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Thread: Ergo Proxy

  1. #41

    Ergo Proxy

    A-U is Anime-United, which is a speedsub group. I know of a couple good groups with plans on this, so I'm just gonna wait.

  2. #42

    Ergo Proxy

    From what I have seen from Anime-United in their other releases, they suck ass.

  3. #43

    Ergo Proxy

    Yeah, that's what I figured...I'll wait for Anime-Kraze.

  4. #44

    Ergo Proxy

    The ratings for this release are superb on AniDB. The Y-F part is Yoroshiku and they apparently did a fantastic job on this sub. I'm downloading right now to check it out.

  5. #45

    Ergo Proxy

    Good episode, a little confusing, but looks to be extremely promising as a series.

  6. #46

    Ergo Proxy

    Damn, this show owns, especially the animation. This is the best animation I've ever seen. The Yoroshiku sub isn't all that bad either.

  7. #47

    Ergo Proxy

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    The ratings for this release are superb on AniDB. The Y-F part is Yoroshiku and they apparently did a fantastic job on this sub. I'm downloading right now to check it out.
    You're joking, right? Those ratings are retarded.

  8. #48

    Ergo Proxy

    Well I watched their sub and it is decent. It doesn't "suck ass" like someone mentioned.

  9. #49
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Ergo Proxy

    It was an interesting episode. Technical aspects were really good, like BOARD_of_command said, and the character design pleasing enough. And detailed. Hard to say anything about the story other than it seems dark and oppressive. Nice. It would be good to learn quickly something about the characters, though, and why they are doing what they are doing.

  10. #50
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    Ergo Proxy

    oh my god the opening quote is in Italian!
    and what's more, I've seen it before, on a statue made by Michelangelo adorning a tomb in Florence!! Can't remember who, but I think he was from the Medici family...

    The translation in the sub is very close, but it has a couple errors. It should be:

    Dear/precious to me is sleep, and even more (precious) L'Esser* of stone,
    while the wrong and shame endure/remain.
    To not see, to not feel/sense, is great fortune/luck for me,
    therefore do not wake/rouse me. Hush, Speak softly.

    *The most awkward thing in this sentence is the use of L'Esser (truncated form of Essere). Alone, Essere is the verb 'to be', but putting the article IL (abbreviated to a simple L') in front of it makes it a noun, one with tons of meanings. So the phrase could also be read as : "and even more (precious to me, is) the being/creature/being made/existence/state of stone"

    What I find weird about this quote is that it was made as a reply to a contemporary of Michelangelo's who said:

    La Notte, che tu vedi in si dolci atti
    dormir, fu da un Angelo scolpita
    in questo sasso, e perché dorme, ha vita,
    destala se non l'credi e parleratti

    The night, which you see sleeping in a state of grace/ sweetness (dormir goes up here for translation purposes)
    Was by an Angel sculpted
    In this stone, and although sleeping, has life
    Wake her if you do not believe it (that she is alive) and she will speak to you.

    In all reality they were just talking about art, sculpture especially. And, upon further investigation, I found that the part sculpted on the statue (the part quoted in the beginning of Ergo Proxy) is only the first part of Michelangelo's reply. The second part is, translated (and this one was a bitch to translate I'll have you know):

    The greatest artist does not have any concept
    that is not already contained inside of the material
    and only the hand that is guided by intellect can arive at this

    But if you try to think of this (particularly the part that Michelangelo was responding to) in a more general sense, it is interesting. I wonder what the meaning of the quote(s) will have to do with the storyline...

    Oh yes, I enjoyed the episode. I was sorta disappointed with the part of 'Paranoid Android' that they chose to use for the ending theme... so many better parts in that song.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  11. #51
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Ergo Proxy

    Heh heh. Somehow I get the feeling you would have enjoyed it after the quote no matter what kind of stuff had followed [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    I find one of the first scenes in the episode to go pretty much hand in hand with the opening quote:

    "At that moment... everything came back to me.
    All of my creator's evil plans.
    No matter what I do I cannot resist them.
    However... However...
    I must punish them for what they have done.
    I can hear the sound... Of Awakening..."

    Well, there's not really any need to explain or elaborate, if you think about it a bit. Although this still doesn't really tell what was the meaning for the whole story.

  12. #52
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    Ergo Proxy

    Kraco I remember that line too, but I thought it stands as a contrast with the opening quote. The opening quote (and especially the second half of Michelangelo's verse) seems to imply that the creator has limited power, and that whatever is inherint in the material is the strongest element in shaping how it turns out.

    Also, you all know how much I love looking up VAs, and I noticed right off the bat that Pino (the young scientist) had a voice I'd heard a million times. It's because the actress also did Rickert (Berserk), Kohaku (Inuyasha), Riku (Blood+), Mipple (lol, that name cracks me up, Pretty Cure) and -ugh- Relena (Gundam Wing) .... well, that last one leaves a sour taste in my mouth... Can't believe that whiny bitch 'HEEEEEEROOOOO!!!" is the same voice as Rickert 'Sugoi!' Still, a pretty talented voice. The rest of the Ergo Proxy cast is a bunch of nobodies.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  13. #53

    Ergo Proxy

    The italian at the beginning is from Michelangelo's book of poetry, Rime di Michelangelo. Also, as masamuneehs mentioned, it's on the statue Michelangelo made for Giuliano de Medici.

    Official Translation:
    Sweet is my sleep, but more to be mere stone,
    So long as ruin and dishonour reign;
    To bear nought, to feel nought, is my great gain;
    Then wake me not, speak in an undertone!

    I wouldn't read too much into it.

  14. #54
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    Ergo Proxy episode 2. Pretty damn good episode too. Really a beautiful anime to watch, and the story seems promising.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  15. #55
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The word "Conspiracy" would suit this episode, perhaps the whole series, quite fittingly. That's actually very nice, because if build skillfully, they are indeed valuable plot elements.

    And very good animation, like masamuneehs said. But I still don't know why all those people were just standing still when other people around them were tossed around like toys. I would have run like hell to take cover somewhere, not just idle and wonder when's my turn to fly head first and smash some windows. That scene could have used a little more animation, really.

  16. #56
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    episode two was confusing. I want to know why they originally made Proxy. It seems the other one is the guy in the red suit. Who were the guys that broke into the girls house?

  17. #57
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    the one Proxy (crazy white hair) is the one depicted as breaking out of the lab in the opening scenes. That's the 'made one' as far as I can tell.

    Episode 1. Starts with the White Proxy waking up and breaking out.
    Second scene of episode 1. Alarm clock, breakfast, toothbrush. Who is waking up this time? It's the foreign engineer, Vincent... Coincidence?

    Next scene, a person driving to work. Light turns red, bike loses control and crashes. From a top down view we see the driver, dressed in what looks like Vincent's uniform sprawled out. Narration begins: 'At that moment everything came back to me... all of my creator's evil plans...'

    And from the end of Episode 2, it looks like Vincent has just been trying to be a normal guy, but he really is something much more. Also, the words written on his charm that Lil(Ril) finds at the end of the episode seem to be the quote from the opening. I couldn't get a good view of it though.

    The 'second' Proxy is the one who assaults Lil in here home and begins crying while looking at her. One of the Auto-Raves said that Vincent probably harbors emotions towards her (Lil).

    Speculate all you want, but from where I stand Vincent is definetely the second Proxy. How he came to exist however is a totally different story... It was mentioned he is a foreigner, so I see him as being made by a different group than those that made the White Proxy. Then again, that assumes that the Proxys are recent, and not ancient beings (which i feel they probably are)

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  18. #58
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    Ask yo moma
    Man this show is out there no one is going to contest wieather or not the visuales are wonderfull but its hard to get a feel for wuts going on, all i can say is the part wear the mom/baby died was hardcore i felt like time was standing still its like you could see it coming but you couldnt look away

  19. #59
    This show is godly and its animation is also godly.

    I like your analysis, masamuneehs.

  20. #60
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Notes on Ergo Proxy episode 1

    Its basically just a little bit of info on 'Cogito ergo sum' and the name of the Cogito virus. Then there's a bunch of translations of the opening quote and the history of the quote. Most of that info was in my post above.

    What's interesting (and I can't believe I missed this) was that they noticed that in Ergo Proxy the Donov Mayer (Lil's grandfather) has an office that is essentially a copy of Palazzao dei Medici, the place where Michelangelo's quote is written underneath a statue. It was really poor oversight on my part since I've actually recently been to that palace (but, then again, the actual Palazzo is very bright and well-lit while Mayer's office is incredibly dark...)

    Nothing that noteworthy, but I'm glad they're making an effort to catalogue some of the more subtle, easy to miss details about this show.

    Edit: Notes on Ergo Proxy Episode 2 also out. Haven't read yet.
    Last edited by masamuneehs; Sun, 03-12-2006 at 04:29 PM.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

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