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Thread: 268 raw

  1. #41

    268 raw

    assertn, shut up.

    read, i was just saying that it would be cool if neji came in with a mid air kaiten.

  2. #42

    268 raw

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    There will never be a Naruto chapter where everyone will agree that "something happened".
    There is always someone who thinks that "nothing happened", for some reason. It's written in stone.

    Well, "nothing" happened more in this one.

  3. #43
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    268 raw

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    screw Sasori, I've had enough with angsting villians... "angst" the official GW word or what? It's even used in sentences where it has nothing to do with anything! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]

    I have a feeling the extent of what we'll see still in sasori's flashbacks will be how he kept his youth and him leaving the sand village (unless they plan to just have chiyo say something direct like "after he turned blah into puppet-blah, he was exiled"). Usually the manga keeps flashbacks simple, while the Anime goes in and builds a decent filler story about those flashbacks.....such as with haku, zaku, and i think a little of gaara even)

    P.S. Kai, go jump out of your window and try to perform a mid-air kaiten
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #44

    268 raw

    sasori is bad ass, chiyo is going to die like an 80's trend

    or maybe sakura will hit some and give some passionate speech about sasori not caring about others and that it pisses her off because she's risking her life for sasuke.. anyone see this happening?

  5. #45
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    268 raw

    seeing as how Sasori is a criminal, i can't imagine him caring for any naruto-like speech about the importance of friends, family and eating breakfast each day.
    and since he joined the akatsuki on his own, i'm doubting that he belongs to the kind of baddies who tend to sulk and rumble about their poor life...

    then again, he probably will.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  6. #46
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    268 raw

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    screw Sasori, I've had enough with angsting villians...
    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    since he joined the akatsuki on his own, i'm doubting that he belongs to the kind of baddies who tend to sulk and rumble about their poor life...
    Congratulations. You just contradicted yourself.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #47

    268 raw

    assertn... you rock. hes right, dbz, sasoris not an angsting villian. sasuke and pre chuunin exam neji are angsting characters.

    on topic: im pretty sure one of these thing will happen next chapter: 1) chiyo and sakura are saved by team gai (not very likely since we havnt seen them defeat the clones yet), 2) chiyo sacrifices herself to save sakura (more unlikely, sakura wouldnt be able to hold sasori until help arrives without her), or chiyo has another ace up her selve, like improvements she made to the pupets.

  8. #48
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    268 raw

    actually, i was just pointing out how stupid i think it is for Sasori to be a sulking villian (which the chapter indicates he is), since that would require him to be a lone wolf (or at least dedicated to a single private cause) and not a team player.

    so yes, basically, I don't believe that angsting villians should be in the akatsuki, but i know very well that almost half of them are going to be.
    it's like how I don't think medical ninjas should fight on the front line, yet I know very well that in the world of Naruto, they do so.

    oh, and there's no doubt that Sasori is going to angst about his parents, didn't you see the sad annoying face he had as a child? didn't you see him moving his 'mom' and 'dad' puppets so that they'll hug him? if that's not a beginning of a long winded story that I won't give a damn about, then i don't know what is.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  9. #49

    268 raw

    i disagree. when characters like sasuke and neji's parents died they became sucluded and bottled up rage and essectially became total jerks whos motivation is the angst they feel for their parents death (or circumstances of). sasori is very different. insted of becoming sucluded and bottling up rage, he dealt with the problem in a very juvinile manner. he made human puppets to confort him and delude him from his lose. the result... demintia ... not angst. sasori doesnt appear to have any rage aimed at anyone. instead the process of turning his parents into puppets opened a brand new sick idea "if i can do that with my parents... i can do it with anyone!" sasori is a sociopath... plan and simple.

  10. #50
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    268 raw

    Sasori looked quite content in both the flashbacks and the current stuff. You might as well accuse itachi for being angsty because somewhere in the distant future, he MIGHT regret killing his clan.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #51

    268 raw

    "Angsty" and "angsting" aren't words. And "angst" is not a verb so you can't "angst about parents."

    And Death Boo, developing pathos for characters gives them much more depth. I love learning about the past of the antagonsists in stories. I like being shown what exactly made them the way the are; what was the breaking point and how did they feel before, during and after? It makes them seem more real.

  12. #52

    268 raw

    Originally posted by: American Hero
    "Angsty" and "angsting" aren't words. And "angst" is not a verb so you can't "angst about parents."
    neither is "forshizzle" but unfourtunately... people keep on saying it. in any case, thank you american hero for showing dbz that he doesnt know exactly what hes talking about.

  13. #53

    268 raw

    Hey, if he doesn't looking at villains in that light then he doesn't. It's all a matter of opinion.

  14. #54

    268 raw

    yes, that is true... but the point was his lack of understanding of what "angst" is and the type of characters influenced by it.

  15. #55
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    268 raw

    ok, let me explain myself.
    I never said I think the akatsuki members should be all generic evils with no other words than 'Kill you! New super jutsu!', but also, I don't think that any charecter in a crime organization should go around sulking or whinning about it's past.
    the tear jerking past experinces of Haku (gaara, Neji, Sasuke and even Kimimaru) were fine, since the charecters themselves worked towards a goal that fit to thier past and what they want to future - revenge, acceptence by someone or whatever.

    but, whatever Sasori's past was (dead parents turned puppets? who knows), I don't think it has anything to do with Akatsuki's objectives. And seeing as that past is the definning event of his life, it's logical to say that he left the village because of that and not just to join some other ninjas and do their bidding right?
    Orochimaru made sense as a villian, he had an objective and took action to realize it. None of the mid-fight flashbacks scenes.

    as for the use of the word 'angst', I feel that 'verbing' it is apporopiate to convey what I think about the flashback, but if it bothers you, I'll try to use one of the following words : Sulking, Whinning, Crying, Woeing (woe is me! can you add an 'ing' to it?).

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  16. #56
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    268 raw

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    I have a feeling the extent of what we'll see still in sasori's flashbacks will be how he kept his youth
    He drinks the blood of christian babies [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img] its sooo obvious..

    Anyway, I also hope they go into background of Sasori. Flashbacks familiarize a person with the persona being flashed back upon(thats right I said flash backed upon) so you can form a sympathetic relation with he or she. Also flashbacks can help seperate the good anime from the refuse (as long as it isnt.. RAWR I learned this new superpowerful attack which has been seen on occasion.. or its just way to cheesey (they both can kill a story))
    There is my two cents..and how useless it was

  17. #57

    268 raw

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    ok, let me explain myself.
    I never said I think the akatsuki members should be all generic evils with no other words than 'Kill you! New super jutsu!', but also, I don't think that any charecter in a crime organization should go around sulking or whinning about it's past.
    the tear jerking past experinces of Haku (gaara, Neji, Sasuke and even Kimimaru) were fine, since the charecters themselves worked towards a goal that fit to thier past and what they want to future - revenge, acceptence by someone or whatever.

    but, whatever Sasori's past was (dead parents turned puppets? who knows), I don't think it has anything to do with Akatsuki's objectives. And seeing as that past is the definning event of his life, it's logical to say that he left the village because of that and not just to join some other ninjas and do their bidding right?
    Orochimaru made sense as a villian, he had an objective and took action to realize it. None of the mid-fight flashbacks scenes.

    as for the use of the word 'angst', I feel that 'verbing' it is apporopiate to convey what I think about the flashback, but if it bothers you, I'll try to use one of the following words : Sulking, Whinning, Crying, Woeing (woe is me! can you add an 'ing' to it?).
    you are right. sulking characters don belong in a crime organization... its not the proper motivation, but sasori is anything but. dealing with his parents death at such a young age made him devoid of real human emotion. we've NEVER seen sasori sulk. the images of his past were to show that he is a disturbed individual. i mean, what kind of kid turns his parents into puppets to satisfy their desire for attachment... thats just weird. and it makes his transition to a ruthless psycotic criminal all the more plausable.

  18. #58

    268 raw

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Zas for the use of the word 'angst', I feel that 'verbing' it is apporopiate to convey what I think about the flashback, but if it bothers you, I'll try to use one of the following words : Sulking, Whinning, Crying, Woeing (woe is me! can you add an 'ing' to it?).

  19. #59
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Out of the system

    268 raw

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure

    I have a feeling the extent of what we'll see still in sasori's flashbacks will be how he kept his youth
    stem cells

  20. #60

    268 raw

    Inane version out.

    #mangareaders @

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