Oh, yeah. Dragoon probably wont work on Earth. That would explain why Rey hasnt used them yet. I tho he was so SLOW that had no idead how to operate them. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Oh, yeah. Dragoon probably wont work on Earth. That would explain why Rey hasnt used them yet. I tho he was so SLOW that had no idead how to operate them. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
So i guess that S. Freedom will have the same amount if firepower on earth as the orginal Freedom did. On a side note, can some explain to me how did Strike have its arm blown off while blocking that rail shot when Andy blocked one later and only got pushed back? Are their shields really that different?
actually, sf might have a bit less firepower on earth because freedom had 2 of those red beams, 2 yellow, and 1 green, red is the strongest, green the weakest, now sf has 2 greens, 2 yellows, but only 1 red, but seeing as how sf is as up to date as destiny , it prolly wont matter that much
The director had to devise a way to give Kira his new suit, the shield was PINK and belonged to Cagalli so it must have been mostly for show [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img], Kira did not like the pink shield anyway as it did not suit him so he was destroying it from the back with Strike's hand. Actually, to be completely logical, you have to keep one thing in mind, Strike was on a booster traveling through the Earth's atmosphere at a tremendous speed. Strike was sustaining a large amount of damage due to that, as was his shield. It is most likely that Strike's armor and shield were greatly damaged in that trip from earth to space. It makes sense. That is why when Strike is taken inside of Eternal and they show it right before Kira comes out, it looks really banged up. So there is my reasoning, it was the atmosphere and energy in his trip from earth to space! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] Hope this helpsOriginally posted by: muyg
So i guess that S. Freedom will have the same amount if firepower on earth as the orginal Freedom did. On a side note, can some explain to me how did Strike have its arm blown off while blocking that rail shot when Andy blocked one later and only got pushed back? Are their shields really that different?
Yes, Yzak lost Duels shield to a similar weapon at the end of SEED. The First generation suits have crappy shields, as opposed to the better ones. Justice blocked the same shot from forbidden that took out Duels shield, without even being budged.Originally posted by: muyg
So i guess that S. Freedom will have the same amount if firepower on earth as the orginal Freedom did. On a side note, can some explain to me how did Strike have its arm blown off while blocking that rail shot when Andy blocked one later and only got pushed back? Are their shields really that different?
Technological progress.
I believe this part of your rant is unnecessary. The Beam Deflectors are older then GSD. If you will remember in like episode 4 or 5 of SEED the EAF had the technology at the Eurasia Space Fortress Artemis. Also in Gundam SEED Astray X, the Eurasia part of the EAF developed their own Gundam preparing for war against the Atlantic Federation once they were rid of PLANT. They minitureized the Beam Shield tech and incorporated it in their Hyperion Gundam. This was sometime around the second half of SEED. As you can see at that link it had both arm mounted beam shields as well as a backpack designed to give it a shield totally surrounding itself. Plus after the damage done to Artemis in SEED it wouldn't surprise me if ZAFT aquired some of the tech while they were there.Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Why can't militaries keep their technology secret for more than two minutes!?!
1. EAF gets Beam Deflectors in on Mobile Armors.
2. ZAFT, about a dozen episodes after EAF, manages to fit them on Mobile Suits. EAF doesn't have this yet...
3. Lacus 3rd Party Faction gets same technology, DRAGOON system also, three episodes later from some Factory in a frickin fake asteroid...
4. Meanwhile EAF fails to deploy any new ArchAngel type battle cruisers, although they were the first to get them way way back in Seed....
5. ZAFT also fails to produce any more Minerva type battle ships, or even improve on the Nazca classes from way way back in Seed...
Andy's unit lost its left arm from that shot (shield too) check out scene right when Andy says "Were retreating" or something like that around 18-19 min into epOriginally posted by: muyg
So i guess that S. Freedom will have the same amount if firepower on earth as the orginal Freedom did. On a side note, can some explain to me how did Strike have its arm blown off while blocking that rail shot when Andy blocked one later and only got pushed back? Are their shields really that different?
its missing the unit's left arm,, most likely taken out by that rail gun shot
I'm assuming you are talking about the Gunner ZAKU's gun. Technically the SF was the only unit there with Rail Guns. Here is what the Gunner ZAKUs use.Originally posted by: MrTicTac
Andy's unit lost its left arm from that shot (shield too) check out scene right when Andy says "Were retreating" or something like that around 18-19 min into epOriginally posted by: muyg
So i guess that S. Freedom will have the same amount if firepower on earth as the orginal Freedom did. On a side note, can some explain to me how did Strike have its arm blown off while blocking that rail shot when Andy blocked one later and only got pushed back? Are their shields really that different?
its missing the unit's left arm,, most likely taken out by that rail gun shot
M1500 "Orthros" high-energy long-range beam cannon
EDIT: Just for fun Wiki link for Rail Guns. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rail_Gun
ah i was just explaining that andy's suit took a hit too just like strike when they got hit by that high energy shot (rail gun whatever)
Yeah I know. Also I was checking, at about 20:30, just after SF launches it shows Gaia which clearly still has it's shield and arm. Also at the end, the shield is aiming back toward the Eternal at an odd angle, but it is there.
ahh hmm yea kinda weird angle...
scene pic
it looks like the shield but no arm
** oops just in case link doesnt work,, i can never get imagestation to link somehow, same pic is at http://www.gundams.net/index.php under ep 39
My problem isn't so much with the actual technology existing as much as it is with how quickly state-of-the-art military hardware and technology gets passed around in Destiny. Yes you showed that the EAF has had Beam Deflectors for quite awhile. But that says NOTHING as to how ZAFT got them. In fact, if the Eurasian EAF put Beam Deflectors on a Gundam back in Seed (granted it was Astray) how come they've only done so recently in Destiny (the mobile armor unit and the Destroy) but ZAFT is the first to put it on an MS?Originally posted by: Curium
I believe this part of your rant is unnecessary. The Beam Deflectors are older then GSD. If you will remember in like episode 4 or 5 of SEED the EAF had the technology at the Eurasia Space Fortress Artemis. Also in Gundam SEED Astray X, the Eurasia part of the EAF developed their own Gundam preparing for war against the Atlantic Federation once they were rid of PLANT. They minitureized the Beam Shield tech and incorporated it in their Hyperion Gundam. This was sometime around the second half of SEED. As you can see at that link it had both arm mounted beam shields as well as a backpack designed to give it a shield totally surrounding itself. Plus after the damage done to Artemis in SEED it wouldn't surprise me if ZAFT aquired some of the tech while they were there.Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Why can't militaries keep their technology secret for more than two minutes!?!
1. EAF gets Beam Deflectors in on Mobile Armors.
2. ZAFT, about a dozen episodes after EAF, manages to fit them on Mobile Suits. EAF doesn't have this yet...
3. Lacus 3rd Party Faction gets same technology, DRAGOON system also, three episodes later from some Factory in a frickin fake asteroid...
4. Meanwhile EAF fails to deploy any new ArchAngel type battle cruisers, although they were the first to get them way way back in Seed....
5. ZAFT also fails to produce any more Minerva type battle ships, or even improve on the Nazca classes from way way back in Seed...
Military secrets just being flung all around like that is cock-eyed bullshit that goes hand in hand with the creators simply trying to get all the cool nifty things from previous Gundam series in Destiny and to make the models better so model kit sales go up. How ZAFT gets this technology from the EAF is never explained, its actually taken for granted how such a huge edge was just 'lost' by the EAF and how ZAFT furthered on it.
Then we have Lacus Faction managing to construct the best damn Gundam ever in the form of the Strike Freedom, from the help of "The Factory" which seems to be neither ZAFT nor EAF. WHAT THE FUCK!? That's like saying black market traders can easilly parrellel the highest advacements of an organized government military. That's just utter crap. It's all so Kira can take the starring role again and makes 0 sense. Destiny and Legend are secretly developed by ZAFT and then three episodes after they're roled out of the docking bay for the first time, Kira and Lacus get their hands on one from some shitty asteroid Factory... Bullshit man.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
I bet they will start operating in a couple of years or so, maybe more, depending that they will start using kids like coordinators and such. I also just got finished with the series of Gundam Seed 1-50 lol, watched the whole thing within about a month or 2 tooks 10 gigs of my hardrive and still got 5 gigs left, so im burning them.Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
Oh, yeah. Dragoon probably wont work on Earth. That would explain why Rey hasnt used them yet. I tho he was so SLOW that had no idead how to operate them. [img][/img]
No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you when he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on, I am your teacher."
-Mazer Rackham
It's been a while, but In the episode where Destroys plans are shown, Its shown on two computers in the episode... one of which was the chairmans. Now, if you recall, the Destroys have the shielding on their detachable hands, so its rather reasonable that the chairman got it from there. Now how he had the plans, I do not know, but it is certain he got them and that episode was the first episode I saw him as the bad guy.Originally posted by: masamuneehs
My problem isn't so much with the actual technology existing as much as it is with how quickly state-of-the-art military hardware and technology gets passed around in Destiny. Yes you showed that the EAF has had Beam Deflectors for quite awhile. But that says NOTHING as to how ZAFT got them. In fact, if the Eurasian EAF put Beam Deflectors on a Gundam back in Seed (granted it was Astray) how come they've only done so recently in Destiny (the mobile armor unit and the Destroy) but ZAFT is the first to put it on an MS?Originally posted by: Curium
I believe this part of your rant is unnecessary. The Beam Deflectors are older then GSD. If you will remember in like episode 4 or 5 of SEED the EAF had the technology at the Eurasia Space Fortress Artemis. Also in Gundam SEED Astray X, the Eurasia part of the EAF developed their own Gundam preparing for war against the Atlantic Federation once they were rid of PLANT. They minitureized the Beam Shield tech and incorporated it in their Hyperion Gundam. This was sometime around the second half of SEED. As you can see at that link it had both arm mounted beam shields as well as a backpack designed to give it a shield totally surrounding itself. Plus after the damage done to Artemis in SEED it wouldn't surprise me if ZAFT aquired some of the tech while they were there.Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Why can't militaries keep their technology secret for more than two minutes!?!
1. EAF gets Beam Deflectors in on Mobile Armors.
2. ZAFT, about a dozen episodes after EAF, manages to fit them on Mobile Suits. EAF doesn't have this yet...
3. Lacus 3rd Party Faction gets same technology, DRAGOON system also, three episodes later from some Factory in a frickin fake asteroid...
4. Meanwhile EAF fails to deploy any new ArchAngel type battle cruisers, although they were the first to get them way way back in Seed....
5. ZAFT also fails to produce any more Minerva type battle ships, or even improve on the Nazca classes from way way back in Seed...
Military secrets just being flung all around like that is cock-eyed bullshit that goes hand in hand with the creators simply trying to get all the cool nifty things from previous Gundam series in Destiny and to make the models better so model kit sales go up. How ZAFT gets this technology from the EAF is never explained, its actually taken for granted how such a huge edge was just 'lost' by the EAF and how ZAFT furthered on it.
Then we have Lacus Faction managing to construct the best damn Gundam ever in the form of the Strike Freedom, from the help of "The Factory" which seems to be neither ZAFT nor EAF. WHAT THE FUCK!? That's like saying black market traders can easilly parrellel the highest advacements of an organized government military. That's just utter crap. It's all so Kira can take the starring role again and makes 0 sense. Destiny and Legend are secretly developed by ZAFT and then three episodes after they're roled out of the docking bay for the first time, Kira and Lacus get their hands on one from some shitty asteroid Factory... Bullshit man.
Personally I believe he had them because he helped create the design in the first place.Originally posted by: Yumil
It's been a while, but In the episode where Destroys plans are shown, Its shown on two computers in the episode... one of which was the chairmans. Now, if you recall, the Destroys have the shielding on their detachable hands, so its rather reasonable that the chairman got it from there. Now how he had the plans, I do not know, but it is certain he got them and that episode was the first episode I saw him as the bad guy.
I'd totally forgotten about that. ...That conniving Dullindal bastard... He DID have those plans and that was when I totally understand he was a villain through and through. Still, I just feel that the spread of weapons technology is a little unbelievable in Seed.Originally posted by: Curium
Personally I believe he had them because he helped create the design in the first place.Originally posted by: Yumil
It's been a while, but In the episode where Destroys plans are shown, Its shown on two computers in the episode... one of which was the chairmans. Now, if you recall, the Destroys have the shielding on their detachable hands, so its rather reasonable that the chairman got it from there. Now how he had the plans, I do not know, but it is certain he got them and that episode was the first episode I saw him as the bad guy.
And if you can explain to me how Lacus Faction's "Factory" got a hold of the technology that created the Strike Freedom and what will be Athrun's new unit (the next Justice) then I'll eat my foot. That kind of 3rd party getting what ZAFT just released as their topo-of-the-line super Gundam is utter crap.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Let me know if I leave anything out, I'm going to try to provide answers.Originally posted by: masamuneehs
And if you can explain to me how Lacus Faction's "Factory" got a hold of the technology that created the Strike Freedom and what will be Athrun's new unit (the next Justice) then I'll eat my foot. That kind of 3rd party getting what ZAFT just released as their topo-of-the-line super Gundam is utter crap.
If you remember in SEED, the Clyne Faction was quite large and had soldiers through out ZAFT. It isn't that hard to believe that they still have people within ZAFT today. Strike Freedom and Infinate Justice are based on the 2 Gundams that were specifically built for the Eternal (Freedom and Justice) so they have the basic plans already in the ship database. They just had some engineers redesign them slightly. The DRAGOON tech was brand new with Providence, but it wouldn't have been too hard for a well placed Clyne Faction person to "aquire" the plans during the confusion at the end of the last war. With the beam shield technology I know there were 3 Hyperion units built, I have no clue what happened to units 2 and 3. Also after the Archangel left Artemis early in SEED ANYONE could have stolen the beam shield tech from there easily. All they had to do was miniturize it. Another thing, the first Mobile Armor with the Positron Reflector was destroyed just outside of Orb before the Archangel left. It wouldn't have been too hard for them to retrieve the tech there. If ZAFT got the beam shield tech from the MAs they destroyed then AA could have easily gotten it first (I doubt Orb would let ZAFT salvage that MA just outside their territory.
So i guess that S. Freedom will have the same amount if firepower on earth as the orginal Freedom did. On a side note, can some explain to me how did Strike have its arm blown off while blocking that rail shot when Andy blocked one later and only got pushed back? Are their shields really that different?
With every new unit being equipped with anti-beam shields it wouldnt make any difference whether kira has one or a dozen red beams. However beam-swords > MS guns upclose and personal. If you're still holding onto your guns at close range you'll not have much accuracy with a high accuracy weapon especially with most MS now seeming to be fast enough to zip through them like nothing.. Speed and a big sword seems to be the lastest trend unless you've got a really big anti-air grenade that will explode and create a nuke so wide that even a fast MS like Athrun's cant run from it like how he ran from one in the last episode of GS at Jakkin Duel. Even a Gouf has a medieval grappel for mutilating enemy MS's upclose.. Speed-wise Athrun has some of the fastest MS that might even rival Shinn's except for the lack of strong beamed swords. He can only be defeated if he is cornered by someone just as fast with a big stick but his speed will at least help him flee and fight another day. Athrun is more like a quick hit and run personality but isnt too good upclose that was why he got owned by Kira. Kira is one of the most balanced character. His new suit has alot of beams for the eagle-eye sharp shooter and as anyone know snipers are strong support units but Kira is also very good with swords. But being a jack-of-all will never be as good as characters that are specialized His units are always some of the slowest out there because of all the heavy and different weapons it must carry and im sure that nuclear pack must weigh a ton and dangerous if its the target of the enemy.. However, the biggest weakness is he's too soft when it comes time to take someone's life and is constantly endangered because of that. A warrior shouldnt be worried abusing powers which he seem to have alot of but always holding back. Thats his weakness. I watched epi 39 and i dont see any difference from Freedom except for the Dragoon system which is just an advanced but lighter meteor with more accuracy and less fire power. It fits Kira's personality perfectly. He doesnt like firing on friendly units and he's a strong backup to any front-line units and can step in to tank and fill in some bullet holes for AA. SF imho can hold its own especially with the ultimate coordinator at its helm. I wonder how the new Justice will be. The Savior was quite a disappointment because it was very fast in MA mode but was much slower in MS mode and because it was built for sneak attacks it didnt hold well in close proximity as well as Freedom. Kira didnt even have to use too much power to overwhelm Savior in a close encounter. I hope IJ will address that issue with better aiming cannons with enough firepower to take out a MS before it even gets that close.