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Thread: i have caple of questions!

  1. #21

    i have caple of questions!

    in the very first episodes Neo and Rey had some thing like teleptathy, gudjing by that both of them should be Mwu clones but after the last 3 episodes i can't say that fore sure...

  2. #22
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    i have caple of questions!

    Neo isn't a clone, he is Mwu... or at least his body, since he lost his memories.

    Rey is probably a clone of Rau, or his son. I hope it's his son though because it would suck with even more clones.

  3. #23

    i have caple of questions!

    i see...then what da heck meant thous "lightings" of avearnes that hapend from time to time when Neo fought Rey?

  4. #24

    i have caple of questions!

    it was a great death scene (mwu) but i really liked him as a char, so i'm glad he's back (well he's sorta back)

    now if fllay or stellar came back from the dead,, that'll suck like hell

    and those lightning flashes and the sound are the classic newtype indications in gundam series' and newtypes are suppose to be able to sense/read others minds

    dont really know why they use it in SEED/Destiny

  5. #25

    i have caple of questions!

    heh stellar was draund by shinn in that lake so no woryes there + on top of that they can't clone her any more the lab isn't working [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  6. #26

    i have caple of questions!

    Originally posted by: Niwa-kun
    heh stellar was draund by shinn in that lake so no woryes there + on top of that they can't clone her any more the lab isn't working [img][/img]
    not drowned, funeraled. she sank so that indicated that she was dead

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  7. #27

    i have caple of questions!

    lol i know... i saw that expretion erlier on this forum and used it here [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  8. #28

    i have caple of questions!

    I wonder if I could rewind back those few seconds, edit here and there, then make it look like stellar is floating back up from the bottom of the water... hehe..

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