I haven't replied in this topic yet for some reason so I'm going to provide a long and detailed answer:
Ready for it?
Wait for it
No, he won't.
I haven't replied in this topic yet for some reason so I'm going to provide a long and detailed answer:
Ready for it?
Wait for it
No, he won't.
I think he might but probably at the end of the series or the last episode...
I am being optimistic so I think he will come back to konoha one day. Maybe where his clan was killed and to fight his brother Itachi on the same land.
I think he'll be a loner for the rest of his life after Itachi is beaten/killed. But I think he'll come to terms and have an understanding with Naruto. Like they'll finally accept eachother, but I don't think he'll ever return to Konoha.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
he forgot his blankie in konoha, he cant sleep without his blankie that means everything to him, he will of course go back to get the blankie while naruto is being stupid and screaming "SASUKEEE!~!" and sakura will be going "WHY DIDNT YOU FUCK ME FIRST@!!@!" while kakashi will be "...i wonder what kind of porn orochimaru has..." and nobody will notice, he'll be in a future episode, you just have to look very hard to find him, he'll be the size of a pixel.
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
Yeah..... he'll come back...... after he BURNS Konoha it the ground...
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
no, he won't
and besides, who would actually forgive him next to sakura and naruto?
Erotic is using a feather. Kinky is using the whole chicken.
Any proof to back up this statement.Originally posted by: Shinda
no, he won't
and besides, who would actually forgive him next to sakura and naruto?
Originally posted by: Jadugar
Any proof to back up this statement.Originally posted by: Shinda
no, he won't
and besides, who would actually forgive him next to sakura and naruto?
not really,, and there isn't any proof anywhere in this thread. it's all in a guess
Erotic is using a feather. Kinky is using the whole chicken.
Originally posted by: Shinda
no, he won't
and besides, who would actually forgive him next to sakura and naruto?
sasuke agrees to become a pole dancer, everbody welcomes him.
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
Originally Posted by aznroyale
who ever said that the anyone was hateing sasuke we just want to disscuss a simple topic infact he's one of my favorite characters and on the whole (he beat naruto) comment you went too far the show is called naruto 4 goodness sakes most likey he will kick sasukes xxx in the end![]()