i voted for athrun!
shinn is a bitch, why is he indestructable?
i wanna see him lose..even once..please.
kira is such a stereotypical hero.
i voted for athrun!
shinn is a bitch, why is he indestructable?
i wanna see him lose..even once..please.
kira is such a stereotypical hero.
I voted for shinn because i cant stand Kira's little baby attitude. He said he wants to stop war but all he does is march in with his fancy girlfriend who he stole from his bestfriend and disarm everyone. Im sorry but even with the headname "Ultimate Coordinator" Kira is still a little bi***h who cried like a little kid who lost his mommy in GS. Most of you Shinn haters out there are just on Kira's ass because hes got the ultimate coordinator name above his and thinks hes gonna own Shinn, and like pray to god every night for it to happen so you guys can post it on this forum. I dont care if Kira gets newtype or ultimate crybaby name or etc, hes genetically made and Shinn is a regular guy who shows his skills without altering his genes to fit for combat. Athrun isnt so bad because hes reasonible and we all see it because of how he trys to befriend Shinn, im assuming it will be him who persuades Shinn to join AA. But back to the topic, i voted for Shinn.
I hope you know that ALL coordinators have modified genes...
LOL yes, even if i cant understand japanese, the tone just pisses me off :/
i like kira's voice, but i GOTTA admit, athrun is a MUCH better voice actor.
Word.Originally posted by: Pwas
I voted for shinn because i cant stand Kira's little baby attitude. He said he wants to stop war but all he does is march in with his fancy girlfriend who he stole from his bestfriend and disarm everyone. Im sorry but even with the headname "Ultimate Coordinator" Kira is still a little bi***h who cried like a little kid who lost his mommy in GS. Most of you Shinn haters out there are just on Kira's ass because hes got the ultimate coordinator name above his and thinks hes gonna own Shinn, and like pray to god every night for it to happen so you guys can post it on this forum. I dont care if Kira gets newtype or ultimate crybaby name or etc, hes genetically made and Shinn is a regular guy who shows his skills without altering his genes to fit for combat. Athrun isnt so bad because hes reasonible and we all see it because of how he trys to befriend Shinn, im assuming it will be him who persuades Shinn to join AA. But back to the topic, i voted for Shinn.
NOO! SHIN + ATHRUN doesnt add up to like half of kira. WTF?!
At least he's got a girlfriend!Originally posted by: Pwas
I voted for shinn because i cant stand Kira's little baby attitude. He said he wants to stop war but all he does is march in with his fancy girlfriend who he stole ...
finally a new guy who isnt a generic shinn hater
i think he meant that kira was bread for combat, shinn is a normal coordinator
I don't see how being genetically modified for combat (which he isn't, he just has the best possible combination of modifications in order to enable him to accel in any area), and being "normal" is in any way a valid argument to hate Kira. Shinn just randomly acts without thinking anything through then once he knows it was a mistake or feels regret for his action he thinks saying "sorry", bottling up guilt, crying about it will turn everything back to normal. Not to mention he's one hypocritical mofo...(yes, yes, so is Kira, but to a lesser extent). Anyway... Asuran, he's the best character...well, personality wise. Intelligent, careful, friendly, but sometimes acts on impulses and emotions as well (like all the times he's bitchslapped and punched Shinn), overall I think he takes the best of Shinn and the best of Kira and meshes them together. The directors have seriously underpowered them though, I mean... comeon, indecisiveness is one thing, but he's almost as weak as he was at the beggining of GSeeD.
No, it's not a THOUGHT, it should be a FACT, that is, if the directors stay true to the story and how they developed Kira. Unless, that is, near the end we find out that Shinn was the second Ultimate coordinator and omfg he was teh adopted, and now the two ultimate coordinators are going to duke it out, destroy both their Gundams, but somehow survive.Most of you Shinn haters out there are just on Kira's ass because hes got the ultimate coordinator name above his and thinks hes gonna own Shinn
Also, @ people who think Kira should of died when Shin destroyed Freedom... I think Shinn should be pretty god damn happy he didn't succeed. Why? Because if he did ---> No Nuclear shutdown ---> Major kaboomage ---> Shin disentigrated by explosion.
There is too much hating on characters going on, can't we all get along. Obviously I like Kira but I do not dislike any of the other characters. I find it very intriguing how distinctive each character is, the events that have led up to their development, and so forth. But the truth of the matter is that KIRA is the MAN and he has the hottest girl in GS and GSD, and the most powerful suit in GS and GSD...WORD!
Don't hate the playa, hate the game!
I didn't say, that I support every decision he's made but I can understand his motivation the best. And about that damn hypcritical thingie showing up again and again:
For fucks sake, I hate war myself, never thought it was good or anything, I despise violence and are very calm myself. Nevertheless, when I had the choice of doing civil service or doing a year in the military, I chose the military. And believe me, I didn't really like what I was doing there, being taught how to kill people and shit. Wanna know why I did it then? Because I want to be able to protect the ones I love. And the things that are important to me. And no, I don't own a gun or any other weaponry, I really have no use for that. I don't even want to have it in my house. But should my friends and my family ever be threatened by someone(for example, because of a war, not that I am living in country where that is likely to happen, 'though, thank god) I will unleash friggin' Armageddon on their asses, even if I don't like it.
Maybe you can understand that, maybe you can't. Maybe that even makes me a hypocrite...but it makes perfect sense for me and therefore Kira's motivations, too.
but wat kira is doing is foolish, wat you would do makes senseOriginally posted by: Kenzaburo
I didn't say, that I support every decision he's made but I can understand his motivation the best. And about that damn hypcritical thingie showing up again and again:
For fucks sake, I hate war myself, never thought it was good or anything, I despise violence and are very calm myself. Nevertheless, when I had the choice of doing civil service or doing a year in the military, I chose the military. And believe me, I didn't really like what I was doing there, being taught how to kill people and shit. Wanna know why I did it then? Because I want to be able to protect the ones I love. And the things that are important to me. And no, I don't own a gun or any other weaponry, I really have no use for that. I don't even want to have it in my house. But should my friends and my family ever be threatened by someone(for example, because of a war, not that I am living in country where that is likely to happen, 'though, thank god) I will unleash friggin' Armageddon on their asses, even if I don't like it.
Maybe you can understand that, maybe you can't. Maybe that even makes me a hypocrite...but it makes perfect sense for me and therefore Kira's motivations, too.
Ovan, The Rebirth
but wat kira is doing is foolish, wat you would do makes senseOriginally posted by: Kenzaburo
I didn't say, that I support every decision he's made but I can understand his motivation the best. And about that damn hypcritical thingie showing up again and again:
For fucks sake, I hate war myself, never thought it was good or anything, I despise violence and are very calm myself. Nevertheless, when I had the choice of doing civil service or doing a year in the military, I chose the military. And believe me, I didn't really like what I was doing there, being taught how to kill people and shit. Wanna know why I did it then? Because I want to be able to protect the ones I love. And the things that are important to me. And no, I don't own a gun or any other weaponry, I really have no use for that. I don't even want to have it in my house. But should my friends and my family ever be threatened by someone(for example, because of a war, not that I am living in country where that is likely to happen, 'though, thank god) I will unleash friggin' Armageddon on their asses, even if I don't like it.
Maybe you can understand that, maybe you can't. Maybe that even makes me a hypocrite...but it makes perfect sense for me and therefore Kira's motivations, too.
Ovan, The Rebirth
but wat kira is doing is foolish, wat you would do makes senseOriginally posted by: Kenzaburo
I didn't say, that I support every decision he's made but I can understand his motivation the best. And about that damn hypcritical thingie showing up again and again:
For fucks sake, I hate war myself, never thought it was good or anything, I despise violence and are very calm myself. Nevertheless, when I had the choice of doing civil service or doing a year in the military, I chose the military. And believe me, I didn't really like what I was doing there, being taught how to kill people and shit. Wanna know why I did it then? Because I want to be able to protect the ones I love. And the things that are important to me. And no, I don't own a gun or any other weaponry, I really have no use for that. I don't even want to have it in my house. But should my friends and my family ever be threatened by someone(for example, because of a war, not that I am living in country where that is likely to happen, 'though, thank god) I will unleash friggin' Armageddon on their asses, even if I don't like it.
Maybe you can understand that, maybe you can't. Maybe that even makes me a hypocrite...but it makes perfect sense for me and therefore Kira's motivations, too.
EDIT: sorry for the triple post, don't know how that happened
Ovan, The Rebirth
Voted Shinn, for Kira and Athrun think too much with their heads.
Best scene would be if he immobilized I Justice and S Freedom then drove an anti-ship sword through Cagalli's cockpit, then fly up to the eternal and ram Gaia through its bridge, killing Lacus. "If I can't have my sweet loving, then neither can you!" *insane laugh*
Kira is good, so as Arthrun, but Arthrun can use different types of Unit in battle. Arthrun also defeated the Choas when he was in the Zaku. Kira can use Freedom and Strike Freedom like his arms and legs. Shin is nothing. If Kira and Arthrun went back to real fighting Shin can't catch up with them.
1 yes it does because Shin basicly got a new Gundam during the batles giving him a big advantage over all the other pilots Kira on the other hand had just one complete Gundam every batleOriginally posted by: fox_t
How can that be the only reason...because he has a million parts...Originally posted by: Deamon007
the only reason Shin didnt lose a MS is because his Impulse has an infinite amount of parts if you were to count thenmber of parts that he lost than he would have lost 10 if not more MS'sOriginally posted by: fox_t
How come everyone calls Kira overpowered yet Shinn was the one who destroyed who fleets with a supposed inferior Gundam?
Shinn is also the only character in GSD to have never lost a battle or an MS...and episode one was the first time Shinn had been in battle...I`m not saying he`s overpowered...but a lot of you guys seem to cry about certain characters (namely Kira) being invincible...so i`m just pointing out the facts.
and taking out a fleet with a superior gundam doesent say anything in gundam seed Kira fought evenly agenst 4 equally powerfull suits piloted by red-coats while he didnt even had basic trianing
Strike has lost arms and legs...heck it was blown to a million pieces by Athrun...so no...your infinite part defence doesn`t hold any water...
Kira fought 4 equally powerful suits and only managed to destroy one...Shinn killed two extended (a feat that Kira didn`t even accomplish in GS)...he managed to take out 4 of the 5 Destroy Gundams...he destroyed the EAF and Orb fleet....Took out Freedom...beat Athrun...and all this before the 40th episode...
i really don`t have a problem with it...but there seems to be alot of people on this board who like to cry and complain about Kira...I`m just pointing out the fact that Shinn`s body count is the highest of anyone...and he`s undefeated...sorry...i don`t count Freedom streaking past him and removing his arm as a loss...
A lot of people seem to be complaining about this series...if it bothers you that much...than stop watching...otherwise just enjoy the story...it`s not like anybody here has never seen another gundam series...invincible pilots come with the territory.
2 Shin is a trained militairy pilot Kira was a suvilian that didn't want to kill anyone and his suit was a lot less powerfull compared to Impulse
3 getting your suit dissabeled is a loss considering it would have been easyer for Kira to kill him
4 I'm not complaining about the show infackt I love it but this is just my perspective on things
!. Learn to spell. ^^ Please. But that's besides the point.Originally posted by: Deamon007
1 yes it does because Shin basicly got a new Gundam during the batles giving him a big advantage over all the other pilots Kira on the other hand had just one complete Gundam every batle
2 Shin is a trained militairy pilot Kira was a suvilian that didn't want to kill anyone and his suit was a lot less powerfull compared to Impulse
3 getting your suit dissabeled is a loss considering it would have been easyer for Kira to kill him
4 I'm not complaining about the show infackt I love it but this is just my perspective on things
I'd have to disagree with you about Freedom being less powerful than Impulse. The Impulse has a tactical advantage in that it has multiple parts, but it doesn't have as much power as Freedom.
Given, if I wanted to be able to keep a gundam, I'd want an Impulse with an infinite amount of parts also - that's more practical than having to always try and fix the same gundam even though it may be very powerful. ^^
(And folks, THAT is not my opinion about Shinn vs. Kira. ToT)
I personally would like it if the three of them would work together - it doesn't mean that only one person takes center stage. It's more interesting with the whole slew of characters anyways - you get a bigger picture of what's going on.
all three of them together. u kidding right. they would be way overpowered. no matter how much MS they send it all get destroyed. Athuran and Kira are more then enough in one team. they don't need a third retarded pilot (Shinn) to slow them down. we already know who's the main character of the GSD NOW. I rather see Kira die then fight along side Shinn.