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Thread: Seikai no Senki III(Crest of the stars)

  1. #1

    Seikai no Senki III(Crest of the stars)

    Seems a new installment in the series will air. All i know is that will start air 25/8-05.
    Anyone know the background story?

  2. #2

    Seikai no Senki III(Crest of the stars)

    I had already created a thread about this a while ago.. though no one seemed to care

    All I've heard it's that it will apparently be a movie

  3. #3

    Seikai no Senki III(Crest of the stars)

    Ah i tried to search for it but didn't found anything.
    Well i know a bit more now at least

  4. #4

    Seikai no Senki III(Crest of the stars)

    the series isn't that popular in the anime community, so you think anyone's gonna sub the movie? just wondering cuz i wana see it =\

  5. #5

    Seikai no Senki III(Crest of the stars)

    I hope this is not the last installment, I really love this series, one of my favorites... Lafiel is plain awesome...

  6. #6

    Seikai no Senki III(Crest of the stars)

    Here's a trailer subbed by Aoi-Anime...

    seems like it will be more of the same good old Crest/Banner of the Stars

  7. #7

    Seikai no Senki III(Crest of the stars)

    is it just me or do they look younger in that trailer? O_o...

  8. #8

    Seikai no Senki III(Crest of the stars)

    First 2 episodes have been released by ANBU... this is apparently an OVA which is good news for me since I thought this was going to be a movie

  9. #9

    Seikai no Senki III(Crest of the stars)

    anidb says that this is only gonna be a 2-part OVA. ah well, it was short and sweet while it lasted =P
    but only 2 eps T_T

  10. #10

    Seikai no Senki III(Crest of the stars)

    blah... that sucks... it sure fooled me...

    I guess we'll have to wait for Banner of the Stars IV (hopefully)

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