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Thread: The Triumvirate

  1. #41
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    The Triumvirate

    First of all Shinn is not a super coordinator(i take it that you mean an ultimate coordinator). Kira is the only one of that kind and because of that stands highest on the coordinator mountain weather you like it or not. Kira got the genes to become the best which you probably have seen. It's not just the unit, it is Kira's skill to.

    As for the DRAGOON system used how Kruuze did it. That is not cheap, it's using your resources to the fullest and attacking through tactics to take down your opponent as easily as possible. Much like Shinn did with the Impulse.

    You are also forgetting that SF is not Providence, Kira got a number of possiblities to attack and if he truly has become a newtype Shinn won't stand much of a chance. Shinns piloting is rough and he hasn't mastered mobile suit battle to the extent Kira has. Kiras piloting is much more flowing and if he commits to taking down Shinn i can't see any reason why he wouldn't succeed.

    Try looking at the facts and the way they use their suits. Don't go by what you want to see.

    There is also the plot that is preventing Shinn from defeating Kira again. He has done it once, he won't do it twice. There simply isn't room for it unless Shinn turns evil which i doubt will happen.

    Now i'm not fond of Kira's newly aquired powers but they are there and you shouldn't close your eyes to them. If you do it will be to much oc a chock when Shinn falls.

  2. #42

    The Triumvirate

    Sadly, I'm a bit biased about this topic. Shinn is the only character out of the three listed (Shinn, Kira, Athrun) that I can actually like. I'm sorry but Athrun is a whiney asshole with a superiority complex that has since been damaged, leaving him a broken character that can now only assume the role of Kira's sidekick. As for the 'Ultimate Coordinator' himself, he is as one sided as a trick coin and in my opinion one of the most irritating characters I have ever seen or heard in an Anime. I mean, for fucks sake, Gundam Wing characters (with they're soap opera tendencies) irritate me less than Kira, because even in a series where they were made to be overpowered, they're still not as needlessly overpowered as Kira. Atleast they had voiceactors I could stomache, every episode I see Kira in gives me shades of the kid you always wanted to beat the shit out of growing up for reasons you really couldn't put into words. Shinn is the only realistic character out of the three, shows real emotion, and has what a character needs to be realistic: He changes.

  3. #43
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    The Triumvirate

    Hmm..Terra voted for Shinn? I could've sweared that he would fight for putting Yzak of the list. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
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  4. #44

    The Triumvirate

    i vote for athrun because his voice sounds good, he defeated strike, he is one of the best pilots when he's trying to kill, his hair is pimpass, and he looks kool in seed mode

    o yea, and his gun aiming is precise and accurate

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  5. #45
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    The Triumvirate

    Kira did all his change in SEED. But i agree hw is overpowered. I can't comprehend whay people dislike his calmness tho. You people must be really impulsive and emotional. I like Kira's calm voice and behaviour, im rather calm myself so that might be the reason i don't dislike it.

    More on Kira's insane power, i think im going to start call him God from now on. Noting fancy just plain God.

  6. #46

    The Triumvirate

    hahahqa oops forgot yzak, although he is tight

    okay again, back to the topic.

    yes, i agree that SF will win in the end, or that kira will do/say something that will enlighten shinn. so ya.

  7. #47
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    The Triumvirate

    Originally posted by: PSJ
    Kira did all his change in SEED. But i agree hw is overpowered. I can't comprehend whay people dislike his calmness tho. You people must be really impulsive and emotional. I like Kira's calm voice and behaviour, im rather calm myself so that might be the reason i don't dislike it.
    Well... Rey is equally calm, and many who dislike Kira (me included) love Rey.
    I don't think it's necessarily the calm demeanor itself, but rather the fusion of
    "Overpowered + Calm + Whiney Voice + Irritating Default Wins"
    that cause a "fuck off Kira" reaction.

    Well, that's how it is for me anyway.

  8. #48
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    The Triumvirate

    Hmm true. It's often people complain about him being calm tho. I'm not that bothered by his whiney voice either, he is not as whiney as people make him out to be. Shinn is equally whiney in a diffrent way.

    Oh well i'm tired of defending Kira's personality so i'll stop with that.

  9. #49

    The Triumvirate

    kira hands down. u kira haters hate him because u know he owns everyone. what do u expact he is the so called "ultimate coordinator" it would be stupid if he was not so strong. does anybody know what's the meaning of "ultimate"?
    ultimate: furthest or highest in degree or order, being the last or concluding element of a series. if you want more definitions go to wikipedia.

    aren't u guys tired of whining.

  10. #50

    The Triumvirate

    actually i don't hate kira because he owns everything, i actually enjoy seeing him do that, but i hate him because of his personality in seed and destiny and the way he acts

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  11. #51
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    The Triumvirate

    Originally posted by: Naruto_RNG
    kira hands down. u kira haters hate him because u know he owns everyone. what do u expact he is the so called "ultimate coordinator" it would be stupid if he was not so strong. does anybody know what's the meaning of "ultimate"?
    ultimate: furthest or highest in degree or order, being the last or concluding element of a series. if you want more definitions go to wikipedia.
    lol... great argument...
    There are some of us who finds it boring when we know who's gonna win, ever thought about that?
    Who the hell cares about him being "ultimate", if he just owns everything all the time it gets boring.

    I'd find it equally boring if Shinn owned everything constantly. Or Yzak.

    Well, maybe not Yzak...

  12. #52

    The Triumvirate

    Sorry to bring back the shinn vs kira argument but I figure I might as well get as much in my first post as I can. The whole Destiny being faster then SF seems to not really have a foundation in the show to me. Yes after Shinn has gone SEED in Destiny he starts using the insane speed but whose to say Kira couldn't move that fast after going into SEED mode in SF, also the SF being caught by a GOUF while Kira piloting it is not that great an argument cuz Athrun caught Shinn's gun on Destiny the same way during his escape from ZAFT. I think that debating the superior machine is a little premature until the 2 suits actually go up against each. Oh and who here doesn't who who is gonna win when Shinn fights against tons of grunts, Kira isn't the only one whose victories are pretty obvious.

    As for who is the better character I voted for Kira. Athrun has bothered me throughout GSD for getting on everyones chase for what they were doing without him really having any kind of plan for anything besides following ZAFTs orders. Shinn has been on the road to a mental breakdown since episode 1 and that has kept me from really getting to attatched to him as a character. Kira seems to have the best plan of action, he, and the AA, get involved when they need to but the refrain from choosing sides before all facts are in. Also Kira's idisarming enemies rather then killing them may cuase some to be killed but imagine how many people would be dead if Kira went for the kill all the time. Kira can be annoying but i find him the least annoying of the 3 choices so theres my vote.

  13. #53

    The Triumvirate

    so are you another shinn hater?

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  14. #54

    The Triumvirate

    I woyuld had liked to vote for Kira because he rules, but i messed up and voted for Athrun. Anyway the two best characters are them:

    1.- Kira
    2.- Athrun
    3E99.- Shinn (i hope u get this) [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  15. #55

    The Triumvirate


    wow....ppl wrote a lot about shinn vs. kira...but dont forget athrun...

    as of now, the original 2 characters are beating shinn in voting....and kira by a LOT. and im not surprised...i dont hate seeing kira owning everyone, in fact, i LOVE it.

    but i just want to do shinn some justice. cmon, u know he will own at the end. its DESTINED.

  16. #56

    The Triumvirate

    kira was ultimate coordinator ... 18 years ago. just like newer gundam is better, someone younger may have better genes, because the technology has advanced.

  17. #57
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    The Triumvirate

    No. There is only one Ultimate coordinator that is explained. Stop trying to make up shit just cause you like Shinn more.

  18. #58

    The Triumvirate

    come on, i HATE shinn. i'm just saying that if they used technology from Destroy to create Destiny, and used technology from Extended from GSD to create extended from GSD, and used LA Kruuze to create Rey, they may have used kira to create someone other.

  19. #59

    The Triumvirate

    Originally posted by: darkshadow
    are you forgetting that in the beginning, shinn wouldve lost alot of times, athrun saved him once, rey saved him a couple more, shinn also lost ( like every1 else ) first time against freedom
    those are also FACTS

    Because he cut off his arm you consider that a loss? He barely had time to turn around. By the second time they "fought" he was already dodging freedom.

    Shinn also saved Athrun...more than once...

    He stopped his Zaku from getting torn to shreds...and saved him when Junius Seven was falling to earth...

    Rey saved him once...

    after that it`s been all Shinn...all Shinn...and those are also FACTS.

  20. #60

    The Triumvirate

    Originally posted by: Deamon007
    Originally posted by: fox_t
    How come everyone calls Kira overpowered yet Shinn was the one who destroyed who fleets with a supposed inferior Gundam?

    Shinn is also the only character in GSD to have never lost a battle or an MS...and episode one was the first time Shinn had been in battle...I`m not saying he`s overpowered...but a lot of you guys seem to cry about certain characters (namely Kira) being i`m just pointing out the facts.
    the only reason Shin didnt lose a MS is because his Impulse has an infinite amount of parts if you were to count thenmber of parts that he lost than he would have lost 10 if not more MS's

    and taking out a fleet with a superior gundam doesent say anything in gundam seed Kira fought evenly agenst 4 equally powerfull suits piloted by red-coats while he didnt even had basic trianing
    How can that be the only reason...because he has a million parts...

    Strike has lost arms and legs...heck it was blown to a million pieces by no...your infinite part defence doesn`t hold any water...

    Kira fought 4 equally powerful suits and only managed to destroy one...Shinn killed two extended (a feat that Kira didn`t even accomplish in GS)...he managed to take out 4 of the 5 Destroy Gundams...he destroyed the EAF and Orb fleet....Took out Freedom...beat Athrun...and all this before the 40th episode...

    i really don`t have a problem with it...but there seems to be alot of people on this board who like to cry and complain about Kira...I`m just pointing out the fact that Shinn`s body count is the highest of anyone...and he`s undefeated...sorry...i don`t count Freedom streaking past him and removing his arm as a loss...

    A lot of people seem to be complaining about this series...if it bothers you that much...than stop watching...otherwise just enjoy the`s not like anybody here has never seen another gundam series...invincible pilots come with the territory.

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