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Thread: episode 39 discussion

  1. #61
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    Originally posted by: Juced
    Well Kira losing skill!?! No way they way he shot those zaku's just after he flew by Bartfeld, that's skill! Whacking an ZAFT battlefleet comprised of 3 nasca class ships with probably full complement of MS, which are probably all out aswell without ever going into SEED mode, that's skill! The newtype flash = uberskill!

    And why violet!?! That's really pink, but if you give the word pink so many meanings, read my sig!

    lol im dutch too you know, so i KNOW, and violet is a light purple, like mace windu's lightsaber, its the same color on the mid/edges of destiny's wings ( maybe a tad lighter, but it aint pink)

  2. #62
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    Originally posted by: mage
    what's wrong with you people? this episode wasn't great at all. so what if we get to see strike freedom? kira did the same thing he's done in every episode we see him fight - chop off a bunch of arms. who cares?

  3. #63

    episode 39 discussion

    you two are missing the point everyone just wanted to know if sf can compare to destiny after this episode what do you think. in the end everyones title to their own opinion

  4. #64
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    The central point in this ep was the relationship between Lacus and Kira to me. Which they captured beautifully.

  5. #65

    episode 39 discussion

    Originally posted by: Dannynonsense
    you two are missing the point everyone just wanted to know if sf can compare to destiny after this episode what do you think. in the end everyones title to their own opinion
    yes and if u read my points i dont think sf can compare to destiny in a 1v1 IMO.

  6. #66

    episode 39 discussion

    I dont know if this was asked before... so kira has both SEED mode and Newtype mode now????....
    that would be pretty awesome if he can activate both at the same time. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  7. #67

    episode 39 discussion

    Does it really matter what we think? Who will be the best pilot/gundam. Who is better at long range/short range. Slow or fast. It all comes down to what Fukuda and co want to happen, if they so wanted to all 4 "super" gundams could be destroyed by someone really weak. It is their choice after all. Since Kira and Ahtrun lost once to Shinn, it would be strange if they lost again soon and since its not that very episodes left i doubt they will lose at all. If so at the end, but since i think Shinn will be a good/semigood guy then by who?

    Sry for the rant but i think most people decide to quickly who is the best and why just they have to win. Why not just enyoy the show?

    He he in fact it would be quite fun to se Kira shinn and rest all get beaten up by someone compleatly
    unknown guy. And just to make Terra happy, Yzak comes to save the day.

  8. #68
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    Well its speculation and discussion. That is what builds forums.

  9. #69
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    wow i watched the raw and all i can say is freedom is sooo coooollllll!!! with the dragoon and everything.. i hope he uses his cannon on his belly..

    Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.

  10. #70
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    Originally posted by: Cion

    Sry for the rant but i think most people decide to quickly who is the best and why just they have to win. Why not just enyoy the show?
    discussing it is much more enjoyable than just watching it and waiting until next week.

  11. #71

    episode 39 discussion

    Well i agree that seeing all theories is fun, but all the bashing for "bad" theroies make it less fun.

  12. #72
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    i also like the fact thast gaia is piloted by andy, it brings back gs memories..

    Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.

  13. #73
    Missing Nin
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    episode 39 discussion

    I for one don't think that there is any intention of Strike Freedom comparing to Destiny as they are completely differn't kinds of mobile suits. If anything I think Legend and SF are ment to match upto each other. On the flip side I see IJ as being the MS to match upto Destiny. Overall this is just how things seem to be working out in this episode.

    That aside I'm sorry to anyone who disagree's but Strike Freedom is much much more fun to watch then Destiny has been. condidering the fact that this battle seemed more real where either side could have won before Strike Freedom was introduced and based on the musical placement I found myself much more interesting the the Minerva arbitrarily playing kick the can with a few destroys.

  14. #74

    episode 39 discussion

    Okay, I broke and watched the raw. I had the scariest smile on my face from the commercial break on. The entire episode just felt like it was right.

    SF exceeds all of my expectations. I dare say it is on par with Destiny's Speed, if not faster. To those whom are commenting on the fact he got caught by a goufs you do realize that prior to being caught he was defending Eternal and shooting down 4 goufs, so even Kira can't be completely invincible against numbers (minus meteor. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]). The fact that with SF he took down a crapload of ZAFT's elite pilots.

    And to defend Kira having Strike so heavily damaged, he was only trying to defend Eternal. He could have likely used Strike and managed to take down the entirity of the enemy forces using SEED, but the simple fact is that he doesn't want to kill anyone he just wants to defend Eternal.

    I feel the love for T.M and I also feel the love for the generic music composer in this episode. When Lacus hands over Strike-Freedom to Kira that music is perfect. I mean, gah I am just sitting here freaking out right now. Easily my favorite episode of Destiny to date.

    Man Kira is fast from watching it a second time. He re-programs the inefficient but usable Natural OS to his custom OS (Probably more advanced then the generic Co-ordinators) in like no time flat. Then updates Strike-Freedom to be usable by him in SECONDS. Even though Eternal might have Data from the first Freedom on Kira, the fine tuning took him SECONDS. Gah, I think I just jizzed in my pants!

    PS: Much <3 for the little drum-roll leading into 'You Resemble Me' adds just another amount of kick-assery to the new ED.

  15. #75
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    Originally posted by: Nyro
    Man Kira is fast from watching it a second time. He re-programs the inefficient but usable Natural OS to his custom OS (Probably more advanced then the generic Co-ordinators) in like no time flat. Then updates Strike-Freedom to be usable by him in SECONDS. Even though Eternal might have Data from the first Freedom on Kira, the fine tuning took him SECONDS. Gah, I think I just jizzed in my pants!
    didn't we see him do that in the first episode of Seed? who cares.

  16. #76

    episode 39 discussion

    Originally posted by: drunkenmaster
    yes but shin wasnt trying then just yet (not that pissed yet) AND it was athurn in the cockpit. and getting ur gun grabbed isnt as bad as gettting ur leg and ur arm grabbed lol
    and you're saying kira was? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] nothing to debate here anyway. it's what fukuda wanted to portray for sf to use its dragoon. nothing we can do if he envisioned the scenes this way. if he wanted sf to use his dragoons and not getting caught by those whips he can do so since he has the power [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  17. #77

    episode 39 discussion

    Keep being a negative nilly.

    Anyhow, something interesting regarding the OS's of Destiny versus Strike-Freedom
    Maneuver.... System

    For Destiny... for Strike-Freedom...
    Module ... Complex*

    *Note: Legend uses the same OS as Strike-Freedom... minus the Complex part. I wonder if Infinite Justice will be in the same OS line as Destiny?

  18. #78

    episode 39 discussion

    Originally posted by: Nyro
    I wonder if Infinite Justice will be in the same OS line as Destiny?
    I don't think so, none of the ships alligned with them have the Duetrion system installed. In fact I believe Minerva is the only one that does. Assuming that the Eternal is where IJ was built they wouldn't have included a feature like that.

  19. #79

    episode 39 discussion

    Yahoo, my turn to go crazy with comments.

    Okay, seeing that bastard of a colony again made my stomach twitch. After finding out the origins of Cruset and Kira, I was completely disgusted, and now they visited it again. At least it was only DaCosta-kun that was there, and not any of the others. I'm sure Lacus would have vomited if she went there.

    I noticed that Lacus already has her "new" outfit on underneath that coat of hers (note the hands).

    I'd like to get a good look at Dullindal's profile. Something is up in there. And notice that the Break the World's terrorists' records have been deleted?

    I noticed that the mass produces Asshu suits are gray and green. Does that mean the assassin squad's were custom made?

    I just KNOW that Ray is too happy about Djibril not being found. The tone of his voice is completely undisturbed, and almost Iruka-like when he stars in Naruto. Also Shinn likes to waste coffee doesn't he? I think that's why he goes into SEED in the first place. Too much coffee.

    When I first saw Djibril's plane landing in ORB, my thoughts were "Oh shit! The one place we DON'T want to see him go."

    I feel sorry for the poor Archangel, it's completely damaged. Murrue-san always trys to cheer Kira up, even though half the time she winds up failing. And finally, Cagalli finally talked with Athrun about the marriage thing. Bout damn time! And it's fitting that Milly is looking after Mirei, considering they're basically the same.

    The Destiny Plan. Something creeps down my spine whenever I hear that phrase. I think that Dullindal put something in Destiny. Something is very very wrong with this.

    "Eternal hashin shimasu!" I love it! Especially the CGI on that craft, but classifying them as terrorists now? For the first time, we see a Gunner Zaku Warrior throw one of those explosive cannisters. They've had that in the GSD GBA game for a while, but I never saw luna toss a single one!

    Looking at the Gundam MOS in Strike Rouge just before Kira reprogrammed it, I noticed that on the right hand side of the bootup, there were two items that said "Sexcam" just what was Cagalli doing in Rouge when no one was looking? Those boosters they stuck on Strike Rouge, isn't that the same booster they used to send Archangel back into space in GS? And for those that are wondering, as Kira reprogrammed the Rouge, he set the PS armor back to the original colors. Weapons and Shields aren't effected by PS, so the Rouge's shield was still pink.

    Seeing Watfeld-san's suit for the first time, I was thinking. "Cool new suit, but what the heck is it?" Then I saw it transform. A red and yellow Gaia! Kick ass! Also, I think it's a brand new model, not rebuilt. I noticed that Watfeld-san does have a blind spot where he's missing his eye, and that's his hindrance. Even so, he does seem faster than Stellar, and he doesn't waste shots.

    For God's sake Kira, KISS HER ALREADY! Geez, its like you're afraid she'll get pregnant from it or something. I mean come on!

    And I timed it. Kira programmed Strike Freedom in 6 seconds. SIX SECONDS! Six seconds is my record in taking out a mobile suit with Freedom in GSD GBA, and I feel completely outclassed now. "Kira Yamato, Freedom, ikkimas!" I hope he says that forever. For the record, he did fire both railguns, both rifles, the chest cannon, and all 8 DRAGOONs at once, go Kira! His usage of his Newtype abilities is incredibly accurate. I don't think a single soldier was lost on those Nazca class ships. Although his battlecry when he used that ability seemed a bit Rau-like, and that scared me.

    Here's the kill count for the episode, but its more like a disable count:
    Gaia kill count: 4
    Strike kill count: 5
    SF kill count: 18 and 3 Nazca class
    Eternal kill count: 3

    As for my evaluation of the mobile suits. Gaia II: The Badass Version is a more improved version of Gaia, most definately. I think that if it is put in the atmosphere, it will still be able to fly. And I love the color scheme. The only problem is Watfeld's crippled side. He can't control it to the fullest. I'm hoping one of the other pilots will be able to make better use of it if Watfeld gets injured. Nice catch with the beam rifle, by the way.

    Strike got shot down because there was so much crossfire and his main intention was to protect his love. Strike is not as accurate as Freedom, so his shots were wasted more. If he intended on going on the offensive, I'm sure he could have shot down at least 10. But I think Cagalli is going to be really pissed when she hears her suit got its limbs taken off. By the way, nice catch with the graples, DaCosta-kun.

    Strike Freedom, oh man, that thing has got some major weaponry to it. Railguns, torso cannon, beam rifles, and let's not forget the 8 Dragoons, but there is a major flaw to it. All those weapons are heavy, and take up a lot of mass. Though it's probably a little faster than the original Freedom, it's definately not as fast as Destiny. It was evident from the fact that he had to block with his reflector shield and dodge the missiles. It was rather slow in my opinion, his movements that is. Also being caught by the Gouf whips is another thing. In Freedom he would have been able to dodge them, but in SF, he couldn't. Even so, the DRAGOONs are faster than electricity apparently, because Kira's leg and blaster didn't blow up. *gets calculator out* Let's see, if we take into account that he can take out approximately 13 suits in one shot with the HiMat system, subtract the beam rifles when using METEOR, and calculating the amount of kills a METEOR can get on average in a single shot.... *calculator blows up* Dear god, that's an army killer. One on one, I hope Kira's beam saber skills are up to par, because he'll have to use them to defend as well as attack. SF and Destiny is an even match in my opinion, because SF is a long range type, and Destiny is a close quarters type. Meaning Shinn will be dodging and deflecting the Dragoon beams, while Kira will be backing off, while trying to find an opening.

    I want to see Akatsuki ASAP. It looks just like Strike, only gold, with a few extra goodies. I hope it has the IWSP pack of Rouge in Gundam SEED MSV. And so ORB will once again get caught in the fight against someone they don't want to fight against. DAMN YOU YUUNA ROUMA SEIRAN! Seriously, could someone please shoot the bastard right now? Cagalli, here's a gun. Do the right thing and smite him!

    And looking at the ending, yes that is a gray Gouf near Yzak. Looks like he upgraded. It makes sense considering his status is higher than Dearka. Besides, there's no gunner model Gouf as of yet.

    Whew, that was long winded. I don't think this will be considered the best episode for long, because when all four of the heroic suits come out to play, all hell is going to break loose.

  20. #80

    episode 39 discussion

    Ok. Everyone is going crazy over Strike Freedom. So far, I haven't seen ANYTHING that makes it superior to Destiny. If anything, the two are evenly matched.

    Otherwise it was a pretty good ep

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