That was pretty awesome fight by Kira he wasn't even in Seed mode.
Cool to finally see Dragoon in battle too. Very nice ep, if i only knew what they
are saying ^^
That was pretty awesome fight by Kira he wasn't even in Seed mode.
Cool to finally see Dragoon in battle too. Very nice ep, if i only knew what they
are saying ^^
Well, I might be wrong because every single word I have learnt of japanese comes from anime and no studying... But.Originally posted by: Millenium-Boyz
LoLZ heheh its allrite for you MeroTZ coz the Subbed version will make you scream and cry, just be patient for another 12 hours for the cellphone subbed version, Strike freedom is a weapon of mass destruction, and another thing i just realized ! i dont know what does arthrun and neo said to kira in the movie, but aftrer kira left for Lacus Arthrun and neo are having a conversation, and suddenly a flash back appeared, the flashback when Strike(pilloted by mwu get destroyed when protecting AA)
Neo sent the message to Kira on Atruns accord... Neo told the ones at the bridge he was mouthing off about it a lot and that he was saying how Kira "had" to save Lacus... I also think he says at the end that Athrun was poitning towards that everything would end if Lacus died.. And as a follow-up I think that Mariu is saying something in style with (to Neo). So you remembered the message code to the bridge... or something like that...
If someone here knows japanese acurately... Please correct me and tell me where I was off..
And I also agree, this was absolutely one of the best episodes ever, I had shills going down my spine seeing the new Freedom and hearing that awesome song...
It really was awesome that song [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
omfg! is 3am in the morning and i was gona go to sleep ! big mistake coming 2 the site reading about this stuf! i cant sleep! damit !><!
this was the best episode ever and Strike Freedom is way better than I could posible dream I going to watch it again *playing the part were Strike Freedom launches over and over til I cant keep my eyes open anymore*
OMFG i justwatched the ep with kira and strike freedom
First off,i luv watching Kira programming the Strike MOS like in SEED,and a cameo appearance with Strike(It is a cameo,Strike's limbs got torn up,waaah!)then there's Andrew's Gaia with the same colour as his previous dog-thing MS,AND I juz luv SF's launch!Kira reli is da best pilot in SEED Destiny,he configured SF's MOS in SECONDS compared to Shinn's DAYS of maintenance and tuning on Destiny(no offense to Shinn's fans).And i FREAKIN LUV SF's fight scenes,SF is currently the only Gundam that can escape Gouf electro-whips binding it without lost of limbs/rifles.And he took out that ZAFT force in 2 minutes!!!!Oh,and Super Dragoons roxxx!Kira havent even used his rifles combined yet,but SF's already proving to be better than Destiny: )
Also,that insert song by TM Revolution is music to the ears,literally!Makes me drool over it juz like METEOR.This EP had so many cool scenes and poses it must be so much better than the previous 38 EPs combined!
Wats wif Dullindal's plan?I heard Andrew say somekind of it related with Destiny or something...Screw yuuna and unato they practically invited disaster to Orb by welcoming Djibril!I guess Neo is joining and fighting the good fight now,maybe he'll defect with Girty Lue
I juz cant wait for next EP,Akatsuki's debut,hope it is juz as phenomenal as SF's!
I repeat again:This EP had so many cool scenes and poses it must be so much better than the previous 38 EPs combined!
Makes me forget all about Shinn's whining,Stellar's 'am i gonna die?',and other crap shit...this EP is THAT GOOD!
Addicted to Gunpla right now...
well i have to wait until my school's connection stops bein bitchy as bit torrent goes pretty slow at me university -_-#. but ah well hehe it sounds like it will be well worth the wait [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Juz rewatched it for the 5th time(gonna watch it more,promise)i juz luv the reaction on the ZAFT soldiers' faces when they saw SF and Gaia
One was like "That Mobile Suit,its fast!" Another one replied "FREEDOM?"lol.
I also noticed Lacus keep having that sorrowful look,i think she found something terrible bout this "Destiny" plan of Dullindal's,coz even Kira's presence couldnt calm her.
Strike finally gets some long-overdue fights in Destiny,it is still good,but its tech is considered obsolete now when compared to Zakus and Goufs(too bad)
Addicted to Gunpla right now...
wtf? shinn never got in destiny when they went after athrun, so shut up with your bscompared to Shinn's DAYS of maintenance and tuning on Destiny
and even though kira WASNT seed he got caught be the goufs, WHICH tells me its speeds it crap, really CRAP
very good ep though, nice to c the dragoons in action
just saw and kira bitched all their asses hehehe. and what are you talkin bout shinn never got in destiny when chasin asuran? what the hell else was he using; maybe you should stop flaming and actually watch the damn eps. now back to this, geez kira blazed them in strike, then just abused them in strike freedom lol. yea; it would be amsing to see kira beat the hell outa destiny in it heheh.
wren stfu, i was talking about : DAYS of maintenance and tuning on Destiny
since when did he have days of maintenance before chasing athrun[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img]
Oh come on... of course it was a good episode, hell, everything in Destiny is bloody perfect... but BEST EPISODE EVER?
Kira got his new gundam and had another hugging moment with Lacus (yet he STILL hasn't kissed her) and then gets another default win because he's the main character and has a horribly overpowered gundam (I mean why the fuck does it need the Dragoon system? It'd outclass everything even without it). This might sound ironic considering my fanboyism for Yzak, but all this cock for Kira is just amazing. Then again, I'm the only guy who doesn't see what's so freakin' cool about Strike Freedom because it looks exactly like all the other main character gundams. [img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]
Ah well... great stuff. I was really surprised about Andy getting a new suit though, seeing as he barely used the murasame.
This is one HELLUVA EPISODE!!!!!
Did anyone notice that instead of the Rose Pink color of Strike Rouge whenever it turns on its Phase Shift Armor it's Strikes old Blue and White color instead? And also i like the new GAIA that Waltfeld was piloting.. he kicked major @$$ using it.. makes Stellar's skills in piloting her GAIA look like crap lol
And then here comes Strike-Freedom... looks like Destiny's (and Shinns) days are numbered. And Kira just then and there reprogrammed or did minor adjustments to SF before launching... its only him and the original 5 from Zaft in SEED who did those (The Kleuze Squad)
And when will Kira and Lacus kiss!!! Damn.. i thought when they finally met each other after a long period of separation they'd finally share a kiss
you said???wtf? shinn never got in destiny when they went after athrun, so shut up with your bs
O. M. G.
Terra, i dont care WHAT you say, that was the best episode ever.
First, we get to see Eternal going full out (using the Meteors even! At first, I thought they'd be innoperable, what with their incredible power and all... I woulda thought the meteors could handle those ZAKU's but oh well). Then we get to see Andy head out in Gaia II: The Badass Version. As someone else said, he makes Stellar look like a 3 year old in a powerwheel.
And then we get Kira in Strike. Oh the nostalgia! And we also get to see how incredibly out of date it is... even Kira, most badass of pilots, gets shot to pieces by Zaku's. Long live the Zaku!
And then, then....
Strike Freedom. Oh god, its so cool. I'm so glad Kira didn't say Strike Freedom when he launched, I'm hoping that it will still be referred to as Freedom, but Strike Freedom is so freaking badass its not even funny. So badass, I dont see how Infinite Justice will compare. Hopefully it will surprise me.
Note: With weapons as precise as those DRAGOONS, Kira's no killing just got a lot easier. God, ZAFT is soooo screwed. F*ck you, Destiny and Legend!
Well let's just say that Kira & Lacus and the prior's overpowered gundam madness aren't the primary reasons to why I love this series.
This episode kind of reminded me why the Chairman is afraid of the Clyne Faction/Three Ships Alliance. They have the fastest ship in existance, Eternal, which was built at the end of the previous war, and was specially built to hold Freedom and Justice, and both METEOR packs. The potentially strongest ship in existance - ArchAngel, it has better armor and even has more weapons than the Minerva, even though it should be outdated by two years. It was even deemed 'invincible' near the end of the first series by Murata Azrael, the leader of Blue Cosmos. Then the Kusanagi - while i dont know if this ship will return, its basically a captial ship version of impulse, destroy one section and they can just replace it. not to mention the ArchAngel is modelled after this ship, its not like its a pushover. Pilot wise, they have the ultimate coordinator with SEED and Newtype abilities, Kira. Athrun, coordinator, ZAFT Red Coat, FAITH member, SEED holder, and is considered by many to be better than Kira in raw piloting ability. Soon to be Mwu/Neo, one of the few Newtypes (.. not really sure if 'few' is the right word at this point) in the series, legendary natural pilot who is reconized by many as the 'Hawk of Endymion" for his superior piloting skills to even most coordinators. Cagalli, a SEED holder who when gets motivated, is really quite persistant. Also happens to be the leader of the 3rd most powerful independent faction on the planet. Andy, coordinator, known as the "Tiger of the Desert" for his piloting skills and great sense of tactics. Then there is Lacus, coordinator, SEED holder, and more than likely the most influencial person in PLANT.
In considering the fact that they have enough resources to repair everything that was damaged at Yakin Due, and still be able to develop Strike Freedom, its sister unit (which I won't say, even if its obvious), and the new trio.. If they were really into taking over something, they could mobilize a good amount of PLANT and Orb to do whatever they wanted, in tandum with their own abilities. Their very existance is the most powerful threat to the Chairman's plans next to the Logos. This post really had no point in it, i'm just kind of thinking outloud and recaping everything.
You were pretty much perfectly on target with that.Neo sent the message to Kira on Atruns accord... Neo told the ones at the bridge he was mouthing off about it a lot and that he was saying how Kira "had" to save Lacus... I also think he says at the end that Athrun was poitning towards that everything would end if Lacus died.. And as a follow-up I think that Mariu is saying something in style with (to Neo). So you remembered the message code to the bridge... or something like that....
Boy, I'm bored, time to write a jist of what happened in the GREATEST episode of SEED Destiny ever.
Anyway, in the first few scenes Andrew is telling Lacus that Heaven's Base was taken out a lot quicker than expected. Also, we was iquiring why Lacus expected ORB to be next; afterall Dullandal is attempting to destroy LOGO's, not ORB. So Lacus replies that it is because ORB is a powerful country, that is, their military, as well as their ideals. To Dullandal, it is but a blockade of sort, a nuisance if you will, in the way of what he is trying to accomplish. Lacus then goes on to explain what she beleives that Dullandal's "Ultimate Plan", is to create a new power, that of both PLANT and the Earth combined. Furthermore, she beleives that this war, the riot, and everything else, have been planned to create a basis for his scheme.
Then we go into the song (why does everyone hate is so?! Hell, it's not THAT bad... I like Chemistry =D)
We see the workers cleaning up the debree, blah blah, everything is now under control etc etc. irrelevant.
Shin, Rey, and Luna are discussing Djibril's dissapearance. Rey explains that Djibril betrayed and ditched the other LOGO's members and stealthly left the battlefield before the base was taken. During this time Dullandal is explaining that nothing is over unless they catch Djibril; "hopefully, he hasn't run somewhere troublesome like Panama or Victoria," (nope, he ran to ORB!!! =]). Shin, once again pissed off, says he will personally crush Djirbril the next time he'e on the battlefield.
Murre is explaining to Kira that the damage is extensive so it seems like it's going to take quite a while before the repairs are complete; but everyone is working hard. Kira feels down, he says that he is scared, explaining that even THAT Asuran was injured to such an extent. He says that there are just so many things he doesn't understand; that is, he doesn't have any power at all. He despairs at the fact that he currently can't protect anything. Murre reassures Kira that since Lacus is soon coming back that everything will work out.
*The TV is just talking about the destruction of Heaven's base and the ZAFT/EARTH ALLIANCE working out treaties about National securities."
Cagalli comes in, asks Asuran if he's ok, he replies, that he regrettably is; (he feels it would of been better if he died). Meyrin has a light fever, but she's fine. Asuran is telling Cagalli in a solemn sort of way that Meyrin saved him, even though they've barely even spoken. He continues on to say that he gave into her help and got her involved into the whole situation (the whole atmosphere is of regret). Cagalli goes on to say that it is probably because she likes Asuran. Cagalli asks Asuran to forgive her, but Asuran says that it is he who should apologize. (he mumbles about how he realized this when Kira was lecturing him [I'm guessing this is when Savior got kaboomz0rized]) Cagalli says that she was going to get married, without even telling Asuran. Asuran goes on to say that it is because Cagalli probably wanted to protect ORB. Asuran goes on to say that he probably paniced. He hated that he was powerless, and couldn't do anything. He goes on to say that Cagalli had the responsibility of running a nation; trying her best everyday. He says he couldn't do anything, he couldn't even prevent the Junius 7 incident. He wanted to do something, actually, he wanted to prevent a war from happening. Cagalli replies that she knew that already, but it's difficult. She says that even though everyone says that and tried to accomplish that very ideal, it is still left unaccomplished. Perhaps, she says, that Dullandal is correct on his view, and that LOGO's truly is the epicenter of all the battles and wars. Asuran simply answers, no, No way.
Guy comes in, says that the colony had no air at all, or anything of that sort, but strangely, the DNA modification files had all been completely cleared out. He says that there was but these books, then turning to a certain page, he says that it is probably some useless companions writing but... --- it says
" I beleive Duallandal's DESTINY PLAN to be benefitial matter, however I will not forget that it is not the people who live for the planets, but it is a place that people live, and that is what a planet is.
(Someone who can write something as weird as this HAS to be Kruuze =D ).
Lacus "This is....?"
Andrew "Destiny Plan?"
And so they have been caught because the guy who scavenged the books was followed. Andrew tries to chase after the MS, but Lacus stops him, saying that it is too late. If it came equipped with weapons, then most likely battleships aren't too far behind. Lacus says that she was careless, but of course, the guy with the book says it wasn't her fault, and Andrew interrupts agreeing, saying that it was his (guy with books) fault. Andrew asks what they were going to do then, afterall the MS's in the factory weren't ready to be launched yet. Lacus says that they should immediately launch ETERNAL, even if it is to gain just a miniscule edge. Andrew explains that the ship doesn't have enough artillery to attain victory. But it was not Lacus plan to win, just protect the factory, and provide it with as much time as possible. If the ETERNAL is launched they will chase after it, providing the factory with a vital amounts of time to complete their efforts. She continues on to say that worse comes to worst, she will go to the Engineering Bay and launch the two machines (IJ and SF) and their data to Archangel.
Commercial Break
Factory goes into silent mode due to the launch of ETERNAL. Blah blah it launches. Murre announces that she received a message that the ETERNAL was launched becasuse they were caught by ZAFT. They ZAFT forces are suprised by the appearance of the lost ship ETERNAL, wondering what kind of renegade group would have access to such power. Then the captain says "I'm not going to let you terroists get away." (Terroists? Damn, the Clyne faction leveled up to Terroists now).
Murre explains that she doesn't know what size or power of a force that the ETERNAL is being chased by, but if penetration is impossible that they will at least launch pods. Of course we see Kira troubled, "If penetration is impossible... Lacus" (you can see in his eyes that he is like OMFG hell no.)
Mwu logs into the communications system saying that the guy next to him won't stop fidgiting. Asuran says that Kira must protect Lacus. Mwu continues on to say that "if she is killed that everything is over, or so it seems." Kira tells Cagalli to let him borrow Rouge and a booster. Muure tells Mwu (Neo whatever), "so you still remember the communications code, eh?" Then she tells everyone on bridge to go support Kira. Asuran says thanks to Major Furagura. He replies asking why is it that even YOU call me that? I am NEO Roanooku C-A-P-T-A-I-N. And we spiral into kaboom flashback. We can obviously see that Asuran is suprised.
They are fighting, Andrew tells them not to let the mobile suits grapple them and to use the maneuverability of ETERNAL.
Kira asks that all the specifications of Strike, be the same as normal (other than the booster).
Andrew says that he will go out, telling him (pilot), to just not get the engine shot and try to gain as much distance as possible.
Whoooooo go GAIA and STRIKE =DDDDD.
Once again the ZAFT units are suprised that they have something like GAIA on board, inquring again, what kind of organization are they?
"About how far is it to the Pod launch point"
" 20, no about 25".
"Please try your best until we reach that point".
The battle continues, and now Kira appears!!! go go old school style.
Anyway, Kira says he was worried so he came.
Isn't it cool how Andrew caught a beam rifle that got shot out of Strikes hand? good stuff...
Andrew tells Kira to hurry up and go inside the ETERNAL to go get his new machine.
Strike gets on board through an emergency docking system.
We witness a heartfelt reunion between Lacus and Kira.
Since it seems to be all the rave, let's do a line by line translation, just for these next few lines.
"I'm so glad."
"You being right here, that's what makes me really happy."
"Me too, Kira"
(Just a little note to SUNRISE, how can you not have a better kissing moment than this, I mean come on right then right there PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT, but nope.)
"Where's 'that'?"
"Over here."
"Lacus!.. we have to hurry."
"Thank you, with this I can fight properly again... my fight."
"Wait, I'll be right back. Then we can go back to everyone."
"CPC system complete, engine gauge 4 degrees, stable, power gauge, stable , all systems green, Strike Freedom system starting up."
"X20A Strike Freedom, clear to launch".
"Kira Yamato, Freedom, launching!"
*Cues in TM Revolution ... let the ownage begin*
"What's that machine?"
"Is it a new model? It's fast!"
(ahem, Kira only got caught by the Goufs cus he wanted to show off his new kick ass Dragoon system of course =], you all new that right?)
"This is!.."
"Wha, in only 2 minutes, 25 Zakus and Goufs are eliminated?"
"Enemy Mobile suit, engaging!"
"Tell all ships! Shoot it down!"
"Thrusters destroyed, navigation impossible!"
"Horison, Canebon, are also down!"
"What, no way!"
"ETERNAL, I'm going to dock."
Nice to see some blue colored wings, instead of pink, now isn't it?
Uhm, Shin did not have DAYS of maintenance on Destiny, but he did have several several hours. Meer was telling Asuran that Shin was already at his machine fine tuning it and that he should go too. It was one of the reasons why Asuran was starting to become questioned as a traitor (although there were many other factors as well.)wren stfu, i was talking about : DAYS of maintenance and tuning on Destiny
Wow, I was bored indeed....
Strike freedom is pretty badass. But the point that it got caught by goufs does shows its relatively slow(note slow compared to destiny) speed. the only thing kira took out was a ton of little goufs/zakus which doesnt really show much. I bet destiny or legend could do the same thing. also the movement isnt really a wavy motion like destiny's. note that destiny's movments are like shaddowed and kind of mesmeric(is that a word?). Never the less, that thing is badass and owns small armies. The problem is, the 1v1 abilities of the suit dont look so great. I mean guns in 1v1 are almost useless considering the ending battle always ends in a beamsword fight. no two super piolts ever get shot to death. His little railguns dont do much in 1v1considering i havent seen them do well in 1v1(mostly against armies) either I'm sure shin could dodge it easily as well as the dragoons(just remember freedom against providence). Ifinite justice has alota close range capacity but isnt good against large armies. so i suppose when ij launches he will take out a few mobile suites or i hope REY with some style [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]. Btw what is that songs name again by TM revolution?