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Thread: Gun X Sword

  1. #101


    Indeed, he didn't say that, I just rewatched it ^^"
    When he told Ray to join, it was confusing...
    But then does the Claw man really want to gather the 7 "legendary armors", and just plan to pick up some random badass armor pilots ? What he said contradicts Gadvet words....

    Anyway, all this stuff to say the old geezer is porbably planning something else...

  2. #102


    Ep ... whatever is out... I

    linky for Episode 14 by Shinsen

    now... that was a fun ep... not much happened in terms of story... but the Priscilla character is cool... and the guy at the end was a complete loser!!! and Van remembered a name!
    EDIT:... maan looking at that armor again... it has to be THE most ridiculous armor of the show
    "Are you and Idiot" "Yes I am" (or whatever)

  3. #103


    sorry for the double post but

    Ep 15 by Shinsen is OUT

    it was a really nice ep... story advances... and two very important things about this episode
    1.. TURTLE RACE!!!!
    2.. The dog is BACK!!! (i'm sure he's the one behind everything... and i'm only half kidding)

  4. #104
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Finally got some time to check out the new episodes.

    14: Nice episode. Prissila is cool, but why can Van remember her name?

    15: LOL, Turtle racing..... The fight here was a little disappointing. I'm looking forward to the next episode where we can see more into Van's personality.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  5. #105

  6. #106


    Heh it's finally out.....X_X

  7. #107


    wow... cool ep! well done... really, seeing Van this scared was messed up and the music was awesome. also the end was great!

  8. #108
    Student Gnompf's Avatar
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    Sweden Sunne
    I really like this serie.. but the episode take to long to get subbed i wont to se more of gunxsword..

  9. #109
    Student skindred's Avatar
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    uhh here...

    Gun x Sword

    Episode 17-26 has just been released by SHRIMPS but my friend told me there isn't any subtitles on it. Can anyone please confirm this one because I don't know where to look
    oh me and my friend aren't neighbors, we are far apart that's why I didn't see it myself. He asked me on how to use CCCP, maybe we need players like VLC for this one?
    Last edited by skindred; Wed, 03-15-2006 at 05:50 PM.

  10. #110
    ANBU Captain Paulyboy's Avatar
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    Jul 2004
    Yeah buddy its subbed

    Edit: Use VLC, then go to view then subtitles
    No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you when he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on, I am your teacher."
    -Mazer Rackham

  11. #111
    Student skindred's Avatar
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    Mar 2006
    uhh here...
    thanks Paulyboy


  12. #112
    SHRIMPS a good sub?

  13. #113
    what about eps 1-17? i couldn't find that on mininova.

  14. #114
    Student skindred's Avatar
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    uhh here...

    Gun x Sword

    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    what about eps 1-17? i couldn't find that on mininova.

    sorry, just arrived from school. eps 1-16 were from shinsen fansubs.

    shinsen are quite slow because they have alot of other projects and their latest release is only ep 16. I don't know if shrimps is good because I'm currently downloading them and there aren't any subbers who are subbing ep 17-26. I can no longer wait so I downloaded them

  15. #115
    Give us some feedback on the quality of them, and if it is worth the download.

  16. #116
    Student skindred's Avatar
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    uhh here...
    Quote Originally Posted by kAi
    Give us some feedback on the quality of them, and if it is worth the download.
    I tried and watched one episode while I'm downloading. I can't distinguish between a good and a very good subtitle but for me it seems to be better than shinsen's version. The quality is a little lower than shinsen's because of its file size which is less than 150 MB. I haven't found any wrong grammars so that's why I think it's better. Well that's all I could say because I'm having a difficult time here trying to find what words and terms I should use for my next explanation. If I've dissapointed you guys, you may correct me

  17. #117
    Last time I had checked a SHRIMPS release, they sucked. But they way you describe them they might have been getting better.

    I guess I'll check them out myself later.

  18. #118
    Student Gnompf's Avatar
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    Sweden Sunne
    thx man.. i really love the serie !1

  19. #119
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Well, SHRIMPS got better, but they still arent really good yet. At this point, Shinsenver is a much better group (did I just say that....)

    I haven't seen 25 or 26, but the series really got better, except the episode with the swimsuits, that was just flat out bad. Funny at times, but very, VERY bad. I really like the fact that Michael became a prominate figure in the series, rather than just being a mystery character until Wendy found him in the last episode. I'm hoping the ending will be a good ending for this great series. Most animes fall very short when it comes to endings. I'm hoping GUNxSWORD isn't one of them.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  20. #120
    Quote Originally Posted by skindred
    sorry, just arrived from school. eps 1-16 were from shinsen fansubs.

    shinsen are quite slow because they have alot of other projects and their latest release is only ep 16. I don't know if shrimps is good because I'm currently downloading them and there aren't any subbers who are subbing ep 17-26. I can no longer wait so I downloaded them
    That site isn't working. I checked out shinsen-subs' site yesterday i think, but couldn't find a batch for this series. Maybe i just missed it, i dunno.

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