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Thread: Suzuka

  1. #281
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    While I'm not disregarding your opinion, I'm pretty much forced to draw the conclusion you are one of those people who prefer silky smooth flow of the story and characters automatically compatible with each other.

    However, this series, Suzuka, didn't have much else than the main character and a few girls. I hoped the sports would have played a greater role, but it didn't end up that way. Instead it was just a story of less than perfect people and their not so smooth relationships. And if you seriously think Yamato is the worst character in anime, I'm inclined to think the number of animes you have watched can be counted with the digits of one hand...

    But there's nothing wrong with your necromancer's skills...

  2. #282
    Quote Originally Posted by mitsui
    i hope i'm not the only odd man out. i didn't like it, it was a bad series & especially the last part of the series. it was repetitive & very predictable. very unrealistic at most times. lots of stupidity in it. has a lot of bad lessons & unmoral lessons. had a lot of awkward scenario & situations. ending was not supported (with a better reason), very contradicting, & unconvincing. nothing convincing for the series to end that way.

    i liked the first 5 to 7 episodes of suzuka; then started hating it especially the main guy character "yamato". in my opinion, he is the worst character ever created in any series & movie (live-action & anime/cartoon); he is a very annoying, stupid, selfish, obstinate, egotistic, irresponsible, bull-headed, whiny, wimpy, impulsive, indecisive, irrational, senseless, hot-tempered, obsessive-compulsive, disrespectful character. he never cared about others feelings, has no ethic, no manners, just did what he wanted, forced thru his expectations. everything just favored yamato, all other characters just favored & helped him. not even a good side of him (that mattered) was shown; his kindness was fake.

    i started liking episodes 14 to 19; then again after that it went downhill til the end.
    the last part of the series just ruined the whole series. it's one of the worst series i've ever watched.

    don't know if the manga is consistent & if the series really stayed true to the manga & followed everything (all the scenes & scenario) in the manga. coz i really believed that it could have been better had they edited some parts, scenario & scenes of the series. & showed better side of yamato. coz he is really a bad character.

    i plan on reading the manga just to see what happens in the end, & hoping that it could somehow make it better & convice me about the things that happened in the series, and lessen the despise i have for the series. i hope the manga is better.
    ^now ppl look, Suzuka was meant to be an anime portrayal of realistic romance. Its pretty real for one part and it is possible such relationships happen to ppl around you in life. If you pretty much like a spicy romance story with unique characters and unique plots, i encourage you to go for Love Hina instead...

    Furthermore as you can see, the title is named Suzuka, after the female lead in the anime...this anime was about Yamato's pursuit of Suzuka's love. The sports was just another piece of the plot to serve as a digression and to spice things up a little. This is not a sports anime...and if you are looking for sports anime, u may wanna look for Captain Tsubasa or something else.

    One more thing is that as an anime viewer one should be critising about the anime based on its genre. If Suzuka fails as an anime from the romance genre in your opinion for some particular reason, then i think the argument would be valid. I dunno, but the user above has just stated a few typical characteristics of the common men on the road...if you have read the famous book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, i don't see what's wrong with the characteristics of Yamato. Like what Kraco has said, i would like to add further. If you so desire an anime which goes in the order which you desire, you can:

    1) Jumble up the order with which you watch the anime (Why not watch the last episode first? For those who watched Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu you know where i'm getting at)

    2) Join an existing anime entertainment group like Ganeon Entertainment etc. and make your own

    3) Form your own anime entertainment group
    Last edited by Hiwatari; Fri, 08-11-2006 at 08:49 AM.

  3. #283
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Watch the series in it's entirety, then wait 3 months and see what you think of it then.

    We all hated Yamato while we watched the series. It's hard not to considering all the stupid things he does. Suzuka is a huge bitch through most of the series. But, that's really her character. It's called Tsundere (see wiki for details). It's really one of the more realistic romance animes. Real life romance is not perfect like so many anime's display. The female lead (in the imaginary real life drama) is rarely so selflessly devoted to the protagonist. Suzuka loves a dead guy. To her, he's perfect. It becomes very difficult for Yamato to surpass him, but that's exactly what he tries, and eventually it works. As for Suzuka, she gets jealous of Honoka taking away Yamato's singular focus on her, and in ways attempts to sabotage their relationship. Honoka's character has no self-esteem and gets jealous of Yamato's proximity to Suzuka eventually leading to their breakup. Honoka also loses her near-angelic calm and berates Suzuka for being a heartless, selfish bitch. It's wonderful.

    Yamato's most noteworthy characteristic is his determination. Suzuka is a harem series, but for the most part, Yamato doesn't play the field and date every girl in the series. He dates only two in the course of the anime. Even when he's dating Honoka, he only sees Suzuka. There is never any significant wishy-washiness about who to end up with. It's implied that he only accepted Honoka's confession due to shock. Believe it or not, that's incredibly rare.

    Watch the series again, and take a deeper look at the character developments. It's rather comprehensive, and more realistic than "Wishy-washy idiot gets with angelic, selfless, childhood-friend-turned-beauty after sifting through countless other girls swarming him" series. Then wait three months and try to take a deeper look at each of the characters. I did, and stopped hating Suzuka and the series. Real romance is never smooth, and Suzuka displays it in a fairly accurate manner.

    NOTE: The manga is nearly exactly the same. Minor differences such as a hole between their rooms, changes in plot that don't change anything overall, more ecchi and nudity, and plot points inserted so they can be reintroduced later (how Honoka deals with their break-up).

    The relationship in the manga is as rocky as the series, and it seems to be continuing that way. Yamato's behavior however, continues to impress me.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Thu, 08-17-2006 at 09:17 AM.

  4. #284
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Watch the series in it's entirety, then wait 3 months and see what you think of it then.

    We all hated Yamato while we watched the series. It's hard not to considering all the stupid things he does. Suzuka is a huge bitch through most of the series. But, that's really her character. It's called Tsundere (see wiki for details). It's really one of the more realistic romance animes. Real life romance is not perfect like so many anime's display. The female lead (in the imaginary real life drama) is rarely so selflessly devoted to the protagonist. Suzuka loves a dead guy. To her, he's perfect. It becomes very difficult for Yamato to surpass him, but that's exactly what he tries, and eventually it works. As for Suzuka, she gets jealous of Honoka taking away Yamato's singular focus on her, and in ways attempts to sabotage their relationship. Honoka's character has no self-esteem and gets jealous of Yamato's proximity to Suzuka eventually leading to their breakup. Honoka also loses her near-angelic calm and berates Suzuka for being a heartless, selfish bitch. It's wonderful.

    Yamato's most noteworthy characteristic is his determination. Suzuka is a harem series, but for the most part, Yamato doesn't play the field and date every girl in the series. He dates only two in the course of the anime. Even when he's dating Honoka, he only sees Suzuka. There is never any significant wishy-washiness about who to end up with. It's implied that he only accepted Honoka's confession due to shock. Believe it or not, that's incredibly rare.

    Watch the series again, and take a deeper look at the character developments. It's rather comprehensive, and more realistic than "Wishy-washy idiot gets with angelic, selfless, childhood-friend-turned-beauty after sifting through countless other girls swarming him" series. Then wait three months and try to take a deeper look at each of the characters. I did, and stopped hating Suzuka and the series. Real romance is never smooth, and Suzuka displays it in a fairly accurate manner.

    NOTE: The manga is nearly exactly the same. Minor differences such as a hole between their rooms, changes in plot that don't change anything overall, more ecchi and nudity, and plot points inserted so they can be reintroduced later (how Honoka deals with their break-up).

    The relationship in the manga is as rocky as the series, and it seems to be continuing that way. Yamato's behavior however, continues to impress me.
    yup,i entirely agree with you, cos i think some ppl here jump into watching an anime without even reading a sypnosis or without even knowing what to expect...and groan and complain when it sways away from the fantasies that they ever so created in their minds...

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