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Thread: Why Gundam Seed Destiny has Failed on So Many Levels

  1. #1

    Why Gundam Seed Destiny has Failed on So Many Levels

    I love Gundam, and I love what the producers have put forth. Up until watching Gundam Seed Destiny that is.

    Gundam Seed was a nice treat that completely revamped the Gundam series. It offered a crisp storyline, a beautiful space opera, eye candy, and some solid characters.

    A sequel had been announced by the Mitsuo Fukuda and a few months later, Gundam SEED Destiny. My initial expectations for it was to be a sequel of equal greatness to that of Gundam Seed. 38 episodes later, I have come to realize that Gundam Seed Destiny did not meet those expectations, but it has also become one of the worst series I have ever watched.

    The reasons why this has become such will be explained in three-fold.

    1)Character Development is one major disappointment. Up until the mid-20s, one had no clue who the main character was. Or even if there was a main protagonist. Some parts of the story revolved around Athrun, and some around Shinn (Fukuda's counter to the whiny Kira that people complained about earlier). The cast is huge, and that persists to be one of the main problems this series has suffered from. Too much characters to talk about, too little time to provide each of their own viewpoints. But because of this, some of the older characters have also degraded.

    Athrun's character started off strong and then gradually degraded from the hero that we knew in Gundam Seed. In almost all of the mid-20s to the late 30 episodes, he was indecisive in his actions. He was always told off, and he made no attempt to speak his own mind. His last resort was to run away from it all... took him damn long enough.

    Mwu's death was cheapened in his revival to Neo.

    Cagalli, once a head strong person, did nothing but cry for ten episodes straight, and was almost married to Representative Yuuna. I mean what the fuck are the producers thinking. The transition from head strong to careless is so aggravating.

    Kira makes a surprising transition from whiny child to 'god-mode' Kira.

    Concerning the new cast, I've also had problems.

    Rey, once a light-hearted kid, completely changes in the last five episodes with a new voice and a completely new demeanor in his attitude. He almost represents Kuruuze.

    Meer, a Lacus Clone, that does nothing but offer fanservice. And fill in the void for Dullindal's plans.

    Last of all, I come to Shinn, perhaps one of the worst ideas fathomable ever to come from the Gundam series. His character is rather conflicted with that of a soldier trying his best, to that of a kid doing what he wants.

    His arrogance and his ego inflates with each passing episode that wishing for him to die has become flowing through my mind for some time now. Normally, the role of the main character is the win the audiences' side, so that we the viewers can symphathize with what he/she is trying to accomplish. However, if Shinn is the protagonist, then Fukuda has FAILED to make him one because I feel no sympathy for him. My dislike for him continues, but I will limit myself to just this.

    2) The Music

    One word can describe my feelings toward the music that GSD has put forth. Mediocre at best-- and that's rather generous. The musical score within the series started off shaky at first, but gradually it got better. I could remember there was classical music in scene where nuclear missiles were being deployed. It did NOT fit at all, but the music gradually got better and fit better. I may be a bit biased on this issue, but I much prefered the music to GSeed where everything had a catchy tune and was instant love, not something that you had to build on. This was the case for me in many of these OPs & Eds. That may be the only thing good about the series so far, because the Opening and Ending music has gotten progressively WORSER. After hearing the 4th Op and End, I have made myself clear that I will fast-foward through the op the next ten somewhat episodes so that my ears don't bleed each time I watch a new GSD episode.

    [Edit: Insert songs are added. Music is better.]

    3) The Cash-Cow Machine that is Gundam Seed Destiny

    As you may or may not have realized, GSD has become nothing but one giant cash cow. The introduction of multiple Gundams, the using of excessive fan service and the immortality of characters bring major sales, and that has what this series has become. This series exploits that fact so much, with so much different suits, the destruction of some JUST to bring out new ones, that it has in fact become annoying. Although this shouldn't be anything new in terms of Gundam, GSD has clearly passed the lines they set in Wing and Gundam Seed. I KNOW there are other Gundams still that have yet to be released, but I will refrain from posting these spoilers.

    Despite all this, I'm a hardcore Gundam fan and I still have hopes that this series can improve, but so far things are looking pretty bleak. I will continue to watch, no matter what crap Fukuda has put forth. The plot (political intrigue) and eye candy has been generous, but that's perhaps the only driving forces that keeps this series together.

    EDIT: I'm interested in what you people have thought about this series so far. Any input would be nice, as long as you have something productive to offer.

  2. #2
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Why Gundam Seed Destiny has Failed on So Many Levels

    You could have wrote it on a paper at home. Why don't you warn us at the top that this post shouldn't be read? I just wasted a bit of time.

  3. #3
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Why Gundam Seed Destiny has Failed on So Many Levels

    I don't really agree with you.
    You have some valid points, particularly about the whole Mwu surviving gig, but generally it's up to opinion I guess.

    Personally I enjoy the whole confusion about who the main character is, and I like Shinn.
    Also, I don't really care about the fact that GS/D is a "cash-cow machine" as long as the show itself is good.

  4. #4

    Why Gundam Seed Destiny has Failed on So Many Levels

    Originally posted by: PSJ
    You could have wrote it on a paper at home. Why don't you warn us at the top that this post shouldn't be read? I just wasted a bit of time.

    I appreciate your valuable input. Now if you're done wasting my time, please go off and read something else. There IS a topic and a topic description, you know.

  5. #5
    Missing Nin
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    Why Gundam Seed Destiny has Failed on So Many Levels

    I have to agree about certain characters where the rewrites they did were just plain stupid. There is no reason to make characters basically start over where they were halfway through GS namely Calgari and Athrun. Also the you watched him blow up but he's ok thing has just gone way to far considering in GSD it was used with Kira, Athrun, Sting, Stellar, Lunamaria and Neo just off the top of my head. I can buy a lot but come on Neo was shown dropping about 300 yards and casually gets layed on the ground while his mobile suit blows up. This doesn't even include the resurrected Mwu.

    That aside I have to say the music hasn't even come close to that of GS. Opening 4 is terrible beyond belief and most of the songs rather then being truely good had to grow on you. Given there were a few highlights but overall its well below what GS taught me to expect.

    Oh and one final note the amount of clip shows has been absolutely abominable even if we don't have to suffer through another one between 4 clip shows and MANY episodes starting with footage from the previous episode as well as opening 4 being a rehash of opening 3 with about 10 new scenes just overall these have disappointed me greatly. Please note I hate clip shows above and beyond anything else in anime.

  6. #6
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    Why Gundam Seed Destiny has Failed on So Many Levels

    Originally posted by: Miro69
    Rey, once a light-hearted kid, completely changes in the last five episodes with a new voice and a completely new demeanor in his attitude. He almost represents Kuruuze.

    Meer, a Lacus Clone, that does nothing but offer fanservice. And fill in the void for Dullindal's plans.

    Last of all, I come to Shinn, perhaps one of the worst ideas fathomable ever to come from the Gundam series. His character is rather conflicted with that of a soldier trying his best, to that of a kid doing what he wants.

    His arrogance and his ego inflates with each passing episode that wishing for him to die has become flowing through my mind for some time now. Normally, the role of the main character is the win the audiences' side, so that we the viewers can symphathize with what he/she is trying to accomplish. However, if Shinn is the protagonist, then Fukuda has FAILED to make him one because I feel no sympathy for him. My dislike for him continues, but I will limit myself to just this.
    I can't really agree with you on your view of the characters. Rey was a good person before because he felt Athrun was on Dullindal's side at the time. And now all of a sudden, Athrun is defying so its only natural for Rey to feel like that. And you never know, Rey could be the new Rau, seeing as how its possible he is Rau's clone or possibly even his son.

    As for Meer, what you said is what Dullindal wants for her to do. If you remember what Athrun said, Dullindal wants a Lacus in his plans. Having his own Lacus means he can boost the moral of his troops and citizens at any time, since Lacus has that certain ability to do so.

    And finally Shinn, how can you not sympathize with him now? In the beginning, I hated him just as much as you do because of his attitude. But not only did he lose his family, he lost someone he was in love with and an episode ago, he lost two of his comrades. Just imagine how much pain he was in, to be responsible for killing his teammates, even though he didn't want to.
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

  7. #7

    Why Gundam Seed Destiny has Failed on So Many Levels

    Originally posted by: NarutoMaster

    And finally Shinn, how can you not sympathize with him now? In the beginning, I hated him just as much as you do because of his attitude. But not only did he lose his family, he lost someone he was in love with and an episode ago, he lost two of his comrades. Just imagine how much pain he was in, to be responsible for killing his teammates, even though he didn't want to.
    he lost his family, because of the war, so he blames everything on orb. He lost Stellar because not only was he unable to stop her, she almost killed him. He was blinded by 'love' and so his work as a soldier, conflicted with his life. Instead, he chose to follow his own path, thinking he could stop her. He did not acknowledge her as an enemy, which is why he is so inexperienced.

    I really don't think Shinn 'killing' Athrun and Meyrin was as much as a loss as Stellar was. Of course he felt doubt, what one human wouldn't? But afterwards, there was rage in his eyes, and after he turned seed, he felt no more remorse. He killed, like he was told to. His part as a soldier appears there.

    This is why I hate him so much. He is trying to play that role of a soldier but he is inexperienced. However, his faults are right'ed, if you can say that, by Dullindal, and because of that, not only does he get away with everything, but his ego and arrogance inflates. It's become rather irritating to see him succeed with his own agenda and not get blamed for anything. He thinks his actions are righteous in every endeavor he partakes.

  8. #8

    Why Gundam Seed Destiny has Failed on So Many Levels

    gundam seed destiny haven't really fail in that much lv, if..... they have enuff time to explain everything in 50 episodes which i dout, but each episode got alot of battle scene's, interesting so far. but the bad part is the character inconsistance. because of that fans wants to c more of kira and less or shinn...even tho shinn is Main Character.(thats cause alot of confusion because of the fans demands) people want to related themselves with a good role model. not a immature person thats goes berserk....

  9. #9

    Why Gundam Seed Destiny has Failed on So Many Levels

    I agree with about the Gundams blowing up thing. They could have come up with a different way of making it seem that they died/escaped! I mean, they're just exploiting one of the most dramatic plot twists of GS when it seemed like Kira and Athrun killed each other! >_<

    I still like it though, and I'm looking forward to what happens next. Just as long as they tie up all the loose ends.

  10. #10

    Why Gundam Seed Destiny has Failed on So Many Levels

    I think I would have to agree with most of what Miro69 had to say about the series so far. Don't mean to stir up the waters with those of you who think that this series is currently better than Gundam Seed. The only thing that I do not agree with Miro is the music.. The only bad one so far for me was the 4th Opening...and nothing else..

    It as if I've been thinking exactly what Miro69 was thinking....he just put it down in a post before I did. One thing that really bothers me is how the director keeps on trying to convince you that his protagonists somehow survive everything. I mean. Kira escaping the Aegis while it was clamped to him, and he had no time to get out.....was kind of stretching it. Mwu's death at the end for me was actually a great point in the series, I absolutely loved his character....he was probably one of the only constant "solid" guys that drove the first series. What he has been reduced to just ....a shame to what he stood for. And Shinn....not only failing once, but twice with his cockpit stabs....ugh, I hope they changed the sword guidance system for him intentionally.

    Seed was all about the brother-ship of Kira and Athrun, and it drove the whole series because of this "hope" they gave you in their bond....and they delivered. It did have its downfalls, like Fllay....

    I'm not saying that Destiny is just bad.. It could rectify itself in my eyes in the next 11 or so episodes....its just that I was disappointed because the only reason why I watch it is to see what Athrun and Kira do. I could careless what happens to Shinn, if he changes or not....or his gang....except for Lunamaria, she's awesome. There is no doubt this series is all about Shinn. It might be just my opinion, but no mature or rational person would think like he does in the situations he's been in, and therefore I can't see how anyone can connect with the person on any kind of level. But it could also be looked at as a good thing since no one can possibly predict how he's going to behave or act in a given situation. He's just a container for suspense for me, bad suspense.

    Miro, you aren't the only one.

    I do respect all the others opinions though, they are entitled to theirs as much as I'm entitled to mine.. So with that said, lets just enjoy the rest of the series! I just love Gundam and all its wonderful MS's...if only they made a full length feature film using the Gundam theme with CG mixed with traditional Appleseed was....oh that would be great! They can do it with Macross or Gundam or anything...I just think they could do much better with eye-candy Epic Space Battles than Star Wars....does anyone else think this?

  11. #11

    Why Gundam Seed Destiny has Failed on So Many Levels

    Hm, I'm starting to miss the Universal Century Gundam Universe. Gundam Seed started off as a show that I wasn't too excited about, but it got a lot better in the end. GSD doesn't focus as much on the original main characters as much. Despite this, it really focused on Athuran for a long time. The indecisiveness of Athuran and Cagali in beginning to half way of the show was really annoying at best in many parts. As for Shinn, perhaps Fukuda wanted the protagonist to degenerate in character (ex: when Shinn starts losing his mental judgement, and is used by many ppl), as opposed to the tradition Gundam Heroes who build in character in a positive way. Perhaps this purpose of GSD is to show that even the main characters are victim of mankind's "evil" nature, despite all their fighting in Gundam Seed. As the saying goes, "the best laid plans of mice and men tend to go awry."

  12. #12

    Why Gundam Seed Destiny has Failed on So Many Levels

    in GSD, we have more shinn scenes than we do Kira, so there is no disputing who's the lead of the series.
    about the opening, yeah sure shinn looks overshadowed, but i don't think that's any indication who the main protagonist of the series is
    remember the last two openings of GS we had kira and athrun in the same scene towards the end, though athrun is a main character- the main focus is still kira.

    i feel it is a great idea that the main character of GSD is someone who IS NOT likable and completely opposes the heroes of its prequel. i am sure the producers and directors did this intentionally.
    what i am not happy about, is how cheaply the grunt suits really really annoys me.

    as for character development, Neo being Mwu is cheap..but his character hasn't been developed yet, and judging from the last opening, i'm starting to get excited that he's back.
    regarding character development, i really do feel that these people are human beings rather than god-like characters who colour the world in black and white.
    yeah sure its sad to see athrun and cagalli being so feeble, lunamaria kissing the guy who killed her sister and shinn and his angst. but wouldn't you do the same if you were in the same situation?

    as for the gundams themselves..well its pretty cheap that they are reusing old concepts and only slightly making them better. but hey, we have an idea what the suits can do already, all the more reason why we're so excited that upgrades of them are coming up. if the director came up with an all new gundam design for kira and athrun, i bet you there wouldn't be much talk about them as we are having with IJ and SF.

    the music in GSD is good..except for the first opening i thought. ignited is so bad..but overall, they've tried to break away from GS and make GSD something while in the breath of GS, but a bit different. if we had direct copies of style in GSD from GS, i would be really disappointed.

    overall, i love GSD, my only problem is the grunts being sooooooo dumb..but overall, it satisfies my need for an anime war drama and so much more.

  13. #13

    Why Gundam Seed Destiny has Failed on So Many Levels

    Originally posted by: Miro69
    I love Gundam, and I love what the producers have put forth. Up until watching Gundam Seed Destiny that is.

    Gundam Seed was a nice treat that completely revamped the Gundam series. It offered a crisp storyline, a beautiful space opera, eye candy, and some solid characters.

    A sequel had been announced by the Mitsuo Fukuda and a few months later, Gundam SEED Destiny. My initial expectations for it was to be a sequel of equal greatness to that of Gundam Seed. 38 episodes later, I have come to realize that Gundam Seed Destiny did not meet those expectations, but it has also become one of the worst series I have ever watched.

    The reasons why this has become such will be explained in three-fold.

    1)Character Development is one major disappointment. Up until the mid-20s, one had no clue who the main character was. Or even if there was a main protagonist. Some parts of the story revolved around Athrun, and some around Shinn (Fukuda's counter to the whiny Kira that people complained about earlier). The cast is huge, and that persists to be one of the main problems this series has suffered from. Too much characters to talk about, too little time to provide each of their own viewpoints. But because of this, some of the older characters have also degraded.

    Athrun's character started off strong and then gradually degraded from the hero that we knew in Gundam Seed. In almost all of the mid-20s to the late 30 episodes, he was indecisive in his actions. He was always told off, and he made no attempt to speak his own mind. His last resort was to run away from it all... took him damn long enough.

    Mwu's death was cheapened in his revival to Neo.

    Cagalli, once a head strong person, did nothing but cry for ten episodes straight, and was almost married to Representative Yuuna. I mean what the fuck are the producers thinking. The transition from head strong to careless is so aggravating.

    Kira makes a surprising transition from whiny child to 'god-mode' Kira.

    Concerning the new cast, I've also had problems.

    Rey, once a light-hearted kid, completely changes in the last five episodes with a new voice and a completely new demeanor in his attitude. He almost represents Kuruuze.

    Meer, a Lacus Clone, that does nothing but offer fanservice. And fill in the void for Dullindal's plans.

    Last of all, I come to Shinn, perhaps one of the worst ideas fathomable ever to come from the Gundam series. His character is rather conflicted with that of a soldier trying his best, to that of a kid doing what he wants.

    His arrogance and his ego inflates with each passing episode that wishing for him to die has become flowing through my mind for some time now. Normally, the role of the main character is the win the audiences' side, so that we the viewers can symphathize with what he/she is trying to accomplish. However, if Shinn is the protagonist, then Fukuda has FAILED to make him one because I feel no sympathy for him. My dislike for him continues, but I will limit myself to just this.

    2) The Music

    One word can describe my feelings toward the music that GSD has put forth. Sub-par-- and that's rather generous. The musical score within the series started off shaky at first, but gradually it got better. I could remember there was classical music in scene where nuclear missiles were being deployed. It did NOT fit at all, but the music gradually got better and fit better. That may be the only thing good about the series so far, because the Opening and Ending music has gotten progressively WORSER. After hearing the 4th Op and End, I have made myself clear that I will fast-foward through the op the next ten somewhat episodes so that my ears don't bleed each time I watch a new GSD episode. Another thing I'm waiting for is an insert song. Gundam Seed had 'Meteor' and 'Wheel of Destiny'. GSD has nothing so far.

    3) The Cash-Cow Machine that is Gundam Seed Destiny

    As you may or may not have realized, GSD has become nothing but one giant cash cow. The introduction of multiple Gundams, the using of excessive fan service and the immortality of characters bring major sales, and that has what this series has become. This series exploits that fact so much, with so much different suits, the destruction of some JUST to bring out new ones, that it has in fact become annoying. Although this shouldn't be anything new in terms of Gundam, GSD has clearly passed the lines they set in Wing and Gundam Seed. I KNOW there are other Gundams still that have yet to be released, but I will refrain from posting these spoilers.

    Despite all this, I'm a hardcore Gundam fan and I still have hopes that this series can improve, but so far things are looking pretty bleak. I will continue to watch, no matter what crap Fukuda has put forth. The plot (political intrigue) and eye candy has been generous, but that's perhaps the only driving forces that keeps this series together.

    EDIT: I'm interested in what you people have thought about this series so far. Any input would be nice, as long as you have something productive to offer.

    ill tell you now, yes..GSD should not have existed in the first place. If they just concluded GS peacefully, without anymore openings to further plots, then we probably wont need this sequel.

    Well I like the new series now, the characters are somehow off balance but "they" are working on it, pariticularly on Shinn. The thing i dislike so much is the fact that some parts of the plot were just rip off from GS, so somehow we can predict what the hecks gonna happen next. beefs or bones to pick with you or any fans..just saying..but they could've show'd more of minor characters like yzak and d, and what the hell happen to Sai?

  14. #14

    Why Gundam Seed Destiny has Failed on So Many Levels

    in the end no series can completely satisfy everyone since its a handfull of people (maybe not) that do all the stuff for the show, but in the end i like to think of gs as being different because it use's a different method to tell the story also it show's the different sides of character. also i think rey was always a bad guy just no need for him to act pyscho at the begining which makes sense since he's duillandal's partner in crime since the beginging

    and lastly has anyone found lineart for akatsuki

  15. #15

    Why Gundam Seed Destiny has Failed on So Many Levels

    gsd had some good parts and bad..

    this series is supposedly like a 26 ep series. there were lots of recaps from previous episodes which only made the present episode short. not only recaps but flashbacks which is annoying since ive already seen them before, no need to prolong the flashback.

    would have been nice if they described how each character escaped death. but well, this is anime.. scifi.. toon.. so anything can happen...

    i dont like the latest opening, it sounds gay.i like the 3rd ending tho, it's sentimental ..

  16. #16

    Why Gundam Seed Destiny has Failed on So Many Levels

    i may have gone a bit overboard on the music part. yes, i've found it out to be that the music does grow on you eventually, but the music presented so forth in GSD is no where close to the greatness of that in GSeed. I think it's because of my undying love for GSeed that I've criticized the music in GSD so harshly.

  17. #17

    Why Gundam Seed Destiny has Failed on So Many Levels

    Originally posted by: chitgoks

    i dont like the latest opening, it sounds gay.i like the 3rd ending tho, it's sentimental ..
    yup.. that's my favourite ending.. very emotive..but the lyrics don't make sense.. pity ain't it?

    destiny's got the best ED songs ever..they're really really good.

    the latest opening isn't gay.. guys repeat after me:

    variety is the spice of life remember

  18. #18

    Why Gundam Seed Destiny has Failed on So Many Levels

    In regards to the cash cow statement, many would argue that GS was the samething as it was more or less a remake of the original series.

  19. #19

    Why Gundam Seed Destiny has Failed on So Many Levels

    I think people dislike alot of GSD's music since there are so many traces of SEED in it. Its not new, fresh, inspiring except for a few songs. SEED's music is classic and you can't knock that since it started the new music. Sorta like how so many people love Just Communication from wing. For the most part I consider Destiny to be an extension of SEED along with the introduction to the next SEED. The pacing, the way the show has been presented from the beginning it makes for a great mid section to whats coming around the corner. Alot of people criticize the way characters have turned up after the last two years. I'm not sure why everyone is shocked but then again to a younger audience I can sorta understand some confusion. Two years is along time for things to occur and they have all happened within reason.

    Rey's transition isn't something thats on a quick whim but part of his character and his origins. They don't explain it in black and white. But they didn't do that with Rau either till the very end. Shinn to me is this really interesting side character. Hes been presented as a leading side character from the getgo. With the latest opening this position is only cemented into our minds further with the final scene placing Kira in the lead since Destiny continues his story and then pursues the two other characters stories for Athrun and now Shinn. Its looking more and more like a big setup for the next series. I think its pretty cool and they're doing a decent job.

  20. #20

    Why Gundam Seed Destiny has Failed on So Many Levels

    i only read fragments of the first post, and nothing after that so my fault if i miss something

    "crisp storyline"

    pretty much all gundam series (except G gundam and SD gundam, maybe) revolve around a youth finding a gundam and his adventure after,, and racism between people, either newtypes vs oldtypes, naturals vs spacenoids etc etc

    not that its bad,, i love this basis as a style for the gundam series'

    "god-mode kira"

    thats a bit of an exaggeration,, cause he did lose to shinn, so he's not god, and he became "god-like" in SEED practically after getting freedom he started to be able to control his SEED powers,, (except part with fllay in the end where he got all pissed)


    she's suppose to be strong as the form leader's daughter etc, but damn she's not perfect and she's young as hell,, wat do u want her to do >__> destiny is showing her weaknesses too


    Athrun is still unsure about wat he believes in thats why he jumped around a bit and didnt say anything, but now i think he's decided what he wants, i found it interesting to see how athrun handled everything and his transition growing


    he's prolly almost always have been a pawn to dullindal, thats why he was so happy in the early episodes when he was praised by dullindal, rey has been scheming all this time and now he shows it, and its not subtle anymore


    She's just got lacus makeup, wig etc not really a clone, fanservice? dont think so,, i'd point at stellar, luna and meyrin as fanservice, and same thing as rey she's all manipulated by dullindal

    "The plot (political intrigue) and eye candy has been generous, but that's perhaps the only driving forces that keeps this series together."

    I think the thing that all gundam series' got going that makes it good is its showing both sides of war, racism, human personality and makes the viewers realize some thingsText

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