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Thread: 267 out

  1. #1

  2. #2
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    267 out

    Seems all the past few chapters have been ending with a big cliff hanger....... Anyway Sakura's still the same as before, and I was kinda hoping she'd be the one giving us the surprises.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  3. #3
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    267 out

    I think the reason why Chiyo has puppets of Sasori's parents is something like they gave their lives to become "weapons" which would eventually bring Sasori down.

    OR, Sasori killed them and Chiyo knew that they would have wanted to become puppets to stop Sasori (or more accurately, if the parents could have chosen, they'd help in defeating Sasori).

  4. #4

    267 out

    Didn't White Fang (Kakashi's father) kill the father or something?

  5. #5

    267 out

    all is to be reveal on the next episode of naruto z: flashback time baby.

  6. #6

    267 out

    this was a very cool chapter, wish i had a scanlation though [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  7. #7
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    267 out

    I must be losing the heavy interest I once had in anime. This chapter did not impress me at all.

    I hope we see Kakashi's dad. I bet he's ultra cool.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  8. #8

    267 out

    Page 1: Title: The violent resolve!
    Sidebar: A genius...and therefore, a heretic. "Sasori of the Red Sands"...his ambition could never be fulfilled within the "Sand" of the 5 great countries.

    Page 2:
    Text: An unparalleled genius...The Sand's Third Kazekage has been made into Sasori's puppet!

    Sakura: The Third Kazekage...Then...
    Chiyo-baa: When the Third disappeared, more than 10 years ago...

    Page 3:
    Chiyobaa: Sasori...It was you!
    Sasori: Hmph...for a dying, retired old hag, you sure are working hard...

    Chiyobaa: Dying and retired as I am, I can still be bothered to stand up! I'd have too many regrets if I died now!

    My grandson has become a criminal, betrayed the village, and for the third time, killed our Kazekage?

    Sakura: Third time??

    Page 4:
    Chiyobaa: Orochimaru killed Gaara's father, the 4th Kazekage...but the one pulling the strings was him! Now we see he also killed the 3rd, and this time, Gaara!

    Sasori: I don't know shit about the 4th. I'm only in control of my subordinates.
    Sure, Orochimaru was originally part of us...and accomplished a lot...

    Page 5:
    Sakura: You...
    You know about Orochimaru...

    Sasori: Ready for another round?

    Page 6:

    Page 7:
    Chiyobaa: He's so fast!

    Page 8:
    Chiyobaa: even shattered Hiruko's tail...
    Sasori: Not bad, Chiyobaa...

    Page 9:
    Sasori: Soryaaaaa!

    Page 10/11:
    ClickaClickaClickaClickaClickaClickaClickaClickaCl ickaClickaClickaClickaClickaClickaClickaClickaClic kaClickaClickaClickaClickaClickaClickaClickaClicka ClickaClickaClickaClickaClickaClickaClickaClickaCl ickaClickaClickaClickaClickaClickaClickaClickaClic kaClickaClickaClickaClickaClickaClickaClickaClicka Clicka

    Page 12:
    Sasori: As long as granny's manipulating her, I can't trap her...


    Page 13:
    Chiyobaa: Shit!
    Sakura! Hold your breath!!

    Sakura: Ugh...

    Now I've got her. (Literally: Now that she's in the gas, how she moves doesn't matter).

    Page 14:
    Sasori: Ropes with kunai on the end. Payback for your earlier trick.

    Sakura: Naruto...I promised you...that this time...
    I swore...that I'd protect both of you...

    Page 15:
    Chiyobaa: Sakura!! Hang on!!
    Sakura: I can't die yet!
    Tag: Explosive

    Page 16:
    Sakura: Khack khack...

    Chiyobaa: This kid...using an explosive tag to blast herself out of the gas...
    She went that far...
    Just to escape a trap...

    Sasori: Wow.

    Sakura: I'm...

    Page 17:
    Sakura: I'm going to capture you! I don't care if my limbs get blown off or I get poisoned, I'm gonna get you!
    I'll beat you till you're half-dead and make you spill your guts about Orochimaru!
    No matter what you do, no matter what moves you use! Got it?!

    Page 18:
    Chiyobaa: A man should listen politely when a woman's are talking to him.

    Page 19:
    Sasori: Hunh...those, eh?
    Chiyobaa: Yes...the very first puppets you made.
    "Father" and "Mother".
    Side: Chiyobaa calls these puppets "Father" and "Mother"...what does she mean?
    Bottom: Sasori's past is revealed! Next time: "Puppets!"

    credit to hisshouburaiken of narutofan and whoever he got it from.

  9. #9
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    267 out

    As someone suggested in the other thread, Sasori did indeed make them. Now all we need to know is how Chiyo got ahold of them.
    Can't wait to see Sasori's past [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    I love when side characters are fleshed out.

  10. #10
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    267 out

    I said something about Chiyo having those two, but oh well.

    But Damn those were alot of hands, "TOO MANY HANDS". Sakura was somewhat useful, and she does seem to be getting cooler as the chapters go by. But just b/c you blow you self up to get out of something doesnt make you cool.....yet.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  11. #11
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    267 out

    I still want to know what kakashi's father had to do with sasori's dad
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  12. #12

    267 out

    shit , sakura tried to blow her self up but failed at killing herself.

  13. #13
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    267 out

    sasori looks pretty cool, but hopefully he doesn't have some fag bright green or blue hair in the anime. white would be nice.

  14. #14

    267 out

    The thing with White Fang might get explained next chapter, flashbacks are coming.

    His own parents were the first puppets he EVER made, now that is certainly something, he must've been without parents basically just after those photos you see him when he is a kid with his parents. Sasori might've been there when White Fang killed his father.

  15. #15

  16. #16

    267 out

    I really liked this chapter. Awesome Sakura Action.
    And for you Sakura haters. Atleast she is more useful than before.
    She is actually doing something besides Crying and Screaming "SASUKE-KUN!!!!!!"

  17. #17
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    267 out

    while i'm happy that sakura's more "useful", i'm still a bit wary about her role. so far, "actually doing something" has involved medical/healing ability, smashing large objects, and finally having ONE line that inserted a potential plot device.

    for a female ninja character, i'm rooting for a more ninja-ish ability-- i'm almost positive that if she ever gets around to learning genjutsu, combining that w/ her chakra muscle will kick ass.

  18. #18

    267 out

    Man every puppet just keeps getting crazier and crazier I hope Sakura leves Sasori up to Chiyo to go help Naruto
    For some reason I get the fealing that Sasuke might just show up to save the day. Since he has to be looking for Itachi and what better way to find out then beat it out of one of the Akatsuki members.

    Signature by Lucifus

  19. #19

    267 out

    That would be cool but I highly doubt Oro would let him go. If he does show up, it'll be with either Oro or that glasses guy (forgot his name again), or both. Hope we get to see more awesome puppets.
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  20. #20

    267 out

    Originally posted by: Roko
    That would be cool but I highly doubt Oro would let him go. If he does show up, it'll be with either Oro or that glasses guy (forgot his name again), or both. Hope we get to see more awesome puppets.
    The glasses guy is Kabuto. And I dun think Kishimoto would make Sasuke appear this early.

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