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Thread: Does anyone know a patch so i dont have to activate windows xp home sp1 ????

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  1. #1

    Does anyone know a patch so i dont have to activate windows xp home sp1 ????

    i need help does anyone know a patch so i dont have to activate windows xp home sp1 ???? i need to activeate in 18days [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  2. #2
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Does anyone know a patch so i dont have to activate windows xp home sp1 ????


    (1) why aren't you using a legit copy? It comes with freaking everything these days :-p. If you _are_ running a legit copy, why can't you activate it?
    (2) you shouldn't be running sp1. It's got gaping security holes all over. You should be running sp2, which fixes many of those security holes. Particularly if the machine will be used for anything involving the internet.
    (3) cracks are what crack sites are for, not what anime-themed forum and torrent sites are for :-p.

  3. #3

    Does anyone know a patch so i dont have to activate windows xp home sp1 ????

    i hate sp2 i disable all windows sercrtiy and the secrity center!!! my key has been activated to many times and im using it on another computer

  4. #4
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Does anyone know a patch so i dont have to activate windows xp home sp1 ????

    yikes .... coherence?

    You hate SP2 because of the security features, so you disable them? Or you hate SP2 because you disable all the security features? Regardless, as a sysadmin and infosec enthusiast, I have to say it's better to install sp2 (and keep yourself patched) and just disable the warnings security center gives you than it is to run unpatched on any computer that can so much as touch the internet.

    Anyway, quit reinstalling windows all the time for one thing. For another thing, you can probably get microsoft to either activate by phone, or to trade your current key in for a new one. Unless you were particularly blatant about things. But you'll have to call them up.

    Or you could just drop the $90 or so on another copy of xp home from newegg and get it over with. As a community, we shouldn't be endorsing software piracy (for the obvious reasons). Or, if all else fails, you could switch to some flavor of linux and learn a thing or three about choices...

  5. #5

    Does anyone know a patch so i dont have to activate windows xp home sp1 ????

    Im sorry but your blowing smoke here pal, theres no such thing as used it too many times, you OWN that but in your case you dont do you? lol

  6. #6
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Does anyone know a patch so i dont have to activate windows xp home sp1 ????

    welcome to the world of intellectual property as a whole. Nowhere does anyone EVER say that you "own" windows, or any other software. You "license" it from the copyright holder.

    Software isn't a tangible physical good. You own the CD media that your os came on, and the few cents worth value that that has. You license the right to actually use the information on the CD.

    In the case of Joker-R's problem, he's running into the fact that he's violating the license agreement (by installing on multiple computers at the same time). But I think he gave up a solid 2 and a half weeks ago, when he realized that nobody here was forthcoming with an easy way to break winxp's product activation, so I guess it's a moot point either way.

  7. #7

    Does anyone know a patch so i dont have to activate windows xp home sp1 ????

    Cant argue that one at all! lol, I just get a bit tired of listening to these stories and having my intelligence insulted "C".
    Your 100% correct about the licensing of course and I just knew that Joker was.......... well Im gonna leave it alone, as you said it IS a moot point now in retro! You can BTW if anyone has had this problem usually get another activation if you know how to speak and can beg properly! : )

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