@masamune: *looks over list* uh...where's Deaka? *sigh* Yzak always gets the spotlight...
Shinn should die. He annoys me. [Rey too.]
@masamune: *looks over list* uh...where's Deaka? *sigh* Yzak always gets the spotlight...
Shinn should die. He annoys me. [Rey too.]
Athur.....now that would be shocking/funny.
What's up with all the hatred for Arthur? I actually like the little shrimp and his comments.
"With this many here, if they were to betray us all at once, it would be the end of Gibraltar! Ha ha ha!"
/ No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.
Arthur's not that bad, but he's the only person who could be killed an no one would care.
at first i would say lacus, but seeing her in that new black outfit in the new op changed my opinion..............no w8 it didnt [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] she can stay for the rest of the series, but she'll better die at the end[img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img]
I sorta want shinn to die ^^ but i'd rather have him live and realize how stupid his way of thinking is in the end
here's my list (doesnt include shinn):
1. Dullindal cause he's full of crap
2. That orb guy who wanted to marry Cagalli, funny how he almost pissed his pants when freedom arrived
3. Rey cause he's full of crap too [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
4. Mwu cause his (suppose to be) death scene in SEED was awesome, was great (in good way i mean cause he did save archangel)
5. Mia cause i like lacus' singing better
Dude, Deaka is the fucking man. He may have deserted ZAFt, but that was cuz Chair Zala was a fucking retard gun-happy nitwit of a leader and he saw where where he should be fighting.Originally posted by: Digitalgirl
@masamune: *looks over list* uh...where's Deaka? *sigh* Yzak always gets the spotlight...
Shinn should die. He annoys me. [Rey too.]
Yzak got the spotlight for murdering innocent people. I just mentioned him because I thought it was a totally unforgivable crime that seems to have gone totally unpunished and almost forgotten by all his zealous fans.
And I hate Arthur because there is simply no way any reasonably coherent commander would choose him as an XO. He may be the worst person ever to be an officer. If they needed comic relief from an always flustered ninny they should have cast him as a mechanic or Meryin-like terminal operator.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
he didn't know they were innocent people he thought the shuttle was full of soldiersOriginally posted by: masamuneehs
Yzak got the spotlight for murdering innocent people. I just mentioned him because I thought it was a totally unforgivable crime that seems to have gone totally unpunished and almost forgotten by all his zealous fans.
Edited out all the bullshit i wrote....
comedy George W. Bush option lol
but seriously, i dont think there are any meaningful deaths left to be had, mwu was a good death, and it immortalised him as an awesome dude who sacrificed himself for the sake of the archangel, the only other person that i could see having a classic "immortalizing" anime death is andy, but even so ill be extremely underwhelmed when and if he bites it.
Edit/ oh just had a neat idea, Neo will get his memories back, and die again in the same way he did in SEED now that would fuck with alot of peoples heads
@PSJ: That is actually true, he DID think there were soldiers in the shuttle. He said it several times.
<3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.
Oh yea where? how the hell did i miss that? That's impossible. Did they even talk about the shuttle again after that? Fuck i have seen the show three times and never noticed that.Originally posted by: Terracosmo
@PSJ: That is actually true, he DID think there were soldiers in the shuttle. He said it several times.
Anybody got an ep where they do talk about it i would like to hear it myself....
When he does it, he screams "You call yourself soldiers? Cowards!" or something to that effect (it's in the same episode). So he thought it was evacuating soldiers. Also, in Destiny, it's in a flashback when Yzak says that "I should have died a long time ago" (so it was portrayed as a sin of his which he regretted). And as I said before he might be a pissy guy but he isn't a bad guy or in any way evil.
But yeah, it's too bad. As I said before I'd like him more if he actually knew he killed that little kid off. I hate overly cute anime kids.
Welcome to the forum, Annoying Generic Shinn Hater #421.
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Kira, Lacus, Athrun or Cagalli.
Not that I dislike them, but because I want someone unexpected to die. IMPACT!
I agree i want a main char to die and stay dead!
Lacus dead would be interesting, how would a pissed Kira fight in SF?
Well it has been a while since I saw that episode in Seed where Yzak shot down the shuttle, but tell me this, Who is the real cowardly soldier, the ones he thinks are escaping on a shuttle, or the one that shoots down the unarmed retreating shuttle?
"In the back Captain?!"
Even if they were fleeing for their lives like cowards, the guy shooting down an unarmed shuttle just on the whim that he believes they are soldiers can't be seen as any better (in my eyes he's actually worse) and is being hypocritical at best. Besides, didn't he even consider that some civilains evacuated Heliopolis on the ArchAngel, since the whole fucking colony got destroyed?
@PSJ & Terra, when Yzak said that I thought he was referring to Kira's actions during that fight, which were mostly non-confrontational. They were retreating at the time and I also thought Yzak shot the shuttle down because they passed in front of his gunsight earlier when he was trying to land a blow on the Strike. Then he intentionally looks down at the shuttle and blows it away.
& because I totally forgot this person before, I would like to add Andy Bartfeld (waldfeld, whatever) to the list of people I would like to see dead. JUST STAY DEAD GODDAMNIT!!! This whole people can come back from the dead shit is almost as annoying as the impossible to kill good-guys. I think only Toru, Heine and Lt. Bajiruu are the only good guys to be killed (and Cagalli's father, but that was his choice to stay there) and none of them were really major characters except for Nataru.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".