably some random chick yzak picked up to get back on dearka for hitting on milly.
    Thats Shiho, and she isn't just 'some random chick.' She is the only cute female pilot who doesn't suck in GS/D.

  11. #11
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Relationship Thread

    I can imagine Kira and Lacus hugging and kissing while Andy's Gaia gets surrounded and blown up with a cock pit death this time.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  12. #12

    Relationship Thread

    Originally posted by: Barumonk
    Originally posted by: john_doe_107
    yzakxthatMSVchick- probably some random chick yzak picked up to get back on dearka for hitting on milly.
    Thats Shiho, and she isn't just 'some random chick.' She is the only cute female pilot who doesn't suck in GS/D.
    Who is Shiho? Also if she doesn't suck as a pilot then will she make an appearance in the anime in the next 11episodes because I have been waiting for a cute, awsome, female piot in Gundam because I have yet to see one.

  13. #13
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    Shiho just happens to be a ZAFT pilot and has a thing for Yzak [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. If you've ever played Gundam Seed: Never Ending Tomorrow, she was among the playable characters in MSV (Mobile Suit Variation) Mode and you pilot her and her Gouf (I think it was the Gouf, Terra would know exactly) during the nuclear missile attack on PLANT. She was in the last ending actually, right at the beginning where Athrun was looking back at Nichol, Yzak, and Dearka. Shiho was right next to him.
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

  14. #14
    Chuunin Barumonk's Avatar
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    Shiho only makes three second cameos in the series since she is a MSV character, she never actually has any lines. She is part of Yzak's squad. Just a few appearances, I missed a lot (she shows up atleast eight times throughout both GS and GSD).

    Edit: Ah, and NarutoMaster is right. Shiho is also in the 1st GSD ending and the one right before the current ending (I don't know which one that is) ^^;;

  15. #15

    Relationship Thread

    Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
    Shiho just happens to be a ZAFT pilot and has a thing for Yzak [img][/img]. If you've ever played Gundam Seed: Never Ending Tomorrow, she was among the playable characters in MSV (Mobile Suit Variation) Mode and you pilot her and her Gouf (I think it was the Gouf, Terra would know exactly) during the nuclear missile attack on PLANT. She was in the last ending actually, right at the beginning where Athrun was looking back at Nichol, Yzak, and Dearka. Shiho was right next to him.
    Cool. Thanks for the info. What system is that game for, or do I have to download it cause I wanna know more about her now. GET ON TERRA AND TELL ME MORE ABOUT SHIHO NOW PLEASE!!! I think I have a wallpaper of her accually. Yes I do.

  16. #16
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed: Never Ending Tomorrow is for the PS2. You can download it from here: GS: NET Download. The second torrent is the one you want. Though I believe NET is coming over to America soon so if you can wait, that would probably be better because that way you can play the game in English. Not that the game is hard with the language on Japanese, its just better to enjoy what the characters and all are saying (just gotta put up with the dub though &gt;_&lt; )

    EDIT: Shiho from the previous ending.
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

  17. #17

    Relationship Thread

    Wow. How did I miss a character who appears so musch in the show. I think that I'll go back and find every spot that she appears in. Thanks for all the info guys.

  18. #18

    Relationship Thread

    Finally someone says who Shiho is, i was starting to think she was from another anime and someone thought she and Izak would make a good couple. After seein who she is, i think they match pretty well.

    Now passing to the Kira x Lacus couple: yes, i think they need to start kissing, after Jackin Due, 2 years i think, living together on earth i tho Lacus and Kira would at least sleep together, not sex, but at least sleeping in the same bed. I was so excited, of emotion not anything else, when Kira was on the Sauna and Lacus enters after, unfortunately she entered in the Womens Sauna, shyt.

    Athrun x Cagalli, good couple. Im happy they r back together. But i wonder what will happen to Meyrin.

    Now, no one has asked this: What will happen now that neo/Mwu is back?. Andrew and Marrrue had something going on. (Please GOD let this not be a Spoiler).

    Shinn x Lunamaria: yes they had something, or at least Lunamaria wanted to, but Athrun came and things changed or somthing happened there. Now that Shin Killed Meyring both of them were emotionally unstable and ended up together, it looks like Lunamaria didnd love her sister as much as to kill Shinn, or she loved her so much that her brain ended messed up.

  19. #19

    Relationship Thread

    I dont really mind the Shinn x Luna thing, but i feel that it was wayyy too rushed and came out of nowhere. If they had more screentime together and more development with each other, then maybe i would like it. Also, another thing that bothers me is that how Luna kisses Shinn after Shinn just shot her sister.
    But i guess its better than going beserk than Fllay did, so im fine with it.

    Athrun x Cagalli - I guess they still like each other. This couple is still there. Theyre trying to get back to where they were before, so im guessing they'll end up fine.

  20. #20

    Relationship Thread

    Shiho.... look like a man

    and yea damn i agree,, kira needs to go SEED+newtype on lacus (in bed) &gt;[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    hell those orphan kids get more action with lacus than kira... &gt;__&gt;

    and Athrun,, he's just waiting for Cagalli,, I bet he's thinking... "When are you gonna stop looking like a guy and take off those pants, Cagalli" (like half-naked Cagalli in the opening vid)


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