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Thread: episode 39 discussion

  1. #41

    episode 39 discussion

    Originally posted by: drunkenmaster
    Strike freedom is pretty badass. But the point that it got caught by goufs does shows its relatively slow(note slow compared to destiny) speed. the
    SF will get faster. Kira did some quick work, but I get the impression that SF wasn't really completed yet. Of course I couldn't understand a word they said so I could be way off base here.

    note that destiny's movments are like shaddowed and kind
    That is caused by a variation of the Blitz Gundam's Mirage Coloid system. It isn't because of it's speed, it just makes it look faster then it really is that way. Psychological warfare.

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Well let's just say that Kira & Lacus and the prior's overpowered gundam madness aren't the primary reasons to why I love this series.
    Well, since they don't have numbers, overpowered is their only real chance to win. They are out-numbered what, 10,000-to-1 or something like that.

    Originally posted by: Millenium-Boyz
    in this episode SF doesnt combine both of its laser rifle, but when he use the himat he use his chest canon, and one rifle left hand and one rifle right hand
    I just checked, Kira doesn't use the Chest cannon there, so he doesn't use it at all this ep.

    Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
    Will Athrun reveal his new sword as well and fight beside Kira?
    Considering the fact that he couldn't even completely sit up in this ep I would assume we won't see him in IJ until episode 41 or 42.

    Originally posted by: k_truong
    is it me or is kira losing his skills
    not even 10sec into his first flight with sf he almost got his arms and legs torn up...
    As I said earlier I don't believe SF was really complete yet. Besides, there is no way those GOUF's could have torn SF appart. Remember SF like all SEED Gundams has Phase Shift Armor which protects against all (conventional) non-beam weapons.

    Now a few non-reply comments....

    It was hilarious how after Kira owned those Nazca class ships how that one ZAFT Captain slouched down in his chair both in embarrassment and thinking how lucky he is to be alive.

    I really think the music when Lacus was showing SF to Kira for the first time was quite apporpriate.

    Seeing the METEOR's used as integrated weapons for the Eternal was cool.

    Most of you probably thought of this on your own, but I get the impression that Waltfeld's Gaia is a new Gundam, not Stellar's repaired.

    Oh, and from the point that Kira first launched the DRAGOON units I was laughing out loud very hard the rest of the episode. I just couldn't help it.

    After Strike Rouge's arms were destroyed, Waltfeld catching it's Beam Rifle to keep fighting was nice team work.

  2. #42
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    2 words. Fucking Touching.

    I loved the KiraxLacus scenes. How upset Kira was before launching, how mad he was at the end when blasting those ships and his calm when he finally met Lacus. The only thing that bothers me is that they haven't kissed yet. Kira, learn from Athrun, he has kissed Cagalli more than he has said anything useful in Destiny ffs.

    The new featured mobile suits. A normal colored Strike Rouge, why is it normal colored now? The shield was still pink. Gaia, Andy style. Aweomse color scheme in my opinion, fits Andy. Strike fucking Freedom, Why do i love this suits movement? I can't put my finger on why i dig this suit but it is cool.

    To whoever asked if IJ will be able to measure up to SF. I can confidently say YES! Of course it will Justice is cooler than Freedom, check my sig out.

    I found it funny how Neo remembered the code or whatever to contact the bridge from there, to my understanding Murrue was a bit suprised to. Also cool when Neo corrected Athrun on rank and name.


    @ Curium. I rewatched the sequence where SF fires all weapons twice and he does indeed use the chest cannon, there is a red and blue beam. Only weapon that causes that is its chest cannon.

  3. #43

    episode 39 discussion

    Oke I have been reading this forum for a long time and this episode really made me wanna post something. Bit of a dissapointment for a first post, but hey it will get better soonish!

    But this episode so tottally rocked! And the way the see-saw kicked in awhole Kira was looking at his humiliated opponents sheer brilliance!

    Find it a bit dissapointing that Dearka didn't appear in this episode, the preview showed in phase 38 kinda gave that impression. On the otherhand now he didn't get humiliated. However Yzak could have used it, so it will fuel some "historical" fires [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  4. #44
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    *sigh* goo 500th post!!!

    Uhm, Shin did not have DAYS of maintenance on Destiny, but he did have several several hours. Meer was telling Asuran that Shin was already at his machine fine tuning it and that he should go too. It was one of the reasons why Asuran was starting to become questioned as a traitor (although there were many other factors as well
    in my translation mia said he was only there checking it out, i mean if some1 gave you a new badass car for nothing, wouldnt you like stay and check it out a bit? i dont think shinn was really fine tuning it and stuff, seeing how it was already build for shinn, i think he was just being happy and exited ( man i sure would be ), and also seeing how he did not use his wings at the start, it seems he was still figuring it out

    Nice to see some blue colored wings, instead of pink, now isn't it?
    aack >_< its VIOLET DAMMIT, VIOLET!!!!!!, still i dont feel ne thing for SF, it could blow up in the next ep without me caring, the only thing i kinda like about freedom ( and sf ofcourse) was his 5 way attack animation [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] lol that just owned, but i dont care to much about range fighters, i care more for the fast close combateers ( IJ is prolly gonna make me smile as much as destiny)

  5. #45

    episode 39 discussion

    Curium nice post, answered many of my questions. however, the kira losing skill thing might be true. the fact that he cant get his arms torn off (cuz of the PS armor) isnt his skill, its just his hardware. so maybe he is getting alittle rusty after losing freedom. of course he was fighting like 400 dudes and he wasnt in berzerker, so that could answer it also.
    LOL me too! i dont care about range(read my above post) melee is where its at when the fight between two skill piolts always ends with a beamsword fight! if with its 4 beamswords out is gonna chase sum ppl away!

  6. #46

    episode 39 discussion

    *cry the subbed version needs to come out already...

  7. #47

    episode 39 discussion

    Originally posted by: darkshadow
    in my translation mia said he was only there checking it out, i mean if some1 gave you a new badass car for nothing, wouldnt you like stay and check it out a bit? i dont think shinn was really fine tuning it and stuff, seeing how it was already build for shinn, i think he was just being happy and exited ( man i sure would be ), and also seeing how he did not use his wings at the start, it seems he was still figuring it out
    I got the impression that he was fine-tuning it to his preferances. No matter how much it was built specifically for him, there will be some personal preferances on how he wants it to work that only he knows.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, Since some grunt soldier recognized SF as Freedom, I would assume Shinn will as well. I <u>can't wait</u> to see his reaction. That should be fun.

  8. #48

    episode 39 discussion

    ij needs to launch quickly.... so we can see sum crazy sword action. and athurn better go berzerker ONCE. i mean he hasnt once in the whole gsd. i hope when he goes berzeker its gonan really kick ass. and shin is gonna be like wtf while kira drinks his lemonade and is like yeap thats how he was when i used to fight with him.

  9. #49
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    also, the gouf is supposed to be mass produced right? but in what way? limited?? cause in this ep the gouf pilots seem te be red coats, and seeing how they are elite, i dont think alot of goufs would be needed

    ne way 1 more thing, about the previous ep, i still cant figure out y the animators were so lazy to give lunamaria a different core splendor launch ( or maybe it launches on its own [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img])

  10. #50

    episode 39 discussion

    well, Mia said Shin was at the place where they were holding the new models, I just assumed that he wouldn't be standing there doing nothing but looking at it for hours on end... or maybe I'm wrong... it's Shin afterall, and he's easily amused.

  11. #51

    episode 39 discussion

    Well Kira losing skill!?! No way they way he shot those zaku's just after he flew by Bartfeld, that's skill! Whacking an ZAFT battlefleet comprised of 3 nasca class ships with probably full complement of MS, which are probably all out aswell without ever going into SEED mode, that's skill! The newtype flash = uberskill!

    And why violet!?! That's really pink, but if you give the word pink so many meanings, read my sig!

  12. #52

    episode 39 discussion

    wow good episode, can't wait for the sub version

    btw, nice icon and sig PSJ =P

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  13. #53

    episode 39 discussion

    they look more purplish red to me lol. but w/e it looks friggin sweet.

  14. #54
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    what's wrong with you people? this episode wasn't great at all. so what if we get to see strike freedom? kira did the same thing he's done in every episode we see him fight - chop off a bunch of arms. who cares?

  15. #55

    episode 39 discussion

    Could someone please explain this too me, it makes no sense.

    Early in the series Orb signed that treaty with the EAF so that they wouldn't invade Orb. Now it seems that they are protecting Djibril and giving ZAFT an excuse to invade them. They can't honostly believe their defenses are any better then the ones at Heaven's Base can they?

  16. #56

    episode 39 discussion

    Well for example it shows a more indepth the relation between Kira and Lacus. it's also a preview into the abilities of Strrike Freedom, so the future promises to be very sweet.

  17. #57

    episode 39 discussion

    Originally posted by: mage
    what's wrong with you people? this episode wasn't great at all. so what if we get to see strike freedom? kira did the same thing he's done in every episode we see him fight - chop off a bunch of arms. who cares?
    lol yeap i guess some people like the same thing. i presonally think sf is bulky, slow, and crappy in 1v1. ij on the otherhand is sleak and armed with very precise weapons. imo sf is too like rigged with many weapons and its just like not as cool as destiny with its few but awsome weapons. the more weapons it has, the less gundamish it becomes, its more like a mini fortress. u could mount all those guns on a sky grasper give it phase shift armor and itd be just as good. beam sword combat and boomerangs are the advantages of gundams have over little jet planes which sf has none of. all of sf weapons can be mounted on a jet plane basically.(well it doesnt excell in bs combat, it just has 2 generic bs)

  18. #58

    episode 39 discussion

    Destiny got caught by a GOUF too. Remember, Athrun took out its gun with one.

    I woudln't call SF slow jsut yet.

  19. #59

    episode 39 discussion

    yes but shin wasnt trying then just yet (not that pissed yet) AND it was athurn in the cockpit. and getting ur gun grabbed isnt as bad as gettting ur leg and ur arm grabbed lol

  20. #60
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    episode 39 discussion

    Originally posted by: AtHRunOwNZaLL
    wow good episode, can't wait for the sub version

    btw, nice icon and sig PSJ =P
    Thanks mate, your sig is to big tho. Maximum regulations is 400x80.

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