Originally posted by: Miro69
I love Gundam, and I love what the producers have put forth. Up until watching Gundam Seed Destiny that is.
Gundam Seed was a nice treat that completely revamped the Gundam series. It offered a crisp storyline, a beautiful space opera, eye candy, and some solid characters.
A sequel had been announced by the Mitsuo Fukuda and a few months later, Gundam SEED Destiny. My initial expectations for it was to be a sequel of equal greatness to that of Gundam Seed. 38 episodes later, I have come to realize that Gundam Seed Destiny did not meet those expectations, but it has also become one of the worst series I have ever watched.
The reasons why this has become such will be explained in three-fold.
1)Character Development is one major disappointment. Up until the mid-20s, one had no clue who the main character was. Or even if there was a main protagonist. Some parts of the story revolved around Athrun, and some around Shinn (Fukuda's counter to the whiny Kira that people complained about earlier). The cast is huge, and that persists to be one of the main problems this series has suffered from. Too much characters to talk about, too little time to provide each of their own viewpoints. But because of this, some of the older characters have also degraded.
Athrun's character started off strong and then gradually degraded from the hero that we knew in Gundam Seed. In almost all of the mid-20s to the late 30 episodes, he was indecisive in his actions. He was always told off, and he made no attempt to speak his own mind. His last resort was to run away from it all... took him damn long enough.
Mwu's death was cheapened in his revival to Neo.
Cagalli, once a head strong person, did nothing but cry for ten episodes straight, and was almost married to Representative Yuuna. I mean what the fuck are the producers thinking. The transition from head strong to careless is so aggravating.
Kira makes a surprising transition from whiny child to 'god-mode' Kira.
Concerning the new cast, I've also had problems.
Rey, once a light-hearted kid, completely changes in the last five episodes with a new voice and a completely new demeanor in his attitude. He almost represents Kuruuze.
Meer, a Lacus Clone, that does nothing but offer fanservice. And fill in the void for Dullindal's plans.
Last of all, I come to Shinn, perhaps one of the worst ideas fathomable ever to come from the Gundam series. His character is rather conflicted with that of a soldier trying his best, to that of a kid doing what he wants.
His arrogance and his ego inflates with each passing episode that wishing for him to die has become flowing through my mind for some time now. Normally, the role of the main character is the win the audiences' side, so that we the viewers can symphathize with what he/she is trying to accomplish. However, if Shinn is the protagonist, then Fukuda has FAILED to make him one because I feel no sympathy for him. My dislike for him continues, but I will limit myself to just this.
2) The Music
One word can describe my feelings toward the music that GSD has put forth. Sub-par-- and that's rather generous. The musical score within the series started off shaky at first, but gradually it got better. I could remember there was classical music in scene where nuclear missiles were being deployed. It did NOT fit at all, but the music gradually got better and fit better. That may be the only thing good about the series so far, because the Opening and Ending music has gotten progressively WORSER. After hearing the 4th Op and End, I have made myself clear that I will fast-foward through the op the next ten somewhat episodes so that my ears don't bleed each time I watch a new GSD episode. Another thing I'm waiting for is an insert song. Gundam Seed had 'Meteor' and 'Wheel of Destiny'. GSD has nothing so far.
3) The Cash-Cow Machine that is Gundam Seed Destiny
As you may or may not have realized, GSD has become nothing but one giant cash cow. The introduction of multiple Gundams, the using of excessive fan service and the immortality of characters bring major sales, and that has what this series has become. This series exploits that fact so much, with so much different suits, the destruction of some JUST to bring out new ones, that it has in fact become annoying. Although this shouldn't be anything new in terms of Gundam, GSD has clearly passed the lines they set in Wing and Gundam Seed. I KNOW there are other Gundams still that have yet to be released, but I will refrain from posting these spoilers.
Despite all this, I'm a hardcore Gundam fan and I still have hopes that this series can improve, but so far things are looking pretty bleak. I will continue to watch, no matter what crap Fukuda has put forth. The plot (political intrigue) and eye candy has been generous, but that's perhaps the only driving forces that keeps this series together.
EDIT: I'm interested in what you people have thought about this series so far. Any input would be nice, as long as you have something productive to offer.