No, Athrun really hasn't had it. Newtype abilities are traditionally defined by that flash, or sparkle that Kira had (simply deemed the "newtype flash"), as well as Neo/Mwu and Rey.
No, Athrun really hasn't had it. Newtype abilities are traditionally defined by that flash, or sparkle that Kira had (simply deemed the "newtype flash"), as well as Neo/Mwu and Rey.
maybe you can categorize Kira, Amuro and that lallah girl as the better newtypes,, dont they call it N3,N2,N1 or something,, err i dunno
like kira, Amuro, lallah as N3
Athrun, Mwu and Char N2
Cagalli and that chick i forget char's sister (like these 2 have newtype relatives) as N1
I dont remember Athrun or Cagalli having the "flash" though, but could be wrong
another theory,, maybe mwu isnt a newtype,, like he could be the same as the frost brothers in gundam X (i forget what they were called) and thats how mwu and that guy in SEED (damn i suck with names,, he was the clone wore a mask) can sense each other
an entertaining episode. nice to see kira in action but pretty soon he won't even need to use seed mode anymore with strike freedom and his newtype powers. not much to say except the blatant cash cow milking by fukuda is becoming more and more blatant.
cash cow *hurray* !!
who really cares,, we get it for free anyways,, give em more cash and make another damn good sequel ^^
if there is a sequel, this would be the result <_<Originally posted by: MrTicTac
cash cow *hurray* !!
who really cares,, we get it for free anyways,, give em more cash and make another damn good sequel ^^
Originally posted by: Knives122
Noooo!! x__x
After watching the sub i felt even more emotion in the KiraxLacus relationship. I think that their relationship was the central part of this ep, it would have been better if they delayed it abit and made SF launch next ep. Unfortunatly because they spent so much episodes on bullshit with no story progression they can't afford to do it that way.
I think all of you should watch up to the point where SF launches and rethink what you just saw before you watch the rest. Just to grasp the beautifulness of what happens.
Did anyone else wonder about the Destiny plan Dullinandal is pulling? To me it sounds more and more like Rau. Im now convinced that Dullinandal possibly along with Djibril will be the final villian. Maybe Djibril joins up with Dullinandal at the end, wouldn't that rock?
no it wouldnt really.........i mean if that happens, minerva goes rogue ( i dont think talia will allow dullindals scheme), shinn will be crushed by believing in the chairman, and in the end we will have eternal+AA+minerva+SF/IJ/Impulse/Destiny/Gaia, against what? legend?? that just wouldnt work out i think
I honestly can't see anything causing Shinn to act against Dullindale at this point. Even if the Minerva went to the otherside with say Lunimaria I personally see Shinn and Rey staying as pawns until the bitter end.Originally posted by: darkshadow
no it wouldnt really.........i mean if that happens, minerva goes rogue ( i dont think talia will allow dullindals scheme), shinn will be crushed by believing in the chairman, and in the end we will have eternal+AA+minerva+SF/IJ/Impulse/Destiny/Gaia, against what? legend?? that just wouldnt work out i think
no i cant c it like that, shinn will go totally berserk if he found out he was betrayed, just like he felt he was betrayed by the Athha family, shinn doesnt want war and all those things, he will not hesitate to go against the chairman, if he finds out, especially if it would mean defending minerva and ofcourse lunamaria, he doesnt want to lose more people in his life
I've been thinking for a while that it was Dullindal that got the info that the Gundams were being built at Heliopolis to Rau before SEED, and when I get a chance I need too look and see, it may have been Dullindal that gave Rau the plans for the NJC that he gave the the EAF. Unfortunatly I only had enough writeable CDs to burn the first half of SEED at the time and I've had to since delete it for HD space so I'd have to go download it again first.Originally posted by: PSJ
Did anyone else wonder about the Destiny plan Dullinandal is pulling? To me it sounds more and more like Rau.
I think IF Shinn and the minerva does go against dullindal,, shinn would be so confused and withdrawn that he'd lose the ability to go SEED-mode that or go against the minerva and stay with dullindal and rey
lol, if the minerva and shin goes against zaft, it'll just be like gundam seed; archangel and kira turning against the earth military. After watching the episode, i was just wondering, kira borrowed cagali's rougue strike, but wasnt it originally pink when it went into phase armor mode? but somehow, wen kira piloted it, it became like the colors of the original strike.
PS: A big fight between legend and strike freedom would be awesome [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Yea that was wierd. But now that Kira has obtained god mode he can color his ms however he wants in the matter of seconds to.
heh, well, maybe i heard wrong but when the engineers asked kira about how he wanted strike rougue, he said just put it as strike or soemthing like that. this was from cellphone 2 translation so, not sureOriginally posted by: smurfyy
After watching the episode, i was just wondering, kira borrowed cagali's rougue strike, but wasnt it originally pink when it went into phase armor mode? but somehow, wen kira piloted it, it became like the colors of the original strike.
watching strike freedom's big deput makes me wonder if infinite justice's deput will be just as intense
Ovan, The Rebirth
Good eps. Finally I get to see SF and his awesome Dragoon system. But really, I'm more hyped up for the next eps:
Cagalli gets a new unit! And its golden O_o
Dullindal appears to have made a decision to attack Orb. Shinn looks like he is having his thoughts of "if dullindal is right or not"
Kira is coming back to Orb meaning that if Destiny comes out. Then Shinn will be like OMFG he's alive!! O_o. And the true battle against Shinn and Kira will begin.
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
im wondering how the hell can CLyne faction got the "two units" which is SF and IJ ?
and if they built it, how the hell can she got the design, or even think of building something overpowered like that, first i thought that SF and IJ will be another stolen gundam from ZAFT
wow, there was a factory in that asteroid O_o
SF's debut was awesome; dragoon rocks! Looks like the next few eps will be intense; can't wait to see everyone's reaction on seeing SF
"You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."
I've felt that way since I first played Final Fantasy 4. Legend of Dragoon also reenforced that idea.Originally posted by: Roko
dragoon rocks!