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  1. #1

    Gun X Sword

    First Episode released by Shinsen... it's licensed, so this is probably as good as it's gonna get

    "Planet Endless Illusion is a utopia for scoundrels where the desert is filled with dreams, and the towns are full of violence. Van, a vagabond, meets a girl, Windy in a twon. She is waiting for her elder brother who was kidnapped. Then, Luck the Roulette, appears accompanying many outlaws. Windy fights against them with the gun her brother left, but& ",lzvngj,gunxsword.html

  2. #2
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Gun X Sword

    who's complaining Shinsen is somewhat decent.

  3. #3


    I am... don't like them

  4. #4
    IRC ADMIN DO's Avatar
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    I think I'll check this new series out. Umm.. how is the actual subbing done? I hope it isnt of poor quality. #gotwoot

    Kitkat makes great signatures!

  5. #5


    downloading right now since it's already licensed i hope it'll be good

  6. #6
    ANBU Captain Foomanchew24's Avatar
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    Looks kinda like Trigun so I must watch, and shinsen subs ifs fine by me. Thanks for the heads up on new series Bud, keep up the good work.

    Sig made by Lucifus

  7. #7


    it has potential... his weapon kicks some major ass...

  8. #8


    I found the first episode very dull, boring, and annoying... i'll watch next episode though for now...

    I'll tell you know, Van will die by the end of the series

  9. #9


    beginning was ownage. but when the huge robot (armor's ) came it went downhill. stupid big robots ruining the badassnes of the main charr.

  10. #10


    Looks like a mix between Trigun and S.cry.ED.

    Let's say it lacks some originality so far...

  11. #11
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Anything made today lacks originality. But I might watch the next few eps to see were it goes if anywhere god.

  12. #12


    Yeah, I'm tired of the "it lacks originality" argument... if something is good, it is simply that, who cares if it borrows ideas from other anime... at least i don't... in fact... if i liked the anime that it is borrowing ideas from, i like it even more because i get to see something i liked again, but with a fresh presentation...

  13. #13


    I don't know whether it borrowed ideas from those series, (and I'm one of the first to say that people shouldn't compare different series). Though, fact are that the composer of the music didn't made much effort not to make it sound as S.cry.ED (he was the composer on that one too), even though there are different series with different settings.

    Most of anime shows unfortunatly don't bring fresh ideas... (and especially shounen or bishoujo/harem shows... and this one belongs to the first category.) Although the Far West /Cowboy world is far from being common in anime series, the main character is so far a stereotype (lonesome-overpowered-almost-unbeatable-till-the-very-end-of-the-series-who-only-seek-revenge) character.

    The first reason I watched this series was because I knew who was doing the music (I've loved his work on both S.cry.ED and PLANETES)... so I maybe wasn't searching for "originiality" in the music... though I wasn't expecting to hear some forgotten S.cry.ed tracks either...

    After watching too many anime series... I don't think people can bear seeing the same pattern again and again.... the series being good or not (which it has yet to be decided by the viewer indeed). Even if this was a sequel to one of the series I've quoted... I don't think I would like it either...

    (I don't think the one who made the title thought a long time either.... Gun x Sword... he could have called it Western x Mecha... it would have had the same effect -_-[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    PS : on a side note I'm really hard to please, so don't think you are wrong either (or that I think you are wrong)... I'm just easily bored :/

  14. #14
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    Yeah, I'm tired of the "it lacks originality" argument... if something is good, it is simply that, who cares if it borrows ideas from other anime... at least i don't... in fact... if i liked the anime that it is borrowing ideas from, i like it even more because i get to see something i liked again, but with a fresh presentation...
    I'm not saying that everything is crap I'm just making a point that we should enjoy a show for what it is and not what it takes after.

  15. #15


    I liked everything in the first but then they bringed out the robots.... I can live with them but why must they make the main female character so annoying.

    Also Van looks have we seen before cant help but think of some other cowboy.

  16. #16


    I wasn't responding to you, i was responding to the post before you...

    I was agreeing with your posts and throwing some of my thoughts...

  17. #17


    Well.. haven't seen Trigun or Scryed (or however you write it)... so I can't say... but i think this show is not bad... i kinda liked the first episode... Giant robots... meh, but at least the fights are cool... and it doesn't look as if everything will be resolved by giant robots (if so, well that's lame)... I guess they just wnted to show everything that this series was about in the first ep... which is logical...

  18. #18


    Sora released episode 1 if anyone is interested...

    They did a great job with Kurau Phantom Memory

    Sora 01

    Edit: I browsed trough it and like it more... I'm mean they call a tuxedo a tuxedo...

  19. #19


    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    Sora released episode 1 if anyone is interested...

    They did a great job with Kurau Phantom Memory

    Sora 01

    Edit: I browsed trough it and like it more... I'm mean they call a tuxedo a tuxedo...
    your link is broken or something, cant get to the torrent file

    anyway, yeah i saw the first ep, it runs a little choppy on my crappy pc so i missed some of the action sequences, but it looks to be a "meh" series for me. ill pick it up when i see it, but im not counting down the hours until episode 2 is released. i agree with most of the points made above about the mecha and borrowed character designs, but what are you gonna do, you know? i do like the trigun aspect of it, although the predictability of the show is a little too patronizing for me, i mean of course hes gonna help out the village and fight the bad guy. its lazy storywriting if you ask me, but thats just my opinion.
    Gun x Sword. cmon. stupid name. although i do like the Kowloon Cloth/Sword thing he has...
    anyway, my final thoughts:


    Tbsp. MECHA

    The first thing youll need is a big pot to mix the ingredients in.
    Set the heat to medium and add your first two ingredients, stir well, and let sit for 28 minutes.
    Serve lukewarm and garnish with Mecha

    o_O ?

  20. #20


    Watched ep 1 by Sora, and am liking it very much, when the robots came out I had second thoughts, but i'll give it a go, because it could make it interesting, but the animation, action, and comedy is really good, i'll be getting all of this.

    Also, Cowboy Bebop and Trigun eat your heart out, as people have pointed out.

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