Androgyny is hot [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Androgyny is hot [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
No. No it is not.
I think Sasuke openly rejecting Konoha villaige, and going to live/train/ with and receive help from Orochimaru for 3 years is pretty much "siding" with him, even if it is for his own means, and not to directly support Orochimaru's goals.
I hadn't thought of the "Missing nin" thing, but that is true. He should be being hunted down and killed.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
sure he'll be a pine box.
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
Do NOT put this beyond the creator's reasoning...because something very similar will in all likelyhood happen.Originally posted by: American Hero
Naruto, Sakura and the gang will be sitting around, chilling out, getting their kicks or whatever, and Sasuke will just wander in.
"Hey guys, what's up?"
"Oh, hey Sasuke! Where've you been, dude?"
"Oh, you know. Training with Oro, developing evil jutsus."
"Right on, right on. So, how was that?"
"Well, you know. Oro's a good guy and all but he's a little creepy."
"Yeah man. That dude gives me a bad vibe."
"Yeah, totally. But I don't know. All that negative energy really got me down, y'know?"
"Oh, totally. Totally."
"So yeah, I just said, 'Oro, buddy, this shit just isn't my bag.' He was totally cool with it. He made me breakfast and I was on my way."
"Haha! That's great man. Y'know we went through a lot of trouble to get you back. I got beat up a hell of a lot and Sakura kept cryin'. Bad times, man. Bad times."
"Yeah, I'm sorry about that, dudes. I just had to collect myself, y'know?"
"Oh yeah, man. Totally. No worries. Totally."
"So yeah! You wanna hang with us or somethin'?"
"Yeah, for sure. I mean, if you're cool with that."
"Totally, buddy. It's good to have you back."
Yup. I can see it playing out like that.
Even though by Ninja law, there is no redemption for rounins, they are to be executed...period.
I would love nothing more than to see that Itachi wasn't actually responsible for the clan death but another sharingan user disguised as Itachi, and that Itachi killed the sharingan user and infiltrated Akatsuki, and Sasuke kills him and then finds out he's a total fuck hole and left the village for nothing...then Kakashi very casually executes him while reading his book.
haha, well watever floats ur boatOriginally posted by: Tinks
You could hardly tell physically he was male anymore!
no, go watch episode 135 at 9:25, sasuke walks through orochimarus prison with oro and kabutoOriginally posted by: Tinks
We dont even know that hes sided with him, I recall him saying that he wanted to do things on his own when he was walking off, no? people just hate Sasuke. You're just jelous that he beat Naruto and betray Konoha. He felt he's not going to be stronger and in Konoha, so thats why he left
Originally posted by: aznroyale people just hate Sasuke. You're just jelous that he beat Naruto and betray Konoha. He felt he's not going to be stronger and in Konoha, so thats why he left
wtf are you talking about?
some people are like Sasukes a bitch he did this.. and that
aznroyale: stfu and look at the topic...Originally posted by: aznroyale
some people are like Sasukes a bitch he did this.. and that
and of course he's coming back... or else I'll stop watching naruto...
edit: I'm a bitch
yeah you fucking bitch
No flaming. Next time you'll get a warning.
GotWoot Moderator
[img]i/expressions/brokenheart.gif[/img] Thats low man! stick to the topic!Originally posted by: aznroyale
yeah you fucking bitch
edit: 5 minutes after: still wiping my tears...
Sasuke will be coming back to Konoha eventually, to fight Naruto or to serve Orochimaro's purpose.
Of course he'll come back
If not, the fangirls would kill Kishimoto...
And since Sasuke is my favourite Character, I would like him to return in the storyline.
Maybe he comes, when the fights against the two akatsukis are over...
Sakura is mostly finished with her battle.
Naruto and Kakashi will end their fight soon,too,I think.
...well, when Sakura and Naruto see Sasuke together with Orochimaru, they'll get a shock...
Hope he does nothing weird <<they would kill him
In the future I don't think Sasuke will ever come back to Konoha but he will always show up if team 7 is ever in a bind
i'm sure he will come back... to destroy konoha lol
but why oro want to destroy Konoha?...
He's all sad he didn't get to be the Hokage.
Which I agree was total bullshit, they sure did have to reach to get Tsunade when Sarutobi could have picked Oro. But no, he had to steal the spotlight. If Oro was the Hokage, Konoha would be plunged into another feudal era and the next generation would grow up as soldiers, not fucking nancy boy sissies like Naruto and Sasuke.
.. Yeah.
"They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin
Sasuke will never come back, other than to probably fight Naruto when he becomes Hokage, and maybe for an occasional hotdog! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Yiu really think that Naruto is going to become Hokage in three years?! your nutz!
lol sasuke wont come back, cos hes sucking orochimatrrus balls as we speak, why do u think the filler is going so long? cos its an extra long blowjonb