I figure this belongs here and someone on these forums will need this [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I figure this belongs here and someone on these forums will need this [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
" Future Neo-Mecha created by Neogentronyx will be used for everything from fighting forest fires far too hot and unsafe for a human, riot control, construction, maintenance, handling hazardous waste and navigating hostile environments, modern day warfare, to the entertainment industry where Neo-Mecha will do battle in an arena setting with different types of chassis being pitted against one another in combat sparring."
Haha these guys got some ambition, i'll give them that but somebody should tell them that it's most likely nothing more than a dream. It almost sounds sane until you come to the part where they talk about warfare followed by entertainment sparring matches. A little to much G Gundam on that sparring thing and the Warfare well a little to much general gundam.
Now if only I had 46000 dollars to flush down a toilet... thats really neat though.Originally posted by: DDBen
I figure this belongs here and someone on these forums will need this [img][/img]
wow, that's so awesome town!! *sigh* A mech to call my own...
I'd cosplay it at conventions....well, outside the convention centers [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
That's pretty cool(if it is real).
I'll be looking in to it for the next 4 days to see if someone actually made a bid for it.
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
yeah, i'd buy it, never need to look for a parking space again.
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
Its 100% real and was featured on G4 tech tv check the link in the posting.Originally posted by: XwingRob
That's pretty cool(if it is real).
Originally posted by: DDBen
Its 100% real and was featured on G4 tech tv check the link in the posting.Originally posted by: XwingRob
That's pretty cool(if it is real).
Heh, then that is cool then. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
I wonder if the military is developing any kind of mech technology. Though I suppose it wouldn't be really practical with so much guerilla warfare nowadays.
Who says they haven't developed it already?Originally posted by: XwingRob
Originally posted by: DDBen
Its 100% real and was featured on G4 tech tv check the link in the posting.Originally posted by: XwingRob
That's pretty cool(if it is real).
Heh, then that is cool then. [img][/img]
I wonder if the military is developing any kind of mech technology. Though I suppose it wouldn't be really practical with so much guerilla warfare nowadays.
kidding, kidding.... but does anyone else have any links to real life mech-like machines? I remember coming across this one that was supposed to be used for timber or something. Was much bigger than this one. And I bet it sells.
if some1 buys it.. i will donate money into making an O.S. for it... but it must say "Welcome to M.O.S."
I fail to see why mechs should be used. There is no way in hell they can make them good enough to be like a giant human. They will move slow and break easily, it will take time to build one that acutally is useable for anything.
I guess with the right research and all they can build a real good one but that needs to be NASA tech not 2-guys-in-woods tech. My bet is that these guys won't get anywhere with this.
one spot where Mechs actually DO have a HIGH proberbiilty in succseeding, is in city fighting, since a tank can have problems turning it's tower around, while a mech, can raise it's gun to any angle.
wouldent supprise me if US and/or the former soviet actually has a working prototype.
only problem is the gunsystem, since the US M1A2 tanks is manualy loaded, here the russians T80/90 tank's has a automated system, and i see no problem in converting the gun to be portable, they may need to ad a bigger muzzle break though, or else the hydrolics of the mech would be needing changing every 20 or so round fired.
missiles on a mech is possible, atleast the nonguided ones in a pod, like the Apache has.
bit of modefying, and i bet a AMRAMM or Sidewinder can be fited for airdefence, but i belive 2*5.56 miniguns would be much better, bit hevier, but as a missile defence system, it's probable (missile defence, google after "Phalanx us warships")
a likly kombination of arms would be like:
russian 125mm canon. fited with laserpoint aim AND camera (shooting from behind cover), this would be a portable gun like in the 08thMS intro
1 or 2 5.56 GAU miniguns for pointblank defence, postioned on eighter the head, or shoulders (Predator style) with laser range finder.
2 missile batterys, eighter consisting of nontracking missiles, Hellfire (anti tank) or Sidewinder (anti air)
a mech like this is possible, allthough, wheight might be high, about 8-12,000 punds
it's poweplant, i would sugest the same gaspowered unit they use in the M1A2 tank, placed on the back, only real big problem as i see it, it where to place all the fuel....
i mean, u can do like planes (fuel in wings) and use legg's, arms, torso section to carry fuel. i would think that the range of the first mech unit's would be like....10-25 miles, based on how active the pilot is.
rocket boost the first 3 generations of mech unit's...
anyways, thats a...somewhat...sain look on it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
That is the single greatest thing ever.
Gotta agree with you. What can a mech do that a regular missle can't achieve?Originally posted by: PSJ
I fail to see why mechs should be used. There is no way in hell they can make them good enough to be like a giant human. They will move slow and break easily, it will take time to build one that acutally is useable for anything.
I guess with the right research and all they can build a real good one but that needs to be NASA tech not 2-guys-in-woods tech. My bet is that these guys won't get anywhere with this.
1 mech can perform as good as 3 tanks, if we would be able to make mechs like in mechassault/mechwarrior, tanks would become obsolete, and only somekind of penetrating missle would be able to destroy it in 1 hit
"to the entertainment industry where Neo-Mecha will do battle in an arena setting with different types of chassis being pitted against one another in combat sparring"
One Must Fall: 2097 anybody?
and damn that was a great game for it's time [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Have you tried OMF:Battlegrounds yet? posted by: knirfie
"to the entertainment industry where Neo-Mecha will do battle in an arena setting with different types of chassis being pitted against one another in combat sparring"
One Must Fall: 2097 anybody?
and damn that was a great game for it's time [img][/img]
I haven't acctually played it yet, I just found out it had been released (I only checked because your post reminded me of OMF).