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Thread: Bleach 40 discussion

  1. #21
    ANBU Captain Foomanchew24's Avatar
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    Bleach 40 discussion

    I just dl from IRC, anyways.......spoiler

    Looks like the wing thing is ichigo's sword, which would be wierd. I'm guessing the chick is the cat for some strange reason and that will make me say wtf if I'm right. Lot's of questions rased with the preview for the next episode. Also at the end of the ep it said that the next episode would be the conclusion of the arc or whatever. That seems abrupt, looking forward to what comes next, bleach is awesome.

    Sig made by Lucifus

  2. #22

    Bleach 40 discussion

    can someone tell me what manga hapter this ep corresponds to? i dont wanna dl a batch to find out that it hasnt gotten to this point yet

  3. #23
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Bleach 40 discussion

    chapter 115

  4. #24
    Missing Nin
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    Bleach 40 discussion

    Wow Hell fansubs are absolutely horrible just to warn those who were thinking about trying them out they are a speed subber and even went as far as to just say translator has no idea in refernce to some parts while having ZERO editing on other its clearly in Engrish.

  5. #25

    Bleach 40 discussion

    I could've dubbed some parts better than the Hell fansub did, which says a lot when I only really know "nani" "baka(-meno/-yaro)" and a few other random words and phrases. it's alright if you need a fix of Bleach right away, but then you're gonna need a fix of legible english, so ya know, kinda wasted effort...

  6. #26

    Bleach 40 discussion

    Somehow, I anticipated that this fight would end up like this...Yachiru is just plain weird, but understandable. Hope the next ep will actually have something to do with Yoruichi; I'm just dying to know more about him.

    Originally posted by: Assassin
    @kezern: i dunno about the regeneration thing, but that did look an awful lot like a wing on ichigo. im guessing he semi transforms into a hollow while hes being healed or something.
    I was under the impression that he jumped up and was in the process of flinging his mattress/blanket away in his "enthusiasm" to go rescue Rukia. As Aeon said, he was holding that thing in his hand; I highly doubt its a wing.

    ^pure speculation and observation though...
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  7. #27

    Bleach 40 discussion

    Man I hope to god kenpachi didnt die. I dont think he did though. Awesome episodes although do do a dickwads spoiling in one of the earlrlier episode discussions, I already know yourchi's secret so that sucks but I am excited to see it anyway.

  8. #28

    Bleach 40 discussion

    well if u look closely, he wasnt lying on a mattress anyway....besides, check out the shape of it.

    it almost looks like a bat wing.

  9. #29
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Bleach 40 discussion

    it's obviously a wing

  10. #30

    Bleach 40 discussion

    Originally posted by: Assassin
    well if u look closely, he wasnt lying on a mattress anyway....besides, check out the shape of it.

    it almost looks like a bat wing.
    lol wtf what epi is that i haven't seen it wtf??

  11. #31
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Bleach 40 discussion

    guys this should've been in the episode 41 preview thread...and even if it wasnt made you should've made it. cool episode though, i hope zaraki isnt dead though, that would suck...WE FINALLY GOT TO SEE 13TH CAPTAIN! woot! looks like his subordinates wanna orgy with him or something, they were fighting to impress him.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

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  12. #32

    Bleach 40 discussion

    Originally posted by: vegita625
    wtf is up with yoroichi.
    "I have a secret"
    "You're a dog?"
    "bing bong!"

    "You die your hair black?"

    Nah, maybe he turns into some kind of monster-cat-thing? Like the ghost cat from an earlier episode. I don't think he could move Ichigo in his current form.

    Nice ep, but I was hoping that Hana would actually try to fight.... Go, Hana-chan! Banzai!

  13. #33
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    Bleach 40 discussion

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    guys this should've been in the episode 41 preview thread...and even if it wasnt made you should've made it. cool episode though, i hope zaraki isnt dead though, that would suck...WE FINALLY GOT TO SEE 13TH CAPTAIN! woot! looks like his subordinates wanna orgy with him or something, they were fighting to impress him.
    it seems like they were sucking up; like they wanted something. oh well good ep. I found it cool how Byakuyas spirite pressure was displayed. Zarakis was pure black, while his was white.

    one more thing, did anyone notice that the show hilt show didnt have a blade. hmmmm

    R.I.P Captain America.

  14. #34

    Bleach 40 discussion

  15. #35

    Bleach 40 discussion

    just watched lunar[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] cant wait till the next one

  16. #36
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    Bleach 40 discussion

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    guys this should've been in the episode 41 preview thread...and even if it wasnt made you should've made it. cool episode though, i hope zaraki isnt dead though, that would suck...WE FINALLY GOT TO SEE 13TH CAPTAIN! woot! looks like his subordinates wanna orgy with him or something, they were fighting to impress him.
    i think does three really do orgy.. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] fighting who does the dirty work better , lol

    on the image... it looks like batman has come to bleach, yey
    and there's a black girl??? someone was mentioning t on another thread,, i didn'ty see that, ill check again..

    Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.

  17. #37

    Bleach 40 discussion

    Well... I'll spoil it for everyone... Yoruichi is.... a TRANSFORMER!

    seriously... about the Hell fansub thing... It never happened to me to go to Baka-updates and see Hell before Bleach Society... I know it comes out before... but it must be a mere hours... chill out, take a walk, then download Bleach Society... no reason to download a sucky sub...

  18. #38

    Bleach 40 discussion

    Originally posted by: Knives122
    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    guys this should've been in the episode 41 preview thread...and even if it wasnt made you should've made it. cool episode though, i hope zaraki isnt dead though, that would suck...WE FINALLY GOT TO SEE 13TH CAPTAIN! woot! looks like his subordinates wanna orgy with him or something, they were fighting to impress him.
    it seems like they were sucking up; like they wanted something. oh well good ep. I found it cool how Byakuyas spirite pressure was displayed. Zarakis was pure black, while his was white.

    one more thing, did anyone notice that the show hilt show didnt have a blade. hmmmm

    The 13th squad was also Rukia's squad, right? I get that feeling from her flashback in the Grand Fisher storyline and the ending that featured the 13th squad (if you paid attention, majority of the endings from when they entered Soul Society featured one squad's captain and lieutenant. the 13th showed the captain and Rukia and the same captain and those two, as if both of those two replaced Rukia while she was gone...)

  19. #39
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 40 discussion

    Goddamn! Every episode just makes me want the next episode even more than I wanted the next episode back when it was the previous episode!!

  20. #40

    Bleach 40 discussion

    I just finished watching it...I'm this close to stomping a mudhole in someone. If Kenpachi dies...well...i prolly won't do anything but i'll be -really- upset!

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