The events in episode 19 were definatly unexpected, this is the first time seeing rin as something other than the overly kind guy too. I was rooting for kaede which made me really angry at the ignorant fool for messing up with here so bad.
The events in episode 19 were definatly unexpected, this is the first time seeing rin as something other than the overly kind guy too. I was rooting for kaede which made me really angry at the ignorant fool for messing up with here so bad.
Half of Rin's kindness was pure indecisiveness. Now he seems to have get rid of some of it. What comes to Kaede and Rin, maybe their weird common history explains somewhat why Rin is eager to get a girl from somewhere else. Not a bad decision, perhaps, based on this episode. It might be the elevator doesn't quite travel all the way up to the top floor on Kaede's case.
Others have been saying, and I heartedly agree, that Kaede in fact doesn't really love Rin in the way the others do, particularly Asa. It seemed more like her love is repentance for the 10 or so years of torture she gave him for a selfless act he committed to bring her out of the catatonic state. She gave her life to Rin, but not in any sort of selfless way, more as atonement for the sins she committed all those years.
Everyone should be impressed with Rin, more so than any other harem protagonist. I mean who at pre kindergarten years can decide to take that kind of burden to save someone else, and then proceed to stay with it as she homocidally tries to kill you every couple of months, and tortures you the remainder of the time.
I am concerned about Asa, and more than just her illness. Kaede's psychotic episode ended with her yelling "what's wrong with me?" She didn't even know she was losing it. She may go crazy again.
I cant help but feel sorry for her anyway. She had a messed up life. Rin should have picked up on the whole "your my reason for living" thing and at least told her she cant think that way, rather than just completely ignoring her. I dont know about you, but if someone has openly devoted their live to cleaning my room, doing my laundry, and providing meals out of guilt, goodwill or whatever, im not going to treat them like an appliance that is there for my convinience.
I'm going to have to watch the begining of this series over again with different a perspective now, however, I still think kaede has "real" love for Rin even if it is distorted by their past history. If it were all atonement and no love, she would be happy to see rin happy no matter what. But instead, she is jealous because she loves rin but wont say anything to him because of her guilt. I mean, she is practically married to the guy for however many years and then elements show up that completely disrupt their life together. Im not saying Rin is responsible for Kaede's feelings, but if he is worth a damn he will at least help, because he is kaede's closest relationship, who else is going to help her? Her absentee father?
I hope Asa will ok too, she's a wonderful and strongwilled person, and if she ends up with Rin at the end of the series, that would fine by me. She has the most natural relationship with Rin by far.
does Asa-Semai has a heart attack??
Kaede face was scary when she was making nothing in the pot of soup
Shuffle Ep 20 - KazeNoKoe
Damn. After the almost full reverse in the previous episode, this series certainly became very intensive. It's like another show altogether. If this keeps up, Shuffle may end up pretty high in my list of good 'n' quality animes.
Edit: This shot describes the sentiments of the whole episode:
I just started watching this, I'm up to episode 9 now...
I'd say this is fairly entertaining for now...
For the ones I like for Rin to hook up with... I like Asa as the first choice, Sia as a second choice, closely following the second choice is Nerine, and very very far behind and dead last would be Kaede... She sucks, and I really hate characters like her in anime....
An interesting thing about this show is that although there are certain character types to be found, the show actually sooner or later explains why the characters are like that. So, it's not like in many school-life / drama series where they just have inserted those stereotypical characters in, and that's it. Shuffle is much deeper than the beginning of the show ever lets you guess. I have absolutely no idea how this all will end. I just hope they don't force a Hollywood ending, unless it's a fitting one.
when you see eps 19 you might really hate KaedeOriginally posted by: Budweineken
I just started watching this, I'm up to episode 9 now...
I'd say this is fairly entertaining for now...
For the ones I like for Rin to hook up with... I like Asa as the first choice, Sia as a second choice, closely following the second choice is Nerine, and very very far behind and dead last would be Kaede... She sucks, and I really hate characters like her in anime....
Why would I hate her then?
I already hate her now... nothing will change...
The similarities of this show to the first season of Da Capo are striking [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Both feature a highschool guy living alone with a pretty girl they arnt related to by means of death of parents. Both have the same kind of light happy start of the series but things get serious towards the end. But, Shuffle! is definatly darker on the serious side of things, and overall is more adult oriented (more Ecchi, more drama).
Asa-sempai is dead!!!!!!!!!!! No!!!!! why?!?!?!
Kaede deserves to die!!!! wait dying is to easy, she deserves to suffer, to became catatonic again. Yeah! Suffer you biatch!!!!
Asa isn't dead...yet. So now Rin is leaving his house eh. Primula might have another breakdown as is Kaede. At least Rin finally figured that he can't be with everyone. Has anybody else noticed an abscense with Sia and Nerine?Originally posted by: DeathScytheHCv2
Asa-sempai is dead!!!!!!!!!!! No!!!!! why?!?!?!
Kaede deserves to die!!!! wait dying is to easy, she deserves to suffer, to became catatonic again. Yeah! Suffer you biatch!!!!
Asa dying would make an incredible plot twist.
I really didn't hate Kaede, but I felt sorry for such an emotionally sensitive girl.
I just couldn't stand Rin's negligence of Kaede in episodes 19-20.
Sia & Rin-chan will appear in 21.
Ep. 21 will also answer most of your questions.
(MAJOR Spoiler for 21) (MAJOR Spoiler for 21)
I expected her to be Rin's choice, but I hope something big happens in the plot.
I pray that the next few episodes aren't boring fillers.
If they wanted to turn this series into a dark tragedy, they would kill Asa. It would be hard to see Rin getting very merry for the rest of the series is Asa died now. It would certainly be an interesting plot twist, but also one that would mean little romance for the remaining episodes, most likely.
i kinda felt pity for fiss said...rin shouldnt ignore her.
<3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.
I used to have a little of hate for Kaede but now I just feel sorry for her. Rin has to be the biggest ass I have ever seen. He falls in love with Asa and fogets everyone else. Kaede's eyes showed that she had been crying way too much and hadn't gotten much sleep. She looked like that for nearly the entire ep. How could Rin not notice? He never even tried to sit down and have a heart to heart with her even after what she said to Asa. WTF. He even ignored Primula for the most part. Then after he ran away from Kaede's advances and Keade had resolved her problem he up and says "I'm gonna leave this house." What the hell. That's all he came up with after standing out in the rain? What about his promise to Primula? I thought he wanted to stay with Kaede and Primula as a family. What happened to looking after Primula. A couple of eps back all he wanted to do is save Primula and keep them together. Now he is doing the complete oppisite. When he said that I thought they were both gonna die. I hope Asa lives. She is on the verge of death and that doesn't make me happy at all.
On a different note how old is Asa'a mom. She still looks like a teenager in her thirties. She is doing really well.
I used to like Kaede but now I'm afraid of her. Rin has the right idea with wanting to get the hell out of there.
episode 21 by AnimeU