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Thread: StarCraft and Gundam Seed Destiny

  1. #1

    StarCraft and Gundam Seed Destiny

    Okay, so I know that lots of us play starcraft....RIGHT?!

    and the idea of having a UMS (Use map setting) map of Gundam Seed Destiny is just C.R.A.Z.Y. (Crazy Rooster's Ass buZzing on Your face) (okay that was gay)

    but anyway back to the topic guys get what im triyn to i know there has been gundam wing remakes on starcraft, but it wasnt creative and wasnt much fun.

    ive been brainstorming lots of great ideas as to units, upgrades, storyline, and triggers for the gsd/stacraft map.

    like kira can start out as a marine, and then once he levels up he can get a goliath, which is freedom, then, battlecruiser can be strike freedom, in which the yamato cannon (kira's last name) can be used as the combination of his two buster rifles + chest beam.

    shinn on the other hand can be a zealot or something, and then once he levels up he can get his impulse (wraith as the flyer silhouette).

    also, the valkery can be the legend gundam, since it does splash dmg + it look like a metal chunk piece of shit just like legend [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img]

    lacus can be a medic, thats a given,

    man, there are so many great units in sc to match gsd, so the possibilites are endless.

    high templar for cagalli sounds pretty good.

    athrun can be a firebat, then be upgraded to a corsair ( saviour) , then he can be upgraded to a scout [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    the battle ships can be things like mutalisks, devourers.

    abyss + chaos + gaia = dragoon, science vessel, vulture

    destroy = ultralisk.

    the zerg race is a bit more difficult to deal with....but we always can think of something.

    again, GIVE ME SOME IDEAS.

    ps. if u dont know what im talkin bout. then like. shine.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  2. #2
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    StarCraft and Gundam Seed Destiny


    A zealot always owns a marine, by the way.
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

  3. #3

    StarCraft and Gundam Seed Destiny

    not if i make the marine do 10000 dmg, have 10000 hp, and 255 armor, while

    the zealot does 1 dmg, 1 hp, 0 armor.


  4. #4

    StarCraft and Gundam Seed Destiny

    Originally posted by: Nai

    A zealot always owns a marine, by the way.
    not if the marine has a stim pack, a medic, and someone who knows how to play the game.

  5. #5

    StarCraft and Gundam Seed Destiny


  6. #6
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    StarCraft and Gundam Seed Destiny

    lol... people still do SC maps? That's cool. Been a long time since I last played it, it's really amazing how well it ages.

    Go through with the idea!

  7. #7

    StarCraft and Gundam Seed Destiny

    funny idea, just had to come in and say that starcraft was and still is the best freaking strategy game out there now give me starcraft 2 goddammit!!

  8. #8

    StarCraft and Gundam Seed Destiny

    arghh. sc is so classic that its new

    ya, ill try to get a few ppl to start a little group of sc mappers. but only for gsd. ^_^

  9. #9

    StarCraft and Gundam Seed Destiny

    Yeah. Add Yzak and some shuttles! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    And Dark Templar may be some cool MS with beam sword and miracle coloid (sp?). Too bad there isn't any in GSD.

  10. #10

    StarCraft and Gundam Seed Destiny

    Fllay or Stellar can be Infested Kerrigan ^^

    deakka be a siege tank, and make dullindal or djibril an overmind structure

  11. #11

    StarCraft and Gundam Seed Destiny


    also, dullindal will be overmind structure 1, djibril will be overmind structure 2 MUAHAH

    GOOD IDEAS U CAT. mrtictac.

    also, stellar will definitely be infested kerrigan.!!!! thnx for the great ideas

  12. #12
    Chuunin Barumonk's Avatar
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    StarCraft and Gundam Seed Destiny

    I think doing this idea as a WarCraft 3 map would work better instead. You can create custom skins and graphics for units, in 3D, and scale them to different sizes and colors. Custom spells, icons, and etc.. just in the map, you don't need to download a game mod to run any of the modifications. There is also a whole custom programming language behind the trigger system instead of SC's system, which means you can do a lot more.

  13. #13

    StarCraft and Gundam Seed Destiny

    barumonk good idea but, i dont play wc3.

    now i kno itd be better to do this wc3 because of the natural leveling system and the better ums on the wc3 program, but sc is such a classic that i simply cannot resist to give it a try.

    and im sure ppl have thought of this in the wc3 program. good suggestion anyway for all u wc3 players readin this

  14. #14

    StarCraft and Gundam Seed Destiny

    Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
    funny idea, just had to come in and say that starcraft was and still is the best freaking strategy game out there now give me starcraft 2 goddammit!!
    I agree. Or at the very least finally release Starcraft:Ghost. I think the original release date was in 2003 or something like that.

  15. #15
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    StarCraft and Gundam Seed Destiny

    Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
    give me starcraft 2 goddammit!!
    Won't ever occur seeing how StarCraft was a carboncopy of Warhammer40k, and GW wasn't too happy about that.

    As for being the best strategy game ever... for me, Dawn of War has taken over the throne. I did however waste 4 years of my life on StarCraft, so it has a special place in my heart.
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

  16. #16

    StarCraft and Gundam Seed Destiny

    sigh. dont we all have a special place in our hearts for sc, d2, and such.

    well! ive just started the official brainstorming! LOL

  17. #17
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    StarCraft and Gundam Seed Destiny

    i was #8 in the US at one point and #2 protoss (CompUSA's gamefixx tournament). I just like to brag about that whenever a starcraft discussion comes up :P

  18. #18

    StarCraft and Gundam Seed Destiny

    Originally posted by: Nai
    Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
    give me starcraft 2 goddammit!!
    Won't ever occur seeing how StarCraft was a carboncopy of Warhammer40k, and GW wasn't too happy about that.

    As for being the best strategy game ever... for me, Dawn of War has taken over the throne. I did however waste 4 years of my life on StarCraft, so it has a special place in my heart.

    Dawn of War is cooool. "chaaaaaarge!"

  19. #19

    StarCraft and Gundam Seed Destiny

    okay, so i have given some time to think it all up. here is what i have so far

    (if u dont know what starcraft is, either dont waste your time reading or get the damn game)

    Player 1 Shinn Asuka 

    Level 1  Marine (Shinn)
    Level 2  Wraith (Impulse Gundam)
    Level 3  Scout (Destiny Gundam)

    Player 2 Kira Yamato 

    Level 1  Ghost (Kira)
    Level 2  Goliath (Freedom Gundam)
    Level 3  Battlecruiser (Strike Freedom Gundam)

    Player 3 Athrun Zala 

    Level 1  Firebat (Athrun)
    Level 2  Corsair (Saviour Gundam)
    Level 3  Carrier (Infinite Justice Gundam)

    Player 4 Lacus Clyne and Force 

    Level 1  Medic (Young Lacus)
    Level 2  Dark Archon (Teen Lacus)
    Level 3  Arbiter (Mature Lacus)

    Player 5 Cagalli Asuha and Force 

    Level 1  Kerrigan (Cagalli)
    Level 2  Science Vessel (Strike Rouge Gundam)
    Level 3  Archon (Akatsuki)

    Player 6 Earth Alliance Forces 

    High Templar (Destroy)
    Vulture (Gaia)
    Dragoon (Abyss)
    Mutalisk (Chaos)
    Overmind (Djibril)
    Overlord (Yuuna)

    Player 7 ZAFT 

    Valkery (Legend Gundam)
    Ultralisk (Strike Gundam)
    SCV (Zakus)
    Overmind (Gilbert Dullindal)
    Hydralisk (Goufs)

    again, this is open to changes.

  20. #20
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    StarCraft and Gundam Seed Destiny

    But Yzak..? : (

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