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Thread: Argh... BitTorrent-noob here. Aid Needed.

  1. #1

    Argh... BitTorrent-noob here. Aid Needed.

    I just downloaded BitTorrent, clicked on the
    file. (Episodes 1-25)

    I'm not sure how BitTorrent works, not really sure on how to use it either. I selected BitTorrent to open the files.

    A BitTorrent window pops up with a bar... It's at 0.00%, been at there for an hour and is telling me that I need 120 more days to finish downloading.

    Eh... Some reassurance or help =)

    P.S. Not sure if this is helpful, but for some reason I get a zip file with all the episode files immediately after I try to download. Too bad the files are empty >=/
    I use Mozilla Firefox if that matters.

  2. #2
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Argh... BitTorrent-noob here. Aid Needed.

    sounds like you're having connection problems.

    Answer all of these questions, and we'll probably be able to help you.
    (1) What BitTorrent client are you using?
    (2) Does your client list any connections to peers or seeds?
    (3) Does your client show any error messages?
    (4) How is your internet connection set up? -- Do you have a cable or dsl connection? Do you have a router, or are you routed through another computer, or just plugged straight into your modem? Does your computer have a personal firewall, and if so, what?
    (5) Who is your ISP? Do you know if they block or alter bittorrent traffic (several do)?
    (6) What port is bittorrent trying to use? Is it the default, or did you change it? If you changed it, what did you change it to?

    All of these things have bearing on bittorrent actually working. It sounds like you've actually <u>got</u> a bittorrent client already, and it somewhat works, which is a good start.

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