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Thread: Ergo Proxy

  1. #201
    Man, this anime had such potential and it was pretty good with the action, suspense, drama and what not in the first half. Then everything just started to plummet. What happened? Did the original writers die or quit or something? Everything went in a spiral downwards, sadly.

  2. #202
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    If you thought it went downward, you need to be shot.
    Loved this ep.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  3. #203
    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Man, this anime had such potential and it was pretty good with the action, suspense, drama and what not in the first half. Then everything just started to plummet. What happened? Did the original writers die or quit or something? Everything went in a spiral downwards, sadly.
    Simple answer: this is not the action-packed series you expected it to be. It shouldn't even be in the action genre.

  4. #204
    That's not the point, the second half of the series, with all the game shows and randomness just didn't even fit the philosophical and deep feeling of it at all. I expected much more. It had action in it before, and thus should be categorized that way. Whats the point of having beings called proxies, with exemplary strength if they're not going to include their action? The series already had action between the proxy fights, or whatever.

  5. #205
    The game shows and whatnot give a lot of insight into the characters and the world. The main theme in the series is about Vincent's internal struggle with his other self. The title is Ergo Proxy, in other words it's just about Vincent/Ergo Proxy. The other proxies are just there to develop the story and give examples of what proxies can do. In the end it's not about Vincent fighting other proxies.

    I said it shouldn't be categorized as action because the fights don't even last that long. All of the fights are only there to develop Vincent's character and fuel his transition from human to proxy. After he accepted that he's a proxy, no more proxy fights were shown. Action series are like Tenjou Tenge, Bleach and Hellsing. Ergo Proxy is very different.

  6. #206
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A double release when we are reaching the end:

    Episode 22 - Pino no Usagi
    Episode 23 Final - Pino no Usagi

  7. #207
    BEST ENDING EVER (the EYES exceptionally) as i was watching i was remembering previous episodes where they were hinting what are proxys and what kind of world they live in.

    The main theme (as i understand it) of it was about (highlight->) God and how he used proxies to save humans and then discarded proxies (they die under sun)

    One of the best series comes to end :

    To celebrate the series i made a sig (basic a it my first).

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  8. #208
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Uhhuh... God... Well, these couple of last episodes were somewhat more clear and defined than some of the earlier ones towards the end, but many things were still sweetly left in the shadows. I'm still not 100% sure what was the proxies' preplanned programming. Apparently they were tough, superior beings left on the nuclear winter Earth to... do something while the remnants of the humanity were living in space waiting for the nuclear winter to pass.

    What exactly the proxies were meant to do, is another question. Were they meant to make sure there would be no competitors left for those returning from the space, or were they meant to build something ready and waiting for the returners. Apparently the proxies at first were building / maintaining the domes, so you could suppose that was their original programmed functionality before they started to do whatever they wanted. So I assume their function was to linger in the harsh environment and perhaps make some preparations so that the returning people would find it easier to settle down. Perhaps all the people bred in the domes were also a part of that plan. I should watch this episode a second time to grasp all the info...

    Well, this way or that, it was an excellent and intriguing series. Clearly an intellectual seinen series and not an action or adventure one. And following good Terminator traditions, the ending had to be like that. Jolly good indeed. Despite the bizarre episodes here and there this series left nothing but a positive impression.

  9. #209
    Ahh.... another great series under my belt. I think they did the last two episodes rather well, and it shows how well they constructed the characters because I was actually pretty sad when the director died, with him holding the picture with him and pino......
    Now that the series is finished and you get a better idea of what the proxies were supposed to do, did anyone else get a feel of a parallel to some sort of creation story? (I know they babbled on about it) What I mean is I really liked how now it's the beginning of the world again and all that's left is death, just like most other creation stories.... Anyhow imo a great end to a great series, definitely going in archives for future re-viewing.

  10. #210
    I'm struggling with the last few lines.

    "Now that several thousand humans have returned to the regenerated earth, the real battle beings. For I am Ergo Proxy, the emissary of death."

    The real battle against what? All civilization is annihilated and the Earth is now in reboot mode. But we see those planes coming from the clouds...controlled by who? He's hinting that there's more adventuring to be done, but where to? Everything is gone.

  11. #211
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Christ, that was a great series. Probably the weirdest I've ever seen but extremly fing great nonetheless.
    Agreed with Death13a, one of the best endings ever.

    And instead of spending half an hour writing up my thoughts, I'm just gonna quote Kraco in a nutshell.

    "Uhhuh... God... Well, these couple of last episodes were somewhat more clear and defined than some of the earlier ones towards the end, but many things were still sweetly left in the shadows. I'm still not 100% sure what was the proxies' preplanned programming. Apparently they were tough, superior beings left on the nuclear winter Earth to... do something while the remnants of the humanity were living in space waiting for the nuclear winter to pass.

    What exactly the proxies were meant to do, is another question. Were they meant to make sure there would be no competitors left for those returning from the space, or were they meant to build something ready and waiting for the returners. Apparently the proxies at first were building / maintaining the domes, so you could suppose that was their original programmed functionality before they started to do whatever they wanted. So I assume their function was to linger in the harsh environment and perhaps make some preparations so that the returning people would find it easier to settle down. Perhaps all the people bred in the domes were also a part of that plan. I should watch this episode a second time to grasp all the info...

    Well, this way or that, it was an excellent and intriguing series. Clearly an intellectual seinen series and not an action or adventure one. And following good Terminator traditions, the ending had to be like that. Jolly good indeed. Despite the bizarre episodes here and there this series left nothing but a positive impression."

    Edit: O, and god am I gonna miss the opening. It was on par with Suzumiyas. Better in a sense.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  12. #212
    It's definitely better than Haruhi's opening, but not its ending. Haruhi's ending is simply legendary.

  13. #213
    It was good, but it still was kinda confusing right till the end. How did Real-2 have Monad awaken? Was the other Proxy, really Proxy One? Ergo Proxy and Proxy One are the same beings? Real still never manages to use her last FP bullet. And too bad, there was no hint at a blossoming love.

    However, I hope there's a sequel, OVA, whatever. Though, I don't forsee it happening with an ending like that.

  14. #214
    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    And too bad, there was no hint at a blossoming love.
    There was plenty. Vincent regained his memories and knows that Real is Monad. Real also showed signs of Monad awakening inside her when she recalled her first encounter with Ergo. In the end she didn't give up when Romdeau collapsed because she wanted to see Vincent again.

    Basically, Ergo meets Monad for the second time (not counting Real-2).

  15. #215
    Best ending ever...

    haha... from what i understood, Ergo Proxy is Vincent Law+Proxy One, while Proxy One is just Proxy One.
    There won't be any sequels, but i'd sure like to see the coming fight against the humans (the mood would be different though, i guess)...

  16. #216
    Does anyone have the name of the band and/or the name of the song with possibly a direct/BT download to the full uncut intro ? :>

    I adore it..somehow ^^

  17. #217

  18. #218
    Anyone know where I can get some high quality pictures from Ergo Proxy? Preferably in excess of 1024x768? (I'm not asking for wallpapers)

  19. #219
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Just thought I'd revive this thread to say that I started watching this series recently, I'm about halfway through, and it's FREAKING AWESOME. I wish I'd watched it before. I knew Vincent was going to be badass from when he chose to fall out of the dome, and we got to see his piercing green eyes. Hopefully the second half of this series will be as good as the first.

  20. #220
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Haha. Congratulations on another superb series under your belt.

    Its been two years, and I can't remember much of the plot. I think a rewatch is in order.
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