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Thread: episode 39 discussion

  1. #181
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    Originally posted by: Mae


    However, I would like to take this opportunity to rant about something that has been bothering me since GS. When they fight in space WHY ARE THE EXPLOSIONS PINK? What were the animators thinking? "I'm sick of realistic explosions with normal yellow or orange flames and white or grey smoke. I know, let's make them pink for no apparent reason. But only in space, lol." So I'll be watching an exciting battle sequence and Kira will gun down an enemy ship only to have it burst into clouds of inexplicable pinkness. Then I'll be annoyed, and I'm distracted from the rest of the scene. Damn pink explosions. [img][/img]

    /end rant
    I like the pink explosions. But then again i like the color in itself to.

    I mean why not have pink explosions? They already have beams and suits in every color imagineable might as well make the explosions pink its not like the color got any shock value when You have 3 baby blue ships pursuing a pink ship which got a Gaia in light red/orangish and yellow.

    Colors are nothing out of the ordinary so i donät see why they should have the explosions in the old normal grey boring color.

  2. #182

    episode 39 discussion

    you know what would be cooler than pink?

    i dunno

  3. #183
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    Originally posted by: aznriced310
    you know what would be cooler than pink?

    i dunno

  4. #184
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    I just saw the episode subbed and I can't believe how much better it was. Sure, it's always better when you understand everything that goes on of course... but in ep 39, I feel like it wasn't enough to get the gist of what was going on, as we did in the raw. There was much more feeling conveyed in all the scenes now, and seriously, the lyrics to Vestige were beautiful.

    I will absolutely not call this the best Seed episode, you'll have to be on crack to think that this beats the excellent last 5 or so eps of the original Seed, but I must admit it was magnificient. Kira yelling "HIT!" as the dragoon stuff blew up the enemy ship is one of the coolest Kira moments in the series, and that's saying a lot coming from a guy like me who doesn't care particularly for him.

    I still can't get over how amazing it would be for Kira to kiss Lacus after that line of his though. "Just seeing you in front of me blah blah". That would be perfect. BUT NOOOO. Keep staring at each other, you morons.

  5. #185

    episode 39 discussion

    I realy like this episode I watched it 7 times already (3 times RAW 2 times the Celphone sub and 2 times the Haro^2Tori^2) its the best episode jet from Gundam Seed Destiny

    and pink explosions are cool and can easely be explained by the fackt that we dont know what kind of materials couse the explosions and coeld there for have a diferend color in a plase were there is no air

  6. #186
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    This is the only episode in the entire series (except the clip shows) which I've seen less than 5 times.

  7. #187

    episode 39 discussion

    yup, GREAT ep from gsd....the last 5 eps of seed is better but not by much. i have a feelin that the last few eps of gsd isnt going to disappoint us iether because this time theres shinn, the x-factor.

  8. #188

    episode 39 discussion

    man I loved this eps. I don't have a clue what a "newtype" is, but what ever it is it sound cool. people make a big deal when kira got cought by the goufs. get over it. the director made that on purpose so kira would bring out the dragoons. can't wait till next eps.

  9. #189

    episode 39 discussion

    Shinn is a selfish crying little brat, i dont know why u Shinn lovers like him so much. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img]

    For the one saying Gundam Seed Destiny Stands for the MS Destiny, i think u are wrong, most probably it refers to the Destiny plan, after all, all the battles an schemes in GSD are leading to completing the Destiny Plan Dullindal Suggested.

    On a complete different note i have wanted to write this since saturday:

    I read in some Gundam Seed Destiny Forum, i dont remeber where (and im too lazy to look for it), a post that said:

    "Erica Simons is the Only woman with more mobile suits in her garage than Lacus Clyne", well, now after ep 39 i should say that that isnt longer true, after all Lacus now has a Factory for herself, building Doms. I dont know how many, at least 3, plus Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice.

  10. #190

    episode 39 discussion

    Am I the only one watching every episode once? And I mean once, not twice or three times or 5 or whatever...WTH?
    Even watched SEED only once, never went back to it again, although I liked it. I only happened to watch the return of Freedom and Justice to space(akatsuki no kuruma playing^^) severeal times, but that's all.

    Only show I'd like to rewatch right now is FMA, but I had to delete it quite some time ago...d'oh!

  11. #191
    Chuunin Barumonk's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
    On a complete different note i have wanted to write this since saturday:

    I read in some Gundam Seed Destiny Forum, i dont remeber where (and im too lazy to look for it), a post that said:

    "Erica Simons is the Only woman with more mobile suits in her garage than Lacus Clyne", well, now after ep 39 i should say that that isnt longer true, after all Lacus now has a Factory for herself, building Doms. I dont know how many, at least 3, plus Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice.
    That was me, except thats not exactly what I said. ^^;;

    Originally posted by: Barumonk
    The return of Erika Simmons! The only female in GS to rival Lacus with the number of mobile suits in her garage.
    At the time, Erika Simmons had Strike (rebuilt), atleast three Orb M1-Astray units (probably more), and for a short time she had Buster as well. Lacus had Freedom, but it was mostly a comment towards someone saying that "After getting his Gundam destroyed, Kira will always wake up in the bed of a pink haired popstar with a nuclear gundam in her garage." Right now, Lacus has Strike Freedom, IJ, DOM x3, and Gaia (even though its Andy's, I suspect that Lacus supporters had given it them, rather than Andy doing something typical like sending DaCosta to steal it). Erika.. probably has.. err.. well I suppose thats spoilers. ^^

  12. #192

    episode 39 discussion

    Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
    Shinn is a selfish crying little brat, i dont know why u Shinn lovers like him so much. [img][/img]
    there's already a thread for shinn haters, leave ur shinn-hating comments there

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  13. #193

    episode 39 discussion

    Just something to bring up regarding Kira's newtype flash in this ep. As far as i have known, newtype flashes in GS typically mean someone who you're genetically related(as in Mwu and Klueze case, and somewhat the Neo and Rey case too) comes into the vincinity of each other, IMO. Or as someone mentioned in one of their post, newtypes tend to have a heightened spartial awareness, allowing them to anticipate and followup with a dodge or counterattack. That is probably the cause for Klueze when he was fighting Kira in GS.

    What i don't get is the newtype flash from Kira when he was using the DRAGOON system. I disagree with the fact that it 'happens' when he was using the DRAGOON, no one needs to be newtype to use DRAGOON(thought the majority of DRAGOON users are newtype).

    If it really is a newtype ability of Kira, I SAY SCREW IT. Kira doesn't need that much more abilities, his SEED mode is more than enough to make up combat skills.

    Amaya, the Tauren Warrior

  14. #194
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    Wow. Umm... everyone really seems to have loved this episode...

    I thought it blew... Totally stalled the aftermath of the Heaven's Base fall (it simply reported the facts we knew at the end of episode 38, except it showed Djibril take refuge in ORB) Introduced 2 new units with no concrete explanation as to where they came from? Who is supporting the Lacus Faction, and for the love of God WHY?!? Who is repairing the ARchangel too!?! Why can't militaries keep their technology secret for more than two minutes!?!

    1. EAF gets Beam Deflectors in on Mobile Armors.
    2. ZAFT, about a dozen episodes after EAF, manages to fit them on Mobile Suits. EAF doesn't have this yet...
    3. Lacus 3rd Party Faction gets same technology, DRAGOON system also, three episodes later from some Factory in a frickin fake asteroid...
    4. Meanwhile EAF fails to deploy any new ArchAngel type battle cruisers, although they were the first to get them way way back in Seed....
    5. ZAFT also fails to produce any more Minerva type battle ships, or even improve on the Nazca classes from way way back in Seed...

    Perhaps this is because I just can't stand Kira and the scene with him losing every piece of the Strike Rouge EXCEPT the cockpit and thrusters reminded me so much of Duo's epic, totally unbelievable BS escape in a POS Leo in Wing... Or how he and Lacus sweetly eye each other while Waldfeld is out there fighting for his dear life...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  15. #195
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    Or how he and Lacus sweetly eye each other while Waldfeld is out there fighting for his dear life...
    Wow, I didn't even think about that.
    That's hilarious. lol. Those bitches [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  16. #196

    episode 39 discussion

    during that transmission that neo/mwu sends to the bridge, under the image it says from, does it say from sick boy or sick bay?

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  17. #197
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    now we cab say that neo is mwu, he remembered the transmitio0on code for thebridge, i hope the director and his staff explains clearly how mwu survive.

    Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.

  18. #198

    episode 39 discussion

    you haven't answered my question

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  19. #199
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    Your question is stupid, but heres the answer: Sick Bay, you baka...

    Oyabin, umm I thought that was already obvious tht Mwu = Neo... But good observation on him remembering the bridge code... little oversight I guess (it would have been wiped with the rest of his memory)

    And why is he still in the hospital ward if he seems to be all better?

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  20. #200

    episode 39 discussion

    meyrin doesn't seem to be in that room even though she's sick

    Ovan, The Rebirth

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