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Thread: Bleach 41

  1. #61

    Bleach 41

    isn't it so the more a hallow "eats" the stronger he get's?? maybe that is why ichigo gain's so mutch power just by beating the bald one and renji.

  2. #62
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Bleach 41

    Originally posted by: Enderz
    Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
    If Ichigo is half hollow,whats so great about that, how does the hollow part give him more power?
    he gets mixed power and because of that he gets stronger MABY dont now but it could be so
    Are you joking? Is that a serious question?!? Have you seen how that Hollow mask has saved his ass twice now!?!

    Such a Hollow mask being close to his body (seemingly appearing to block fatal attacks when Ichigo can't save himself) is a huge huge defensive power. Death Gods only have Slayers as both their offense and defense. But Ichigo has the advantage of being able to use his Slayer for offense and can always fall back on the Hollow thing to play defense (sorta like Gaara's sand shield, but Ichigo just doesnt know about it)

    Besides, it is quite understandable that rather than having one kind of power (Yin) Ichigo is much better off having two kinds of powers (Yin & Yang) I believe the creators intended this with the stark color schemes played out in Bleach, where Hollows are black with white faces and Death gods are mostly pale, with silvery-white Slayers, and black robes.

    Also, Yorouichi is a babe! I didn't see that one coming!! And Ganju got reamed... I did see that one coming. I'm surprised Hanatarou is still alive. I'd imagine he'd be killed as a traitor by Capt. Kuchiki almost immediatley.

    And I was sorta disappoined because in the preview for 41 I thought the huge Wing flyer Yorouichi has was Ichigo's released Soul Slayer form (because he was holding it in the preview)

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  3. #63
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    Bleach 41

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    And I was sorta disappoined because in the preview for 41 I thought the huge Wing flyer Yoroquichi has was Ichigo's released Soul Slayer form (because he was holding it in the preview)
    Umm I believe Ichigo's Zanpaktou is already in it's transformed state. When it isnt transformed, its has no blade because it got raped earlier in the series.
    Death gods are mostly pale, with silvery-white Slayers,
    Swords in general are usually silvery-white....unless they are made of a weak metal or contain many impurities

    I do agree that if Ichigo was part Hallow being able to make that mask manifest when he is about to receive a death blow could definitely come in handy.. It's like a hand being automatically placed between your eyes when someone tries to poke them.. stooges style

  4. #64

    Bleach 41

    well, since the mask can stop kenpachi's full power slash from cutting him in half, it's certainly an asset...but it's no ultimate defense. wonder what happens when ichigo's about to be hit by that Senbonzakura...he gets completely wrapped in hollow armor? that would drop some jaws..

  5. #65

    Bleach 41

    thanks guys. I can't wait till 42 comes out.

  6. #66
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Bleach 41

    Originally posted by: Hikyuu
    Umm I believe Ichigo's Zanpaktou is already in it's transformed state. When it isnt transformed, its has no blade because it got raped earlier in the series.
    His previous zanpakutoh he got with Rukia's powers isn't the same as Zangetsu (I think this is what you're trying to say). We've never seen his sword un-transformed if it is in fact always in its transformed state, so I don't see how you're coming up with the idea that it has no blade un-transformed.

  7. #67

    Bleach 41

    Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
    isn't it so the more a hallow "eats" the stronger he get's?? maybe that is why ichigo gain's so mutch power just by beating the bald one and renji.
    It would be so interesting if he got stronger the more apponents he beats thanks to mask.

  8. #68

    Bleach 41

    I'm pretty sure Zangetsu isn't a regular soul slayer. Remember when Ichigo first got his powers back during the training and came out of the hole holding the new soul slayer, the other shop guy (bald guy) was like "wtf how can he have THAT soul slayer?!?!"

    1. Zangetsu looks nothing like regular soul slayers. It doesn't seem to be able to transform, or if that's its transformed state, it can't go back to regular sword mode.
    2. It looks evil, a big meat cleaver. It also has bandages instead of a hilt.
    3. It's black!

    I think the hollow mask has something to do with Zangetsu itself. Ever since he started using Zangetsu, the hollow mask has appeared 3 times. Unlike other soul slayers, I think Zangetsu is a part of Ichigo himself, and was just dormant before Urahara awakened its power. Seems Urahara knew about it long before Ichigo wielded Zangetsu. If that's the case, then it's very possible that Ichigo is related to hollows.

  9. #69
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Bleach 41

    considering how ichigo technically died before becoming a shinigami, i don't find it so suprising that he has a relation to t he hollows. and which 3 are u talking about, B_o_c? is it when he first turned into shinigami, the fight w/ renji, and then w/ zaraki? were there any other times the mask appeared besides that?

  10. #70

    Bleach 41

    I think those are the only 3 times. It just seems like everyone except his school friends is hiding something from Ichigo.

  11. #71

    Bleach 41

    I don't know... It looked like the cat was surprised when she saw the mask, so it could just be they don't know about it.

    Maybe when he partially became a hollow during his training he didn't come completely back, and part of his soul is still a hollow? That could be who the black-eyed Ichigo in his mind was. And this part wants to take over and turn the rest of him... Or maybe not, we'll have to see.

  12. #72
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Bleach 41

    urahara most likely didnt know, because i dont think urahara used the method of regaining somebody's shinigami powers like that frequentaly. Everytime its done, there is probably a different result, some people get it right away, others turn fully into hollows, i doubt urahara has seen somebody turn half hollow and then break through and become a shinigami again.

    oh and yoruichi was training sado and inoue at the time, so she probably didnt know that ichigo turned half hollow. urahara probably just told her ichigo suceeded.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  13. #73

    Bleach 41

    No I meant Urahara probably knew there was something inside Ichigo due to his huge spirit power. That's why he was so confident that Ichigo would succeed.

  14. #74

    Bleach 41

    Originally posted by: Mae
    I don't know... It looked like the cat was surprised when she saw the mask, so it could just be they don't know about it.

    Maybe when he partially became a hollow during his training he didn't come completely back, and part of his soul is still a hollow? That could be who the black-eyed Ichigo in his mind was. And this part wants to take over and turn the rest of him... Or maybe not, we'll have to see.
    no cuzz the Zangetsu thanked the black and white ichigo. and if he was bad he wouldn't do that...

  15. #75
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Bleach 41

    I'd imagine that regardless of whether the Hollow part of Ichigo is evil or not, if it can keep him alive Zangetsu is grateful to him. It also seems like that white other Ichigo who Ichigo fought with to regain his Soul Slayer power during the fight with Kenpachi deteriorated and seemed to be absorbed back into Zangetsu. So perhaps Zangetsu himself is Ichigo's Hollow part?

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  16. #76
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    Bleach 41

    Mage in episode 20 he is training and the sword he has is just a hilt.. he then calls out the swords name and BAMF... The oversized bare hilted Machete like cool sword deal comes into being?

  17. #77
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Bleach 41

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    I'm pretty sure Zangetsu isn't a regular soul slayer. Remember when Ichigo first got his powers back during the training and came out of the hole holding the new soul slayer, the other shop guy (bald guy) was like "wtf how can he have THAT soul slayer?!?!"

    1. Zangetsu looks nothing like regular soul slayers. It doesn't seem to be able to transform, or if that's its transformed state, it can't go back to regular sword mode.
    Kenpachi's soul slayer is always in the transformed state too. That's nothing too special. It just means he has too much spirit energy to seal it back up. Ichigo's not very good at controlling his spirit energy.

    Still kind of interesting that the one kid pointed out that the transformed state of ichigo's sword doesnt seem to be at any real advantage, since it's the same basic size except without a hilt. I just want Ichigo to have a specific technique he can pull off using his sword, like how all the other death gods have their own techniques.
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  18. #78
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Bleach 41

    Originally posted by: Hikyuu
    Mage in episode 20 he is training and the sword he has is just a hilt.. he then calls out the swords name and BAMF... The oversized bare hilted Machete like cool sword deal comes into being?
    Oh. I guess you were right, then. It does seem that his un-transformed sword is the same as the one he used with Rukia's powers. I'm sure the sword can "regrow" or fix itself though since Ikkaku's and Renji's came back together after they were broken. So did Zangetsu during the fight with Zaraki. I think he just doesn't realize he's using the transformed state of the sword and not that the un-transformed state is broken forever.

  19. #79

    Bleach 41

    Rmember Ishida's comments about "No way you can have your spirit power one full blast all the time!" Well, it takes spirit power to transform the soulslayers, as well as knowing the zanpakutou's name, which Ken-chan (lol) doesn't know, therefore his slayer is obviously not transformed. At some point in time, Ichigo's soul slayer would have to go back to it's original form if it were transformed, I mean he's been knocked out twice already, as well as who knows how many times again Urahara when training. It woulda gone back to it's normal state then since no spirit power would be being put into it. It's in it's normal state now, it's just molded to Ichigo's style, a huge blade because of the large spirit power, and no guard on it's hilt because... well that's just Ichigo. I can't wait to find out what it's transformed state is... and I'd also love to see Ichigo use Zangetsu the way the black and white version of him did, swinging it around like that... except maybe with a lil more precision... ok, I'm done...

  20. #80

    Bleach 41

    im sure his sword is already transformed as all sealed zanpaktous are basic katanas, either ichigo doesnt know how to seal it, or it cant be sealed. also i think his original sword(the big assed one he got when he took rukias power) is also zangetsu, but remember he was forced to redesign it and increase the density of the spiritons. mmm but im not totally sold on the idea. i dont know is the sword is created from a part of the user, or if it is assigned to them in some form

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